Hi All! Let's get down to it ... sorry for the delay! But here is the last entry until the new episode April 24th!
The episode began with a very weary looking Michael, someone we haven't seen since he and Walt left the island back at the end of season two, leaving in a boat following Ben's bearings of 325 for rescue. We then see that Michael did in fact make it off the island all the way to wonderful New York City and has shorter hair! Michael then gets into his car, pins a note to his chest, and takes off at very fast speeds, ultimately crashing into a wall in an attempted suicide. Unlucky or lucky for him, he survives. He wakes up in a hospital where Libby comes to bring him a blanket. She turns out to be a figment of his imagination and the real nurse asks him if he wants to contact Walt, the person to whom the note was addressed to. We then flash forward to Sayid and Desmond on the boat who take off to find Michael in the engine room. Sayid demands that Michael tells them where he has been and why he is there. We then flashback to Michael off the island trying to get in touch with Walt but his mother refusing to let him see him. Michael, then tries to end his life again in an alley, until Tom, aka Mr. Friendly, intervenes and tells him the island won't let him go. Michael makes one more suicide attempt and when he sees on the television that the remains on 815 have been found, he goes to meet him in his hotel. When Michael realizes he cannot end his life, he meets Mr. Friendly and he tells Michael how Ben needs him to be a spy on the boat and that Whidmore is responsible for faking the crash remains. Michael agrees to kill everyone on the freighter so that they will not harm the people on the island, as a sort of atonement for what he had done to Libby, Ana Lucia and the rest of the losties. We learn that Michael is responsible for the chaos on the boat and that he has put faith in Ben. He received a bomb and went to detonate it, only to find that it was just a test. Sayid, after learning he is officially working for Ben, turns him in to the captain. The only action we see on the island is that Ben pleads with Alex to leave and hide at the temple. So Danielle, Alex, and Karl set off for the Temple. When they stop to take a rest, both Karl and Danielle are fatally shot while Alex stands up and claims that she's Ben's daughter and not to shoot.
1. Okay so this was the last episode until it comes back on April 24th. Eh, I wasn't so impressed and maybe that's because I am a Michael hater, but I felt like it only told us stuff we already knew, it just sort of confirmed our suspicions. It was confirmed that Whidmore owns the boat and is trying to find the island, Michael is working for Ben, Michael made it off the island with Walt, and Michael is responsible for the death's and destruction on the boat. I mean, yes the concept is a little crazy, the island pulling Michael back to help, but also not so surprising. So I was a little annoyed with the writer's for making this be their last cliffhanger episode for a while. Especially since I don't even have scenes from the next to hold on to!
2. Karl and Danielle - well this was unexpected. When the hole was made in the water bottle I was confused. I really didn't think they would kill them, I thought maybe they would get away. And it was just weird since Alex and Karl were talking so normally. But once Karl was shot, you had to expect Danielle would get it next. It was sad though, they literally met what, like a week ago island time? But she was able to say her goodbyes so that was sweet. But I will miss crazy Karl and his mind warping adventures and Rousseau's crazy French talk! Clearly I think Ben set this up, seems like if they wanted to kill Alex they would have ... and we know Ben doesn't like either Karl or Danielle. But I doubt that Alex will ever forgive Ben for this one ...
3. Why oh why does season three have so little of my man Jack?! In the next five episodes we better get some good old Jack story! Why is he a crazy pill popper? Is his dad haunting him in the future? Will he ever find him in Jacob's shack? When will him and Kate get married and what will I wear to the wedding? haha
4. So how's that for irony, Michael commits murder to get Walt off the island only for him to feel so guilty he tells Walt and in turn Walt ends up hating him for being a murderer? Sounds like justice to me!
5. I'm glad he's being haunted by Libby but why not Ana Lucia? Was she meant to go because as Ben said she wasn't a good person? Libby was an accident so maybe that's why. I did love this episode because we got to see so many old losties! We saw Mr. Friendly, Libby, Naomie, and Minkowski. I feel like Libby is very important to the back story so we'll be seeing more of her. Her connection to Hurley in the mental hospital and Desmond's boat!
6. So, Mr. Friendly is gay. Although this too was always a suspicion, it was confirmed in this episode. Back in season 3 premiere, he asked Kate to put a dress on and commented how he wasn't interested. Although this gave us a little insight, I didn't really see how this affected the story at all.
8. So the bomb Michael opened on the boat was intense. At first I was shocked about how crazy Michael had become, but then I looked back to see he was always intense and crazy. It was a clever way to test his loyalty to Ben's mission. So the ominous warning of "not yet" ... i guess we'll have to wait and see what the next warning is.
9. Okay so now I think what the big question is, is who is really responsible for the fake wreckage of 815. According to Mr. Friendly and Ben, it's Whidmore because he wants to find and exploit the island for it's powers. According to the hot boat captain and Miles (who apparently spit the grenade out of his mouth) and the rest of the boaties it's Ben who will do anything to keep people away from the island. So who do we believe? I personally think it's Ben. He's crazy enough to kill his entire Dharma peeps, then why wouldn't he dig up 325 graves and sink an old plane to the bottom of the ocean and call is 815? He clearly has the money, Miles wants it from him, and he clearly has the motive, keeping people away from his precious island. So I guess only time will tell who we can believe!
