Friday, February 27, 2009

Episode 7 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Hi All!

So sorry this blog post comes a day late but I'm a busy girl these days :) So I'll waste no time and get straight to it!


The episode begins with Cesar looking through a Dharma station and he finds a shotgun with a Dharma notebook. Ilana comes in to tell him they found a man in a suit standing in the water who no one remembers being on the plane. Cesar conceals the weapon he found and they go out to question the man who turns out to be John Locke. He doesn't keep his knowledge of the island a secret and that he was being transported to his funeral on the plane.

After turning the wheel, Locke is transported to Tunisia, the apparent exit from the island. He's suffered a broken leg and it is repaired by a local doctor. When he wakes, Whidmore is sitting there waiting for him. He tells John that Ben has duped him by convincing him to leave the island as he did to Whidmore years ago and points out that a war is coming and John needs to choose a side. Whidmore gives Locke a new identity and informs him that he will help John gather up the Oceanic Six to return to the island. With Whidmore's lackey Abbadon, John travels the world to convince the Oceanic Six to return. He fails on all attempts, even visiting Walt in New York. It isn't until he goes to visit Helen's grave that Abbadon is shot and Locke ends up in the hospital. He wakes to find Jack and he tries to convince Jack to come back by telling him his father said hello. Jack freaks out and cries a little too saying Locke is crazy. John then realizes he has failed and goes to hang himself as Richard Alpert said he would have to die, when Ben enters at the last minute. He convinces Locke that he has succeeded by placing doubt in Jack's mind and Locke tells Ben about Jin who is still alive on the island and that he knows about Eloise Hawkins. Ben then strangles Locke and sets it up to look like a suicide.

So I'm doing better at keeping my summary's short! On to the Top Ten!

1. So as the series seems to be winding down we seem too be getting less mystery and more confirmations. I can't complain because I am so awesome at guessing the plot but the episodes seem to be getting more and more predictable. I meant don't get me wrong, I love being right when I make some theories and it is nice to get the confirmation but I'm sorta missing the surprises. Nonetheless, this episode pretty much told us the journey Locke aka Jeremy Bentham had post island. He came back, tried to get the Oceanic Six back, failed (but succeeded), and died.

2. The return of Abbadon! Maybe since I also love Fringe and he plays and awesome character on that, but I loved Abbadon. I have this weird thing for loving the freaky, scary characters on LOST (i.e. Patchy, Ben, Richard Alpert) and I was sad to see him go. When he got shot I didn't expect it. I will say this about him though, his whole speech on everyone has a path and destiny doesn't truly make sense. Because if Locke's destiny was to end up on the island, why did he have to visit Locke at the ward and convince him to go on the walkabout? If it was his destiny wouldn't he have gone anyways even without Abbadon's convincing?

3. The age old question of who to believe ... Whidmore or Ben? I think its becoming clearer just how evil Ben is. He killed John once he got his information on Jin and Eloise and then got rid of his problem - Locke. Poor Ben, he keeps trying to kill John but for some reason he just won't die. And I'm with Jack on why the heck John is so damn special? I will give him that he is a great actor because you do feel for him but why the whole specialness? Was he truly immaculately conceived like his crazy mother said? haha doubt it.

4. Cesar and Ilan? Clearly they are important since they got names. LOST doesn't give out names arbitrarily. And apparently the plane crashed on the island but it still looks intact. Lupidus must be a great pilot. Ilan and Cesar seemed pretty calm for just being in an PLANE CRASH! And not at all freaked out about John coming back from the dead. Cesar has to be someone important with his reaction to the gun and Dharma notebook. Possibly a Whidmore worker?

5. The time jump. So some of the Oceanic Six made the jump and some didn't. Locke, Ben, Lupidus and the unknown woman in his boat didn't make it. I think the other woman was Sun and I think she didn't make the jump since she didn't have her daughter with her. So why can't this group return to the time of the other losties who are stuck in the Dharma 70's?

6. Sayid. So Locke went to visit him and he was helping the world. This was post Nadia's death and he seemed pretty okay with it. So what changed his mind to make him want to join Ben's side of the war? I thought the catalyst in changing Sayid's mind was that Nadia was killed. He seemed pretty content to have had nine months with Nadia.

