So it is with regret that I write my last entry for a while since this marks the end of season four and we are more than half way done with the glorious show called Lost. Now, you have to promise to keep me updated if you change emails or at least keep the link and check it out if you are still loving Lost next season. It won't be returning until February of 2009 so please keep in touch!
So now, a short short summary because if you didn't watch it, well then don't bother reading!

Jack and Sayer catch up with Locke and Hurley at the Orchid station. Locke tells Jack that he must lie if he ever gets off the island. Jack leaves with the others to find the helicopter where Ben is being brought by Keamy. When Ben reaches the helicopter, Kate comes out of the jungle with the others right behind her. A gunfight ensues and the others are victorious. Ben leaves to return to the Orchid station to help Locke after he assures Kate that she can leave the island for helping him escape Keamy's team. Ben arrives at the Orchid station to find Locke stumped by his directions. He and Locke leave Jack and the others and take the elevator down to the Orchid station. Ben opens a secret hatch door and begins loading all things metal into it. He asks Locke to watch a video which explains that the room reacts to the magnetic force on the island and metal should never be put inside. He hints that it is responsible for time traveling. As they are preparing the small room, Keamy comes down in the elevator and a fight ensues. Ben kills Keamy after he says that he is hooked up to explosives on the boat that his friends are on. Ben puts on his Dharma coat and tells Locke to lead his people. He then proceeds to a cold corridor where he turns a giant wheel allowing him to move the island. Back in the jungle, Jack and the others arrive and load up the helicopter. They head off toward the freighter when they realize they are losing fuel. Sawyer takes one for the team and after whispering to and kissing Kate, he leaps into the ocean. They arrive back on the freighter only to find Desmond screaming for them to refuel and leave. They grab Sun, Aaron, and Desmond and leave only to watch it explode. The helicopter crashes into the water as they are heading back to the island only to witness it disappear after a bright light. They find a raft and float until they reach a boat. On the raft, they decide, per Jack's persuasion, to lie to the world. The boat that finds them is owned by Penny Whidmore who is finally reunited with Desmond. The Oceanic 6 are then sent ashore after a week on Penny's boat to be rescued.
Desmond, Michael, and Jin attempt to keep the explosives from detonating by using the last tank of nitrogen . When the red light does go off, they have less than five minutes to get off the boat. Michael tells Jin to go and Christian Shephard appears to him to let him know it is his time to go. Jin is on the boat when it explodes.
Sawyer washes ashore to find Juliet. She is getting drunk after watching the freighter blow up. Back on the beach Daniel urges that Charlotte come with him and she tells him she is staying. Miles knows she is looking for her birthplace which we are led to believe is the island.
Kate and Jack pick up from the season three finale with a furious Kate. She is angry with Jack for asking her to go back and not being there to read to Aaron. She refuses to go back, even when Jack shows her the obituary for Jeremy Bentham. We learn when Walt visits Hurley in the mental institution that they have also been visited by the mysterious Jeremy Bentham who appears to have accidentally died, though they believe it was a murder. Hurley tells Walt that they are lying to protect the people on the island. Sayid also comes to visit Hurley after assassinating a man who is waiting outside. He tells Hurley they need to leave because "circumstances have changed". Hurley ends his chess game with an invisible Mr. Eko. Sun finds herself in England approaching Mr. Whidmore as the managing director of Paik Industries. She reminds him that she is not the only person who escaped the island. Kate finds herself at home asleep woken by a mysterious phone call. She goes to find Aaron and instead finds Claire holding Aaron in his room. She warns Kate not to take him to the island and Kate wakes from her dream, runs to Aaron, and tells him she's sorry. In the end scene, we see Jack break into the funeral parlor to open the casket. Inside we find that Jeremy Bentham, who has visited all of the Oceanic 6 to ask them to return to the island, is actually John Locke. Ben appears and asks Jack to begin to convince the other five that they need to return to the island.
Okay so I lied, it wasn't that short. But give me a break, it was 2 hours! So for the last time until next year, here is my top ten!