10. So I think that the oceanic 6 will get off the island at the end of this season. We still have one more to be revealed as I thought Jin was one but after last week he clearly is not. Oh, and because I need to mention it every week, Juliet sucks!
until April 24th!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Episode Seven - Ji Yeon
Happy Friday friends! So we're officially past the halfway part of this shortened season, and it's flying by so let's get to it!
So this week brought us a Sun-Jin centric episode! Sun had growing concerns that the boaties weren't going to rescue them so she made an executive decision to trek to Locke's camp and stay on the island despite Juliet's warnings of certain death if she stayed. Her plan was foiled however when Juliet learned of it and tried to stop her by spilling her secret of infidelity to Jin. This brought on a flash forward of Sun giving birth to a healthy baby girl post island. We also see Jin rushing like a mad man to get to who we think is Sun but scratch that, it's actually a flashback to pre-island times and Jin is running an errand for Paik Automotives. We then learn that Jin has since died and Hurley comforts Sun with the new baby while they visit Jin's grave. Back on the boat, Desmond and Sayid are finally allowed to visit the captain who is very forthcoming with information about his crew and the reason they are there- Ben Linus. We also see an appearance from the janitor aka Michael who we are to assume is Ben's contact on the boat. Other happenings on the boat include one of the crew member's suicide over the side of the boat and no one really moving to help her. Also we see blood stains on the wall from a previous murder or suicide. All good stuff!
1. Tricky tricky lost. A flash forward AND a flashback! I admit, i was confused at first but clearly the flashback was of the old Jin, which he was referencing himself when him and Sun were talking in the tent. They had me with the whole Panda deal, i thought he was rushing to Sun's side. And i briefly thought he had since divorced her and re-married, but why would he still be working for Mr. Paik then?
2. Sad times we lost Jin, didn't see that one coming. I guess we will find out how he died in future episodes. So does this mean he is an Oceanic Six or no? I thought he was the final oceanic six but maybe he died before then, although that wouldn't explain why his body was buried wherever they are. Also, I'm pretty sure his tombstone read 2004, which is when the plane crashed, and it's currently Christmas time on the island so he either dies like tomorrow, or that freaky time thing is going on. Or they lied and said he died in the plane crash. I have to go back and look at the tombstone but if it said 9-22-04 then he is not an Oceanic 6!
3. Sun is just really pretty, great casting.
4. Juliet - god she still sucks, I mean I know she told Jin Sun's secret for Sun's protection but she just wants people to hate her. She is miserable!
5. Woah Michael on the boat! I was convinced that was too obvious and they would throw us someone else, I was hoping patchy! I wish they hadn't had his name in the credits so we would have been more surprised. Haha and he's a janitor! Serves him right for being such a jerk on the island! And where is his precious Walt that he needed so badly? And what exactly is he doing on the boat? He's obviously trying to keep it there by ruining the engines and communications room but for what purpose? You would think Ben wants them gone, UNLESS he wants them all to go crazy, run out of food, die, etc. But they do have a helicopter to get to the island so who knows. And don't you think Michael would try to destroy that?
6. So those boaties really want Ben huh? We also get a confirmation to a suspicion we all had that Charles Whidmore is behind the boat's mission. Also we learned that there actually was wreckage that was discovered as Oceanic 815 and that Ben was behind it. The captain had a point, how does he have the resources to pull off something like that? And he clearly isn't working with Charles Whidmore, so what kind of beef does Caleb, oh scratch that- OC reference, Charles Whidmore have with Ben?
7. So the boat seems like a really gross place to be. How the heck are mice there? Speaking from recent experience with mice, i would be jumping off that boat and swimming for shore. And the captain is trying to blame it on cabin fever? i don't think so! I can't even speculate about what's happening. But what i do like is the hottness of the captain! yowsas!
8. Oh and last week I forgot to speculate that in the video that Ben showed to Locke, of Mr Whidmore holding someone captive, it looks like Patchy! Haha I'm grasping at strings here to have him come back. Also another thing I wanted to mention was Myles, is he still chewing on that grenade?
9. They threw us a fun little hint in that Nikki's TV show Expose was playing in Sun's room when she went in to labor!
10. I would really like a Jack-centric episode soon, i miss his hottness! Also I loved that Kate still wanted to tell Jack that Sun was leaving. She loves him, he loves her. end of story! :)
okay, well until next week!
So this week brought us a Sun-Jin centric episode! Sun had growing concerns that the boaties weren't going to rescue them so she made an executive decision to trek to Locke's camp and stay on the island despite Juliet's warnings of certain death if she stayed. Her plan was foiled however when Juliet learned of it and tried to stop her by spilling her secret of infidelity to Jin. This brought on a flash forward of Sun giving birth to a healthy baby girl post island. We also see Jin rushing like a mad man to get to who we think is Sun but scratch that, it's actually a flashback to pre-island times and Jin is running an errand for Paik Automotives. We then learn that Jin has since died and Hurley comforts Sun with the new baby while they visit Jin's grave. Back on the boat, Desmond and Sayid are finally allowed to visit the captain who is very forthcoming with information about his crew and the reason they are there- Ben Linus. We also see an appearance from the janitor aka Michael who we are to assume is Ben's contact on the boat. Other happenings on the boat include one of the crew member's suicide over the side of the boat and no one really moving to help her. Also we see blood stains on the wall from a previous murder or suicide. All good stuff!