7. Well Jack was hardly in the episode and of course he was crying. As much as I love him he really needs to man up and deal with his daddy issues.

8. The most interesting and powerful scene was obviously Locke's death scene. He realized his utter failure, much like that of when he couldn't open the hatch, and as a man of faith he tried to do the only thing he knew was supposed to happen, die. But Ben with excellent timing as always shows up to talk him out of it. Poor Locke, he doesn't know who to trust, Whidmore or Ben. If I were him I would trust Whidmore since Ben is always trying to kill him, and then he finally succeeds. This was a powerful scene, I would say worthy of that Emmy he won last year when Ben lost :(

9. One other surprise the episode had in store for us was the return of the elusive Walt. This was a bit of a letdown as it was just kind of a scene where Locke was like "Oh hey Walt, what's up. Yeah you're Dad is back near the island. Cool, have a nice life." Umm how about "Yeah your dad sucks and he killed innocent people for you and now you have to come back to the island because you can talk to animals or whatever freaky thing Walt does." And as Maureen pointed out to me, perhaps the only reason they do the time travel is to explain Walt's growth spurt? haha.

10. Future predictions - the Oceanic Six are returning to the island in the 70's. This would explain why Ilan and Cesar know they have disappeared, they made the time jump and will return to see the old losties. But will Sawyer and Juliet be shacked up together? Did Sun make the time jump and will be reunited with Jin? Will the losties becomes Dharma and fight Ben when he is a little kid before he can annihilate them all? Looks like we'll have to keep watching :)

Alright feel free to post because I did the best I could with theorizing!!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Episode 6 - 316


So interesting episode! Who would have thought they would send the losties back to the island so soon. Lots of mysteries and lots of questions, unfortunately not as many answers as I would have liked but did I really expect LOST to hand those over? No, so let's get to it!

Jack wakes up on the island and finds Hurley and Kate with him in a lagoon. Flashback to off the island and the crew is chatting it up with Eloise. She tells them that the room they are in is an off-island DHARMA station called The Lamp Post. This room is not meant to locate the island but to find where it will be in time and space. Desmond freaks out at Eloise claiming she cost him four years of his life and delivers Farraday's message. A lot of scientific stuff ensues and Eloise tells Jack they have 36 hours to board an Ajira Airways flight 316 headed to Guam. The exact time and coordinates will bring them back to the island. She then tells Jack privately that the flight must replicate that of Oceanic 815 so he must get something of his fathers and put it with Locke's casket. Jack then goes to his grandfather to get his father's shoes. Jack returns home to find Kate in his house. She's crying on his bed and she asks Jack never to ask where and what she did with Aaron. He agrees and they get it on. Ben calls Jack from a phone booth in the morning (he's covered in blood) and asks Jack to pick up Locke's coffin from the butcher shop. Jack obeys and while he picks it up he puts the shoes on Locke. He arrives at the airport to find the gang all there - including Hurley and Sayid. Sayid is accompanied by an air marshall and Hurley shows up with a guitar after having purchased every seat in first class. The Oceanic Six and Ben get on the flight and it takes off. Jack overhears Frank Lupidus on the intercom and asks the stewardess if he can speak with him. Frank comes out to talk to Jack and recognizes the rest of the Oceanic 6 and that he won't be making it to Guam. Jack reads the suicide note that Locke left and it said "I wish you had believed me". Immediately after reading a bright white flash occurres and Jack flashed back to waking up on the island and finding Kate and Hurley. Jin then appears from the woods in a Dharma suit and with a gun but recognizes the three at the last second.

Well well, very interesting so lets do this ...

1. Not a fan of this episode. It really made you suspend any sort of disbelief you had. If you don't like Science Fiction I suggest you get out now because it only looks weirder from here. LOST has left it's conventional form and is breaking all the rules we've come to know and love. I guess my biggest problem with it was how anti-climactic it was to get back to the island. After all that work of gathering up the crew all they had to do was get on a plane? I was thinking like catapulting themselves through a worm hole, or teleportation. But alas, they had to do the same thing as last time. Actually I was kind of bored with it.