1. Woah, so you're telling me the next two season involves Jack gathering up his posse and taking them BACK to Lost island? Sounds good to me ... he has to win back Kate, gather his friends, and head back to a beautiful island? My only beef with this whole plot line is Jacob's list. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley were never on it, so why does the island want them back to badly? I thought Jacob only wanted good people ... why does Ben need them to return?
2. Ben is hands down the most awesome character. The comment about killing all the people on the boat .... "So?" It was great. And this whole Locke being the leader now, total crap. Ben has been and will always be in charge. He's still working for Jacob post island, hence why he is trailing the Oceanic 6 to get back to LOST island and tracking down Whidmore to end his desire to find the island. Like he said, he always has a plan. I feel badly for him, I thought we were going to get to see him reunite with Annie this season, oh well, probably next season.
3. As much as I love Jack and Kate, and don't get me wrong, I LOVE them! But, I also love Sawyer. So courageous for jumping out of the plane, and I love a good shirtless Sawyer scene just as much as the next lady ... but it was kind of a lame exit because we knew when he left Kate there would be the task he asks of her. It was weird as far as the love triangle but we all know Jack and Kate end up together. True love. haha. BUT, I am NOT liking the implications of when Sawyer washed up on shore with Juliet. I don't think she deserves one hot man let alone two! Ugh, I really hate Juliet, I'm glad her character has taken a back seat towards the end of the season.
4. I have to say, I am impressed about the whole moving the island thing. It was a very cool visual, and how freaked out would you be if you were on that helicopter and your destination just disappeared? So Ben moved it, but is now banished from the island. Maybe that's why he needs everyone to return, so Jacob will let him return. But also about the helicopter crash- that is one resilient baby that Aaron. How does a baby not drown in that? All eight of them survived? Yeah okay.
5. The best moment of the whole episode belongs to Penny and Desmond. I was so happy when they reunited! Finally a happy ending for one couple! It was tender, I love them. Very fitting end when Jack said goodbye, but it sounds better when Desmond says it ... "See you in anotha life brotha!"
6. Jeremy Bentham. I have to say I had some pure anger in the beginning of the episode when they said that was his name. Because we all hate when Lost tries to introduce new characters. I had thought it was Ben but alas, it was Locke. Thank god because he has been so annoying this season. And he looked like a fat Uncle Fester. But we for sure haven't seen the last of him, we're clearly going to see his off island visits to the Oceanic 6 in episodes to come. You know who they should bring back from the dead? Ethan and Goodwin, bring back the others, I miss them!
7. Charlotte wanted to stay on the island. I'm still so intrigued by the three "scientists". Now I'm about to drop a lot of lost dorkiness on you but apparently the character Charlotte was named after C.S. Lewis who wrote the "Chronicles of Narnia" series and in book two, the kids return to Narnia and jump in the water as a sort of rebirth. Now when Charlotte landed on the island she fell in water and appeared to be happy about it. And this theory is confirmed because we are led to believe that Charlotte was born on this island and she has returned to fulfill her life destiny or something. Wow. Huge dork right here. But I'm curious to find out more about her connection with the island, is she lost Dharma? An other? Richard Alpert's baby? haha who knows.
8. Micheal is gone-zo! Thank GOD! He was the worst! blah blah blah he repaid his debt or whatever, good riddance I'm glad to see him go. Boring story, adios Michael!
9. Jin is so not dead. We didn't see him die which is something they always show in Lost. He's such a huge character, if he was going to die, they wouldn't have made it so vague. But Sun clearly thinks he is. That was a sad part.
10. Last but not least, the island. So yes we know there is a magnetic anomaly of some sort, and that room was built near it for experiments. But the room is not the magic box, although it would have been a good explanation for it. I guess we have to have some suspension of disbelief and think that time travel and all that jazz is what makes this island unique. This Casimir effect, god I hope they have a good explanation beside magnetic effect or magical powers. Actually if they said magical powers I'd probably be cool with that.
So that's it folks. I hope you enjoyed the first season of my email between my two friends turned blog turned global sensation! Haha just kidding, who knows which one of you actually read it. For those of you who do, stay in touch and for goodness sake, make a comment, it's the last one until next year :)