1. Tricky tricky lost. A flash forward AND a flashback! I admit, i was confused at first but clearly the flashback was of the old Jin, which he was referencing himself when him and Sun were talking in the tent. They had me with the whole Panda deal, i thought he was rushing to Sun's side. And i briefly thought he had since divorced her and re-married, but why would he still be working for Mr. Paik then?
2. Sad times we lost Jin, didn't see that one coming. I guess we will find out how he died in future episodes. So does this mean he is an Oceanic Six or no? I thought he was the final oceanic six but maybe he died before then, although that wouldn't explain why his body was buried wherever they are. Also, I'm pretty sure his tombstone read 2004, which is when the plane crashed, and it's currently Christmas time on the island so he either dies like tomorrow, or that freaky time thing is going on. Or they lied and said he died in the plane crash. I have to go back and look at the tombstone but if it said 9-22-04 then he is not an Oceanic 6!
3. Sun is just really pretty, great casting.
4. Juliet - god she still sucks, I mean I know she told Jin Sun's secret for Sun's protection but she just wants people to hate her. She is miserable!
5. Woah Michael on the boat! I was convinced that was too obvious and they would throw us someone else, I was hoping patchy! I wish they hadn't had his name in the credits so we would have been more surprised. Haha and he's a janitor! Serves him right for being such a jerk on the island! And where is his precious Walt that he needed so badly? And what exactly is he doing on the boat? He's obviously trying to keep it there by ruining the engines and communications room but for what purpose? You would think Ben wants them gone, UNLESS he wants them all to go crazy, run out of food, die, etc. But they do have a helicopter to get to the island so who knows. And don't you think Michael would try to destroy that?
6. So those boaties really want Ben huh? We also get a confirmation to a suspicion we all had that Charles Whidmore is behind the boat's mission. Also we learned that there actually was wreckage that was discovered as Oceanic 815 and that Ben was behind it. The captain had a point, how does he have the resources to pull off something like that? And he clearly isn't working with Charles Whidmore, so what kind of beef does Caleb, oh scratch that- OC reference, Charles Whidmore have with Ben?
7. So the boat seems like a really gross place to be. How the heck are mice there? Speaking from recent experience with mice, i would be jumping off that boat and swimming for shore. And the captain is trying to blame it on cabin fever? i don't think so! I can't even speculate about what's happening. But what i do like is the hottness of the captain! yowsas!
8. Oh and last week I forgot to speculate that in the video that Ben showed to Locke, of Mr Whidmore holding someone captive, it looks like Patchy! Haha I'm grasping at strings here to have him come back. Also another thing I wanted to mention was Myles, is he still chewing on that grenade?
9. They threw us a fun little hint in that Nikki's TV show Expose was playing in Sun's room when she went in to labor!
10. I would really like a Jack-centric episode soon, i miss his hottness! Also I loved that Kate still wanted to tell Jack that Sun was leaving. She loves him, he loves her. end of story! :)
okay, well until next week!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Episode Six - The Other Woman
Hello Friends!
Welcome to the new format of how I will be sending out my weekly top ten list for my favorite show, LOST! I'm also adding a new element to it which will be a short recap of the episode, and then I will discuss my favorite and important elements to last night's show. So I hope you enjoy!
This episode began with the traditional format of the flashback. We saw Juliet in her awkward first week on the island chatting with the island's therapist in residence Harper Stanhope. Through Juliet's flashback we find that she is lonely on the island, soon taking up a relationship with her therapist's husband, Goodwin. We also delved into the history behind Ben and Juliet that was referred to in the season 3 premiere. Ben has a heart crush on Juliet, and when he finds out about Juliet and Goodwin, he did all that he could to stop it. He sent Goodwin out to explore the lostie's crash, thus endangering him with the horrible Ana Lucia. After Juliet pleaded to Ben at the creepy dinner they had to bring Goodwin home, Ben thought it was necessary to show Juliet Goodwin's body and let her know that she belonged to him. As for the real time on the island, Juliet and Jack ventured off into the jungle after Charlotte and Farraday to stop them before they reached the Tempest (the newest Dharma station), per Ben's orders via Harper. Juliet was instructed to shoot both of the boaties, however once Juliet was able to escape from Jack and continue on her mission, she failed to eliminate them and Daniel and Charlotte were able to render the poisonous gasses inert, thus "saving" the island and all it's inhabitants from Ben's plot to gas everyone. Back in Othersville, Ben was able to strike a deal with Locke by telling him some of the island's secrets. He revealed who the boaties were working for, Mr. Whidmore, and thus in exchange was allowed to live among Locke's party.
Now for my top 10!
1. Rage. It's how I ended the episode and I think we all know why. Jack and Juliet shared a kiss, but I have to say a few things about it. A. It was not NEARLY as great as the kiss between Jack and Kate in season two. B. No tongue. C. It was totally a pity kiss because Jack is a good guy, he felt bad for her and so he planted a friendly kiss on her. Haha, I think you all should just accept that I will never accept this kiss. End of story.