2. So they had to replicate flight 815 as much as possible? Is that why Sayid was being taken as a fugitive a la Kate? And Hurley had Charlie's guitar? That whole story line doesn't make much sense to me yet, and will these other people (air marshall, flight attendants, etc.) be happy they have to be on the island or will they die in the process of getting there?

3. So why wasn't Aaron there and what did Kate do with him? She looked like crap so it must have been something emotional. Now here's a question - does Aaron not have to go back since he wasn't an original person on the island? I would think yes he would have to go back but apparently not. Maybe the reason Kate jumped Jack in her emotional state was to get pregnant off the island thus allowing the baby to survive on the island and recreating the Claire persona on the plane? Does that make sense? I still think Aaron should have been on the plane.

4. Best line of the episode of course goes to my man Ben - Jack: "What's going to happen to everyone else?" Ben: "Who cares?" muahahaha I love evil Ben who I think will end up being good like he claimed back in season 2. Buuuut what was he doing that delayed him from picking up the coffin - was he carrying out his promise to kill Penny since Whidmore killed Alex? Was he doing something to get Hurley and Sayid to the plane?

5. Ahhh Jin shows up at the end! So are we to assume that time travel has stopped on the island since Locke moved the wheel and that the losties have been working as Dharma crew for three years? Looks that way to me! Oh Jin looked so hopefull to see them back so he could see Sun ... but how will she explain that her baby is gone ... how could Sun have just left her? She had to have known that once she went back to the island she wouldn't be able to return ...

6. Why the hell did we have to watch that whole scene with Jack's Grandad? It seemed so awkward and out of place ... unless LOST has other plans for that character but come on, I can't have Jack having more daddy issues let alone grand daddy issues. Let it alone!

7. Okay so I don't want to come across as superficial when I say this but I will ... I like my television actors to be attractive. Now I think Jack was up to par this ep even though I like him with buzzed hair but Kate, Lupidus, Sayid? Come one, no one looked good ... I guess they need to get back to the island to get their tans and look pretty again! haha I'm bad but whatever, you know you all are thinking the same thing.

8. I expected a little more from Desmond. If he claims that Eloise stole four years of his life I think he would have been a little more pissed! Also he came super close to getting knocked out by that pendulum ... haha that would have been great if that's how they brought Desmondo back ... he got knocked out by the swinging pendulum and they carted him off. But I think free will had a lot to do with people getting on the plane, Ben could have forced people on if he really wanted to but it looks like people had to make the choice.

9. I gotta give this one to my bud Courtney, she called that Eloise = Ellie from a few episodes so maybe the surprise will be who is Farraday's father? Could it be Whidmore or someone like that? And how did Eloise get all of these equations? Did Farraday figure them out and then go back in time to set it all up? Farraday is the key here to this island but we haven't had enough proof to put together a solid theory on it yet.

10. Jack and Kate are in love. I know I already mentioned this one but when she gets back to the island all pregnant with Jack's love child Sawyer will be out of the picture! woohoo!

Okay hope you all have some thoughts to share because I was left a little confused with this episode! See you next week :)


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Episode 5 - This Place is Death

Well not my favorite episode to date but still a good one! We finally found out about Rousseau and Christian is back! Read below for a short summary and my top ten! Oh and a correction from last week's blog, I totally forgot that Juliet got a nosebleed at the end, usually I would have rejoiced in that! Okay enjoy!

Jin wakes up to find Rousseau and company and he realizes the year is 1988. They take off into the jungle to find the radio tower when Smokey appears killing the other Frenchwomen. Smokey then grabs a hold of Lacombe (cute blond Frenchie) and drags him through the jungle down into a crevasse. The others try to pull him out but they end up separating his arm from his body and he is pulled under. Everyone except Danielle and Jin go down and Jin flashes to another time which is presumably a few weeks into the future because the arm is still on the ground. He finds his way to the beach to Rousseau's camp and he finds two bodies from her group. He then peeks around the bushes to see Rousseau holding a gun to her husband Robert. He makes a case that he still loves her and to spare him because the smoke monster was just a security system and when she puts down her gun he tries to shoot her. The gun is jammed and she shoots him in the head. Just as she had explained to Sayid. Jin finally meets up with the rest of the losties and they explain the time flashes. Just then Charlotte collapses and begins to move in and out of lucidity. She begins babbling things as a child and Farraday decides to stay with her while the others continue on the the Orchid. Before they leave she tells Locke to look for the well. They make it to the Orchid but stupid Juliet opens her mouth to comment on their luck and the Orchid disappears. Jin asks Locke to lie to Sun so she never comes back, giving him his wedding ring as proof. Locke finds the well and lowers himself in just as another flash comes and he crashes to the bottom. In the well he finds Christian Shephard who tells him he will guide him the rest of the way back. He needs to collect everyone to come back to the island and as Locke turns the wheel Christian asks him to say hello to his son.

