Hi Friends!
So yes it's been a while but since LOST is off the air a friend suggested during the hiatus I write about JJ Abrams new series "Fringe" which certainly parallels my fave show LOST. I won't stick to any sort of format just a general review and how it connects to LOST of course.
So What's It All About?
So the show centers around Olivia an FBI agent who through a series of unfortunate events, finds a crazy old scientist to help solve some of her less traditional cases, the first of which being an entire plane was wiped out by a harmful chemical substance. This of course affects her personally when her lover and partner falls victim to an attack. In hopes of saving his life she creates a rag tag team of FBI agents, crazy scientists and his hot son Pacey Whitter (If a character is from another show I will of course be using that name, plus I love Pacey, who names their kid Pacey?) to figure out how to get the information out of her unconscious partner to track down the ruthless killer.
Fringe Connects to LOST?
So what is the connection to LOST you are asking? Well despite the obvious international plane scene (what does JJ have against airplanes? Is he trying to take down the industry?), we also had a few "easter eggs" for us LOST enthusiasts. Of course Abbadon, who in this show is FBI head agent Phillip Broyles (and also scary as hell!) looks to be having a large roll in the show, but also the numbers came through. I saw a distinct #42 as the room they were in at the mental hospital. Also the musical composer is Michael Giacchino, the same from LOST. Then not necessarily a connection but there is an evil corporation, a la Dharma Initiative, that is using the world as it's laboratory at the expense of human lives. Another connection was at the commercial break we saw a commercial promoting this company called Massive Dynamic. Also in the show we see a billboard for the company with the slogan "What don't we do?" inferring that this company controls the world.
Random Thoughts
1. Pacey is hot. In a TV season where they haven't chosen good leading characters (i.e. 90210) this show knows how to cast. Cute chick, hot guy, clearly this romance will be one I can obsess about, something of a Mulder and Scully, Boothe and Bones type. As much as I hate it, I feel like a shows only chance to keep the viewers hooked is to keep the love interests apart for as long as possible ... something perhaps Grey's anatomy should give it a try, but don't even get me started on that horrible show.
2. Science Fiction - clearly that's what this show centers around. The idea of Fringe science, telekinesis, mind control, etc. Sounds awesome and limitless. I especially like how they apply it to real life, saying how they will investigate the causes of global disasters. I'm liking how each week will look to be different story lines and rather linear, unlike LOST which I'll admit is confusing.
3. Government conspiracy ... looks like we'll have tons of traitors and unlikely allies to come. I didn't see the almost dead boyfriend turning bad, which we're led to assume but makes sense to the story line. We had to have a reason for Olivia to go to extremes so he had to live for all her efforts and prove that she needs crazy Dr. Walter Bishop, but in the end kill him and make him bad to clear the way for some Pacey and Olivia lovin!
So I think I've covered my favorite aspects of the show. If you haven't then I strongly urge you catch the encore this week. If you love LOST and all things JJ Abrams then you will enjoy this, unless you hate science fiction in which case you shouldn't be reading this.
Until next time!