2. Harper Stanhope- She is another creepy one. I also think she is part of the original inhabitants, a la Richard Halpert. She probably doesn't age for whatever reason. She seems to know a lot about the island but still follows Ben (just like Richard A.) and she just showed up in the middle of the jungle.
3. Juliet- You all know I don't like her but I will admit that this was a good episode. She does appear to be a nicer person than I thought and this episode was certainly trying to make you feel badly for her but I think it could be a ploy to make us all think she is a good redeemable person but in reality LOST wants to shock us all and make her bad. Plus, she sure got over Goodwin pretty fast and moved on to Jack. She's a man eater .... but she does win for best line of the night when Jack inquired about the therapist they had on the island and Juliet retorts "It's very stressful being an other, Jack."
4. Jack and Kate - He rushed to her aid right away, and it was a tender moment. Although I must say, this island sure appears to be pretty small. Pretty convenient the way they just all happen to stumble upon each other. Also, Jack was looking good as always :)
5. Mr Whidmore- Okay so I don't think it's too big of a surprise that he is involved with the island. He seems to take a deep interest in the island last week when he was the winning bidder on the Black Rock's log and all of his products keep showing up on the island (preggers tests, whiskey, hot air balloon). Ben explained as though he wants to exploit the island for it's powers. I guess that could be true, but I find it hard that he has all that money and couldn't find it until now. Nor do I think he is involved with the Dharma people who I think the boaties are. So I'm not really sure how they are connected.
6. Sun- Umm why would the pregnant lady run off into the jungle in the middle of the night in the rain to look for them. If i was pregnant on a freaky island, i would say hell no to any sort of activity and ask people to bring me dharma chocolate while i sat on the beach and waited for rescue.
7. Who's on the boat? I think a good guess is Michael. If Ben told him to head on one point and he would find rescue, it makes sense that he would run into that boat. They will probably show us a flashback in which Ben will have Michael go on this mission. Although I don't know why Michael would have any allegiance to Ben, unless he promised him money or something. Also I think Walt actually is on the island, hence is appearance to Locke in season 3 finale. This doesn't make me happy though because I really don't like Michael, waaaaay too whiny.
8. What is up with this chemical? Goodwin couldn't tell people he was working on it. He had some sort of mission like Desmond's where the fate of the island, perhaps the world, was in his hand with the push of a button. And why would Ben want to kill everyone again?
9. I think I'm going to give up, for now at least, on who is good and who is bad. It seems like each week I am torn between Ben and the boaties. I can't keep up. Although I loooooooooved when Ben was walking across from house to house in Othersville and when he came upon the puzzled looks from Sawyer and Hurley he just replied with "See you at dinner guys" Hahaha so funny! Oh and another thing, the therapist Harper, she mentioned that Juliet looks just like "her". Who is this "her"? Could it be Ben's mom, 'cause that would be creepy! Or does Ben have an other wifey?
10. Leave it to lost to amp up Ben's creepiness even more. His whole obsession with Juliet was pretty comical up until the end. When he was making dinner I couldn't help but laugh, but then at the end when he showed Goodwin's body to Juliet as his triumph, it was really creepy. Great casting with this guy, he's such a great character.
Well, I tried to keep the points shorter for you all, this episode was pretty good, nothing too huge happened, except for a little blip that i will no longer discuss as i don't think it is important to anyone (ahem, Jack and Juliet lovers). But I do want to clarify something in last week's email ... there are no actual easter eggs in the show, that is what they call it when clues pop up, like the numbers, or one character shows up in anothers flashback, that kind of thing. Haha sorry, sometimes I get lost in my dorky lingo.
Anywho, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment!
Welcome to the new format of how I will be sending out my weekly top ten list for my favorite show, LOST! I'm also adding a new element to it which will be a short recap of the episode, and then I will discuss my favorite and important elements to last night's show. So I hope you enjoy!
This episode began with the traditional format of the flashback. We saw Juliet in her awkward first week on the island chatting with the island's therapist in residence Harper Stanhope. Through Juliet's flashback we find that she is lonely on the island, soon taking up a relationship with her therapist's husband, Goodwin. We also delved into the history behind Ben and Juliet that was referred to in the season 3 premiere. Ben has a heart crush on Juliet, and when he finds out about Juliet and Goodwin, he did all that he could to stop it. He sent Goodwin out to explore the lostie's crash, thus endangering him with the horrible Ana Lucia. After Juliet pleaded to Ben at the creepy dinner they had to bring Goodwin home, Ben thought it was necessary to show Juliet Goodwin's body and let her know that she belonged to him. As for the real time on the island, Juliet and Jack ventured off into the jungle after Charlotte and Farraday to stop them before they reached the Tempest (the newest Dharma station), per Ben's orders via Harper. Juliet was instructed to shoot both of the boaties, however once Juliet was able to escape from Jack and continue on her mission, she failed to eliminate them and Daniel and Charlotte were able to render the poisonous gasses inert, thus "saving" the island and all it's inhabitants from Ben's plot to gas everyone. Back in Othersville, Ben was able to strike a deal with Locke by telling him some of the island's secrets. He revealed who the boaties were working for, Mr. Whidmore, and thus in exchange was allowed to live among Locke's party.