The Oceanic 6 picked up where we left off, an argument on Pier 23. Sun is holding a gun up to Ben claiming he's a liar. Kate realizes that Aaron is in the car nearby and after accusing Jack of being in on the plot and only caring about Aaron to get him back she races to get him and pulls away. Sayid also bails warning the others to never come near him. Ben convinces Sun that he has proof that Jin is alive and Sun reluctantly goes with Jack, Hurley, and Ben. They arrive at Mrs. Hawkins/Farraday's lab to find Desmond there. Ben then gives Sun the ring as proof and they proceed inside the church. Mrs. Hawkins is disappointed that there is only half of the group but doesn't seem too concerned. They then begin to learn how to go back to the island.

Woah so looks like this episode was a sweet set up to next week! Let's get to it then!

1. Ben is a crafty and smart mofo. He has no idea if Jin is alive or dead, my guess is Locke kept his word and Ben was all, whatever, I'll totally manipulate Sun to get her back! But what about her adorable daughter? Will she come back to the island? Looks like she was far away in Korea but technically since she was conceived on the island that should make her part of it no? Ben also seemed legitimately serious about having done everything he could do to keep them all safe ... and I believe him.

2. Rousseau's story was interesting but it went with everything that she told Sayid. I guess I wanted to learn a little more about the sickness. So they got sucked down into the island and came out shells of who they once were. Does that mean they were still alive and the island was controlling them? Perhaps Jacob can't materialize and needs to take over other people in order to appear in the island world?

3. So the blond guy was cute but we knew he would die, who knew in such a gruesome way! Jason, this week's viewing buddy, can attest to my reaction to this one. I pretty much jumped off the couch and screamed, but I loved it! It reminded me of the brutality in the scene where Sayid killed that guy with his legs, so cool. But when Jin flashes into the future to see the arm we realize that the jumps between time are getting closer and quicker. Is time running out for our losties on the island? When will the Oceanic 6 arrive? I only ask because of the time difference on the island vs. the real world.

4. Charlotte - well we had it confirmed that she was born on the island. I still think it would have been a unique idea to make Farraday her father, it would explain the love he feels for her but he hasn't acted upon it. But we see she was turned into a babbling patient, just as the girl Theresa had done when Farraday was experimenting on her. So Charlotte had been searching for the island her entire life but was nervous because a scary man had told her never to come back or she would die, and this person was Farraday. I don't know about you but if a crazy scientist came to me and said if you go here you will die, 2 things - one: i would not try to go back unless i knew Jack was there to be my husband and two: i would remember what he looked like! Come on Charlotte! So it looks like we will find out that everyone from that team will be born on the island (see previous theory that Miles is the son of Dr. Halliwax). But whatever happened to Frank Lupidus?!

5. Locke turned the frozen donkey wheel with the help of Christian Shepard. I threw out some guesses right before and I was wrong. I do love to see Christian and I hope this means jack and his daddy issues will be resolved, that way we won't have to see him cry so much! And boy oh boy does Locke take a lot of sticks and shrapnel to the legs. Not to mention he got shot not so long ago. He really must be special. But that must really be Christian if he asked Locke to say hello to his son ... I don't think Christian is Jacob.

6. Juliet. You are the worst - everyone knows you don't say how lucky you are out loud because then you're luck will turn around! Idiot.

7. Kate why you gotta be hating on my man Jack so much! I'm pretty sure he's ACTUALLY related to Aaron where as you are a liar. And yes he wants you to come back to the island because he wants you to be safe. Ugh she was not my favorite this episode but scenes from the next look prettttty good ...