Now for my top 10!
1. Rage. It's how I ended the episode and I think we all know why. Jack and Juliet shared a kiss, but I have to say a few things about it. A. It was not NEARLY as great as the kiss between Jack and Kate in season two. B. No tongue. C. It was totally a pity kiss because Jack is a good guy, he felt bad for her and so he planted a friendly kiss on her. Haha, I think you all should just accept that I will never accept this kiss. End of story.
2. Harper Stanhope- She is another creepy one. I also think she is part of the original inhabitants, a la Richard Halpert. She probably doesn't age for whatever reason. She seems to know a lot about the island but still follows Ben (just like Richard A.) and she just showed up in the middle of the jungle.
3. Juliet- You all know I don't like her but I will admit that this was a good episode. She does appear to be a nicer person than I thought and this episode was certainly trying to make you feel badly for her but I think it could be a ploy to make us all think she is a good redeemable person but in reality LOST wants to shock us all and make her bad. Plus, she sure got over Goodwin pretty fast and moved on to Jack. She's a man eater .... but she does win for best line of the night when Jack inquired about the therapist they had on the island and Juliet retorts "It's very stressful being an other, Jack."
4. Jack and Kate - He rushed to her aid right away, and it was a tender moment. Although I must say, this island sure appears to be pretty small. Pretty convenient the way they just all happen to stumble upon each other. Also, Jack was looking good as always :)
5. Mr Whidmore- Okay so I don't think it's too big of a surprise that he is involved with the island. He seems to take a deep interest in the island last week when he was the winning bidder on the Black Rock's log and all of his products keep showing up on the island (preggers tests, whiskey, hot air balloon). Ben explained as though he wants to exploit the island for it's powers. I guess that could be true, but I find it hard that he has all that money and couldn't find it until now. Nor do I think he is involved with the Dharma people who I think the boaties are. So I'm not really sure how they are connected.
6. Sun- Umm why would the pregnant lady run off into the jungle in the middle of the night in the rain to look for them. If i was pregnant on a freaky island, i would say hell no to any sort of activity and ask people to bring me dharma chocolate while i sat on the beach and waited for rescue.
7. Who's on the boat? I think a good guess is Michael. If Ben told him to head on one point and he would find rescue, it makes sense that he would run into that boat. They will probably show us a flashback in which Ben will have Michael go on this mission. Although I don't know why Michael would have any allegiance to Ben, unless he promised him money or something. Also I think Walt actually is on the island, hence is appearance to Locke in season 3 finale. This doesn't make me happy though because I really don't like Michael, waaaaay too whiny.
8. What is up with this chemical? Goodwin couldn't tell people he was working on it. He had some sort of mission like Desmond's where the fate of the island, perhaps the world, was in his hand with the push of a button. And why would Ben want to kill everyone again?
9. I think I'm going to give up, for now at least, on who is good and who is bad. It seems like each week I am torn between Ben and the boaties. I can't keep up. Although I loooooooooved when Ben was walking across from house to house in Othersville and when he came upon the puzzled looks from Sawyer and Hurley he just replied with "See you at dinner guys" Hahaha so funny! Oh and another thing, the therapist Harper, she mentioned that Juliet looks just like "her". Who is this "her"? Could it be Ben's mom, 'cause that would be creepy! Or does Ben have an other wifey?
10. Leave it to lost to amp up Ben's creepiness even more. His whole obsession with Juliet was pretty comical up until the end. When he was making dinner I couldn't help but laugh, but then at the end when he showed Goodwin's body to Juliet as his triumph, it was really creepy. Great casting with this guy, he's such a great character.
Well, I tried to keep the points shorter for you all, this episode was pretty good, nothing too huge happened, except for a little blip that i will no longer discuss as i don't think it is important to anyone (ahem, Jack and Juliet lovers). But I do want to clarify something in last week's email ... there are no actual easter eggs in the show, that is what they call it when clues pop up, like the numbers, or one character shows up in anothers flashback, that kind of thing. Haha sorry, sometimes I get lost in my dorky lingo.
Anywho, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Episode Five - The Constant
Happy Friday! So yes, I think I'm probably a huge dork since I took the day off and I'm still writing to you, now that's dedication! I only hope you all actually read it and like it, haha! So, I went out last night for a friend's bday and only just finished the episode. So let's get down to it!
1. Woah. Freaky time travel. Okay so clearly this explained A LOT. I'm assuming we're supposed to assume that this time travel thing has been happening to him since the hatch exploded, an obvious side effect of the radiation and electromagnetism. It just appears that his travel off of the island intensified the side affects, that being his split consciousness in different times. So this kind of reminded me of the matrix. The disconnect between the body and the brain, you can't really exist in both places and Daniel was trying to get him to choose a place, find the constant, to keep him sane enough in one place. Luckily he chose the future so he can still interact with the losties, although i gotta tell ya, Desmond with the short hair, i like.
2. Jack - still very hot, but wasn't in it much. I'm actually okay with jack-less eps so long as an other hot person takes their place. Or a good story line, and in this one we got both!