8. Okay so who has to go back now? We know the Oceanic 6 but does this include Desmond and Sun's baby? I would assume so. And Desmond confirmed that Eloise Hawkins was Farraday's mother. I felt like this episode was just confirming a lot we already knew. Also - Jin's t-shirt with the star on the back was awesome ... I'm def going to look into that!

9. The sickness - I'm a little bummed we don't know more about it but it was scary. So I guess I was thinking the sickness in terms of physical health, sort of how Claire got sick but looks more like invasion of the body snatchers. I think it would have been cool to see a whole episode about Rousseau so we could see when they got back from going down Smokey's hole and we could see how Rousseau found out they weren't themselves. That was a great scene when her husband turned on her, uber creepy!

10. So LOST is creating a catch 22 - chicken or the egg thing here. People are having memories of things that haven't happened yet or when it does they gain new memories. Its very confusing when you sit to think about it but I'm still loving the time travel element. I can't wait to see more connections and exactly how Mrs. Hawkins preps the group to get back ... and of course how Jack convinces Kate to go ...

Okay hope you all enjoyed! Until next week ...


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Episode 4 - The Little Prince

Okay so one of the best episodes in quite some time ... it was equally exciting on and off the island! I'm totally LOVING the time warp :) So I swear I'm keeping the summary short because it takes far too long to write when all I really want to do is gab on and on about how much I love Jack!

So here we see that Kate is being convinced by Sun to head off the the lawyer to see who his client is. Once he reassures her that she will never find out who the client is and that she will lose Aaron, she freaks. Jack meanwhile comes to find her because a man attacks Sayid in the hospital and in his pocket is Kate's address. Kate and Jack follow the lawyer to a motel where they see her meet with Claire's mother. Jack wanders up to the room to investigate and realizes that all Claire's mother wanted was to sue Oceanic Airlines. Coincidence? I think not. He then takes Kate back to meet up with Ben and Sayid. We find out that the lawyer is actually working for Ben (um did I call it or what?) and that the lawyer will successfully have Hurley released from Prison in the morning. They all rendezvous at the dock and Kate refuses to believe Ben. Sun is close by in a car watching the meeting and has Aaron in the back seat. She grabs her gun and approaches the group.

The island is still hopping through time and as they walk back towards the beach it becomes night and Locke looks out to see the hatch light gleaming up in the night. Sawyer goes to explore when he sees Kate helping Claire give birth in the jungle and a tender moment ensues until the next flash. The group makes it to the beach but not before Miles suffers a small nosebleed. Lock postulates that he needs to go back to get the Oceanic 6 since these flashes are happening because they left. Based on Farraday's theory that the time warp is causing the neurons in the brain to become confused and the brain to then hemorrhage, they need to stop it soon. They find the camp is back and the there is a canoe with an Ajira Airways water bottle in it. They take off in the canoe and a flash sends them into a storm where other people are out on the ocean shooting at them. The flash occurs and we see these new others find a person floating in the ocean. This person ends up being Jin and he wakes up to realize that the french woman aiding him is in fact Rousseau.

Wow I think that was the shortest summary I've done in a while! On to the top ten!!!!

1. Okay so Jack and Kate did not have any tender moments this episode and I'm angry. Yeah I'm looking at you LOST, you falsely advertised in last week's scenes from the next. BUT they are back together in the sense that another adventure has begun for them. However, Jack is still up to his old "I can fix anything" ways and it worries me. But for all you non-Jack and Katers out there, there was plenty of tenderness to be had between Sawyer and Kate. I do love Jack and Kate, BUT I will give it to them that they are playing up the Kate and Sawyer thing well, he so misses her and it was adorable. He could have said hi or helped but I guess that goes into the whole you can't change the future or past premise we heard earlier from Farraday this season.

2. I like that the time flashes allow the losties to be sent back in time to when they were on the island. I think this will be the explanation for why people show up at odd times and in odd places on the island - a la Walt to Shannon? Not sure if it can explain why dead people keep coming back but for sure it would explain other people's appearances. So this also begs me to ask the question - can the present losties interact with the past losties? I can't remember if anyone ever saw them self but that would have been a cool twist!

3. I totally called that Ben hired the lawyer to scare Kate to join up with the group! I also don't think its a coincidence that Claire's mother has the same lawyer, I'm sure Ben set that up as well to scare Kate. Not sure why he readily admitted that it was him, I'm sure Kate would have still been scared. So now I'm thinking that maybe the hit men after Sayid and Hurley are also employed by Ben - since they were only going at him with tranquilizers and no intent to kill ...

4. So I was shocked to see that we would meet past Rousseau so early in the season! But I'm glad because I've been waiting for it! I think there was some confusion, or maybe it was just my viewing bud from last night Courtney, that Ben was actually the real father of Alex but as you can see from last night's episode she was preggers when she crashed on the island. And might I say that Rousseau's hubby Robert is quite a babe! Me likes when lost gives me new hotties haha! So I am so excited to watch the "sickness" develop with her crew. Perhaps it has to do with the time travel - since the present losties are traveling through time, Rousseau & Co. get caught up in it and thus begins the sickness - so that would mean Charlotte and Miles have it, but more on that later. But if it is the sickness, wouldn't they just hemorrhage and die? Rousseau said she killed them all.

5. So Miles and Charlotte with a case of the nosebleeds. Charlotte recovered, not sure how since in the past they usually die like Minkowski, I still don't think she has much time. But it was interesting because Farraday asked Miles if he'd ever been to the island. Present time Miles said no, but I've had a theory for quite some time that Charlotte is actually from the island and I think the nosebleeds have to do with being from the island - or at least being meant to be there. So how and when was Miles on the island? Could we perhaps know him as Dr. Halliwax/Marvin Candle/Pierre Chang's son from the Dharma Orientation films? He was in the season premiere and he did have a wife or lady of the night ... haha so maybe! Another thought, what if someone who has been time traveling for a while, maybe Farraday, is a parents to someone we know?? Sort of how I speculated that Ellie from last week is Penny's mother ... not sure but that would certainly be interesting.

6. Easter Eggs Galore! So yeah the numbers are now being arbitrarily tossed around, Sayid was knocked out for 42 hours, Kate's address: 42 Panorama Crest, 23rd dock on the Marina! Also we saw a water bottle in the canoe from Ajira Airways which we've seen commercials for and it was in the video you could download off itunes with the promo song for the Fray. MAYBE there is going to be another plane crash since they are introducing a new airline? Not likely but maybe Whidmore has some control in it? Oh another easter egg was the van that Ben was driving - it said Canton-Rainier which is an anagram for "Reincarnation". Just like the Hoffs Drawler (flashforward) anagram, maybe this gives us a clue to how John Locke will die to bring others back to the island only to be reincarnated!

7. Jin is not dead and I think we all knew it! By the way, that dude needs some chapstick pretty badly! How is his English these days? Lucky for him Rousseau can speak English but should be an interesting conversation to watch next week. He clearly knows who Rousseau is so this will be how he finds out he has traveled back in time ... but wouldn't Rousseau have mentioned that she had met him before? Or no since it hasn't happened yet and since Rousseau is dead she can't process the new memory? And how does Ben know that Jin isn't dead as we saw him tell Sun in next week's scenes from the next?

8. Best line of the episode of course goes to Sawyer when they were on the canoe and being shot at - "Who are they? Other Others?" hahah. But Juliet is giving him the eyes and I am not liking it - unless it paves the way for Jack and Kate then I'm okay with it. When is Juliet gonna fall off the raft or get a nosebleed?

9. So Locke now knows he needs to start his search for the Oceanic 6 to bring them back and that he needs to go to the Orchid station to find them. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Ben leave to go do that? And can't Ben now not come back to the island? Doesn't the island need John there? This could maybe be answered by his ability to die and be reincarnated which is what seems like will happen.

10. Okay now I've mentioned this before but Kate being six months preggers when she crashed? Sorry, that would have been in some sort of report by the marshall. How they even thought lying about Aaron would have been possible is dumb. Clearly you're going back to the island because your brilliant plan to lie about it didn't work. And if they hadn't lied about it wouldn't the baby have gone to Claire's mother? In which case I'm sure she would have been a fine protector. Whatever, Aaron annoys me - dumb the kid and get with Jack :)

Okay well hope you enjoyed it ... until next week my fellow losties :)