3. TONS of hidden easter eggs in the episode, pretty obvious ones. I trust you all notice the reference to the black rock and the auctioning off of the never before read diary ... i wonder if we shall see that come into play. My guess is no since it was discovered 7 years after the boat crash or something. Or did he say 7 years ago, because that would be interesting. Also the numbers made some appearances. We still haven't figured that one out, maybe Daniel will help with that.
4. Merry Christmas losties ... maybe Kate will stop being a crazy person and get with Jack for his present! Either that or it would be a Christmas gift for me if Juliet was killed off!
5. Speaking of deaths, I hate to say it but I think Desmond might be next. Clearly this time travel thing takes a toll on the body, I was just surprised to see how fast it affected him all of a sudden. But he made his connect with Penny, told her he loved her, so he's kind of resolved, and i think that would be a pretty big death for the show, enough to shock everyone. Either him or Claire.
6. Okay, so Sayid, he's good with electronics, i get it. But that communications room looked pretty bad. How the hell did he get that phone fixed in like two seconds! come on!
7. Daniel Farraday - he's becoming a fave, i love his quirkiness. He's taking over my love for patchy, whom i still miss. But from the end, we were supposed to assume he suffers from the time travel disease as well? Why haven't we seen him go all comatose? He has a greater mission clearly but lord knows when we will find out. Looks like he'll be concocting more experiments in next week's episode.
8. Who is the secret helper on the boat? I've heard people say Michael but I doubt it. I mean, when Ben let him off the island he gave him bearings, which I would be curious to see if they were the same ones that the helicopter pilot was following, and Ben said they would find rescue. But Ben clearly doesn't like these boaties so why would he send Michael there? It's probably someone we haven't met yet.
9. Time travel kind of hurts my head when I think about it. I think I enjoyed lost more when it was more realistic like they were all just stuck on an island. It's a little far fetched but I guess they're playing it off well. Did anyone ever see the movie "Contact"? It was terrible. Not sure why i brought it up, time travel i suppose but it was a crappy movie, yet i don't change the channel when it's on.
10. Next week looks like its shaping up to be a Juliet centric episode. She is awful, when will she go away, we can only pray next week will be her demise. Also, not a huge fan of this Charlotte person. Basically anyone that gets in the way of Kate and Jack. :) Oh and I forgot to mention Minkowski - holler to the guy from Johnny 5!
Okay well off to enjoy my day off! Until next week!
originally sent on February 29, 2008
Happy Friday! So yes, I think I'm probably a huge dork since I took the day off and I'm still writing to you, now that's dedication! I only hope you all actually read it and like it, haha! So, I went out last night for a friend's bday and only just finished the episode. So let's get down to it!
1. Woah. Freaky time travel. Okay so clearly this explained A LOT. I'm assuming we're supposed to assume that this time travel thing has been happening to him since the hatch exploded, an obvious side effect of the radiation and electromagnetism. It just appears that his travel off of the island intensified the side affects, that being his split consciousness in different times. So this kind of reminded me of the matrix. The disconnect between the body and the brain, you can't really exist in both places and Daniel was trying to get him to choose a place, find the constant, to keep him sane enough in one place. Luckily he chose the future so he can still interact with the losties, although i gotta tell ya, Desmond with the short hair, i like.
2. Jack - still very hot, but wasn't in it much. I'm actually okay with jack-less eps so long as an other hot person takes their place. Or a good story line, and in this one we got both!
3. TONS of hidden easter eggs in the episode, pretty obvious ones. I trust you all notice the reference to the black rock and the auctioning off of the never before read diary ... i wonder if we shall see that come into play. My guess is no since it was discovered 7 years after the boat crash or something. Or did he say 7 years ago, because that would be interesting. Also the numbers made some appearances. We still haven't figured that one out, maybe Daniel will help with that.
4. Merry Christmas losties ... maybe Kate will stop being a crazy person and get with Jack for his present! Either that or it would be a Christmas gift for me if Juliet was killed off!
5. Speaking of deaths, I hate to say it but I think Desmond might be next. Clearly this time travel thing takes a toll on the body, I was just surprised to see how fast it affected him all of a sudden. But he made his connect with Penny, told her he loved her, so he's kind of resolved, and i think that would be a pretty big death for the show, enough to shock everyone. Either him or Claire.
6. Okay, so Sayid, he's good with electronics, i get it. But that communications room looked pretty bad. How the hell did he get that phone fixed in like two seconds! come on!
7. Daniel Farraday - he's becoming a fave, i love his quirkiness. He's taking over my love for patchy, whom i still miss. But from the end, we were supposed to assume he suffers from the time travel disease as well? Why haven't we seen him go all comatose? He has a greater mission clearly but lord knows when we will find out. Looks like he'll be concocting more experiments in next week's episode.
8. Who is the secret helper on the boat? I've heard people say Michael but I doubt it. I mean, when Ben let him off the island he gave him bearings, which I would be curious to see if they were the same ones that the helicopter pilot was following, and Ben said they would find rescue. But Ben clearly doesn't like these boaties so why would he send Michael there? It's probably someone we haven't met yet.
9. Time travel kind of hurts my head when I think about it. I think I enjoyed lost more when it was more realistic like they were all just stuck on an island. It's a little far fetched but I guess they're playing it off well. Did anyone ever see the movie "Contact"? It was terrible. Not sure why i brought it up, time travel i suppose but it was a crappy movie, yet i don't change the channel when it's on.
10. Next week looks like its shaping up to be a Juliet centric episode. She is awful, when will she go away, we can only pray next week will be her demise. Also, not a huge fan of this Charlotte person. Basically anyone that gets in the way of Kate and Jack. :) Oh and I forgot to mention Minkowski - holler to the guy from Johnny 5!
Okay well off to enjoy my day off! Until next week!
originally sent on February 29, 2008
Episode Four - Eggtown
Hi Everyone,
Okay so last night was episode four and it was one of my fave character’s – Kate! So me and some friends tried out a new place in NYC – Professor Thom’s and they have a lost watch night – big screens and the whole place quiets down for the show, lots of fun basically. I passed on the Hurley burger and got a grilled cheese and it was delicious! The Jack’s Nacho’s were also a big hit J Anywho let’s get to it! My top ten point list of the week!
1. First things first, Jack and Kate. Big steps seemed to have been made in their relationship off the island. Jack was defending Kate in the courtroom, and even though he said he didn’t love her anymore to the jury, that was clearly proved wrong at the end when he wanted to go grab coffee. I am absolutely convinced they have some sort of love affair off the island because they have a special meeting spot at the airport. So I wonder when they actually do. Before Jack goes crazy but after the courtroom? Jack and Kate foreverrrrr J
2. Baby Aaron – Okay so this was the big surprise of the episode, and actually they made it pretty obvious in the beginning with Kate and Claire talking about Aaron, but honestly I didn’t really see Kate becoming a mother post crash. So I guess this answers the “he” question from season 3 finale. I sort of thought it was her ex husband (Kate racks up some pretty hot exes) but alas, it was her “son”. So the question now is, is it really Claire’s Aaron or is it Kate’s baby whom she named Aaron. I’m pretty sure it’s Claire’s baby. He’s blonde (but so is Sawyer) and he’s pretty old already, I’m assuming Kate’s trial happened pretty quickly after the crash since she was so high profile. So now we have to wonder why Claire never made it off the island and Kate has her baby. Also, didn’t the prophet say bad things would happen if anyone besides Claire was to raise the baby? Did anyone else think the baby looked different, omg I’m so bad. Haha.
3. 8 crash survivors – Okay so in the trial Jack said only 8 people survived the crash. So clearly he is lying, and the Oceanic 6 are covering something up which we all knew. So I’m thinking he said 8 because they are going to confess that 2 people died, one of which will be Claire, and that’s how Kate got the baby. I’ve actually thought that Claire would die before the series ended because her back story was kind of weak. Besides her and Jack being half brother and sister, which by the way I can’t wait for them to find out, she really doesn’t have much more to offer the show. Usually when people are in pairs, i.e Shannon and Boone, Nikki and Paulo, they don’t survive much longer without the other. So since Charlie bit the dust, my fear is Claire doesn’t have much longer.
4. Jack and Claire as bro and sis – I can’t wait for this one to happen but I really hope lost let’s them both know while they are on the island. Poor Jack really doesn’t have much luck with family so I’d like for him to at least know that Claire is his sister. But, if he finds out after the island maybe that’s what makes him crazy and want to go back, to find her. Also is this why he doesn’t want to see the baby? Because he knows it’s his nephew and maybe something bad happened to take Aaron away from Claire and he doesn’t agree with it? Or does Aaron have some sort of weird powers a la Walt and it freaks Jack out? OR is it Sawyer and Kate’s real baby and that makes Jack mad? Haha just some food for thought…
5. Miles and Ben – switching from my Jack Kate obsession, let’s chat about the Miles and Ben aspect. $3.2 million. So specific, and Ben questioned that. Pretty ballsy for Miles to risk his life to get to the island only to ask for money, doesn’t really make too much sense to me. Why do these people want Ben? My only guess at this point is that they are old Dharma, looking to punish him for the purge. But if Ben is good, which is what I think the show is trying to make us think, then the boaties have to be bad and I don’t think Dharma are bad people. They actually wanted to learn from the island. But the boaties clearly don’t like the original inhabitants so that’s why I think they are Dharma, back for revenge!
6. I miss Patchy. Seriously, I’m hoping he isn’t dead because for some reason I just loved that guy. Maybe I have a thing for one eyed bad guys!
7. Juliet still sucks at life. I can’t wait until she dies, which clearly she has to since there was only an Oceanic 6 and if they lied about the number of survivors, then they certainly wouldn’t tell people about the people already there. Also she sucks, did I mention that? And if her and Jack make out again I might throw something at the TV.
8. Locke is starting to annoy me. I hope he loses all his followers, which we know he will since in the season premiere Hurley said he shouldn’t have followed Locke. Looks like Sawyer is going to stay with Locke since he and Kate got in that big fight, which although I love Kate, Sawyer had a point. She never makes up her mind and she should be glad she isn’t preggers. Doesn’t she remember that pregnant women die on the island? That was a pretty hot scene, coming from a jack and Kate lover. Also, where did Kate get all the nice new lingerie? Also the first thing I would do once I got to Othersville is shower!! Come one people!
9. Also, when they were reading Kate’s charges, I was impressed. I had forgotten she had racked up so many! And I’m no lawyer, but I find it extremely doubtful that she would get off with just probation. Murder, robbing a bank, assault on multiple police, and her getting her childhood bf killed would never get off that easy. But I guess with this show we need a little suspension of disbelief and by little I mean a lot. Also, why did she stop Jack’s time on the witness stand? She seemed really uncomfortable about him saying all these good things about her but then as soon as they got outside she was all smiles and wanted to be chatty and flirty with him. Well obvio she didn’t do everything he said but it was clear he loves her and she was not down with that. Ohhh Kate when will you stop being so difficult and just get with Jack! PS Kate has a sweet house, guess Oceanic settled big!
10. I think I def like my Jack to be scruffy and not so clean cut. And he’s currently in NYC to promote Vantage Point … soooo I’m clearly down for some stalking if anyone is interested.
Okay so that was pretty long. Feel free to comment, add your theories or just read! Next week I will be out of the office on Friday but I will still try to write one, might not make it until Monday. If you know anyone else who wants to be on the email let me know. Have a wonderful weekend in the snow everyone!
original email sent February 22, 2008
Okay so last night was episode four and it was one of my fave character’s – Kate! So me and some friends tried out a new place in NYC – Professor Thom’s and they have a lost watch night – big screens and the whole place quiets down for the show, lots of fun basically. I passed on the Hurley burger and got a grilled cheese and it was delicious! The Jack’s Nacho’s were also a big hit J Anywho let’s get to it! My top ten point list of the week!
1. First things first, Jack and Kate. Big steps seemed to have been made in their relationship off the island. Jack was defending Kate in the courtroom, and even though he said he didn’t love her anymore to the jury, that was clearly proved wrong at the end when he wanted to go grab coffee. I am absolutely convinced they have some sort of love affair off the island because they have a special meeting spot at the airport. So I wonder when they actually do. Before Jack goes crazy but after the courtroom? Jack and Kate foreverrrrr J
2. Baby Aaron – Okay so this was the big surprise of the episode, and actually they made it pretty obvious in the beginning with Kate and Claire talking about Aaron, but honestly I didn’t really see Kate becoming a mother post crash. So I guess this answers the “he” question from season 3 finale. I sort of thought it was her ex husband (Kate racks up some pretty hot exes) but alas, it was her “son”. So the question now is, is it really Claire’s Aaron or is it Kate’s baby whom she named Aaron. I’m pretty sure it’s Claire’s baby. He’s blonde (but so is Sawyer) and he’s pretty old already, I’m assuming Kate’s trial happened pretty quickly after the crash since she was so high profile. So now we have to wonder why Claire never made it off the island and Kate has her baby. Also, didn’t the prophet say bad things would happen if anyone besides Claire was to raise the baby? Did anyone else think the baby looked different, omg I’m so bad. Haha.
3. 8 crash survivors – Okay so in the trial Jack said only 8 people survived the crash. So clearly he is lying, and the Oceanic 6 are covering something up which we all knew. So I’m thinking he said 8 because they are going to confess that 2 people died, one of which will be Claire, and that’s how Kate got the baby. I’ve actually thought that Claire would die before the series ended because her back story was kind of weak. Besides her and Jack being half brother and sister, which by the way I can’t wait for them to find out, she really doesn’t have much more to offer the show. Usually when people are in pairs, i.e Shannon and Boone, Nikki and Paulo, they don’t survive much longer without the other. So since Charlie bit the dust, my fear is Claire doesn’t have much longer.
4. Jack and Claire as bro and sis – I can’t wait for this one to happen but I really hope lost let’s them both know while they are on the island. Poor Jack really doesn’t have much luck with family so I’d like for him to at least know that Claire is his sister. But, if he finds out after the island maybe that’s what makes him crazy and want to go back, to find her. Also is this why he doesn’t want to see the baby? Because he knows it’s his nephew and maybe something bad happened to take Aaron away from Claire and he doesn’t agree with it? Or does Aaron have some sort of weird powers a la Walt and it freaks Jack out? OR is it Sawyer and Kate’s real baby and that makes Jack mad? Haha just some food for thought…
5. Miles and Ben – switching from my Jack Kate obsession, let’s chat about the Miles and Ben aspect. $3.2 million. So specific, and Ben questioned that. Pretty ballsy for Miles to risk his life to get to the island only to ask for money, doesn’t really make too much sense to me. Why do these people want Ben? My only guess at this point is that they are old Dharma, looking to punish him for the purge. But if Ben is good, which is what I think the show is trying to make us think, then the boaties have to be bad and I don’t think Dharma are bad people. They actually wanted to learn from the island. But the boaties clearly don’t like the original inhabitants so that’s why I think they are Dharma, back for revenge!
6. I miss Patchy. Seriously, I’m hoping he isn’t dead because for some reason I just loved that guy. Maybe I have a thing for one eyed bad guys!
7. Juliet still sucks at life. I can’t wait until she dies, which clearly she has to since there was only an Oceanic 6 and if they lied about the number of survivors, then they certainly wouldn’t tell people about the people already there. Also she sucks, did I mention that? And if her and Jack make out again I might throw something at the TV.
8. Locke is starting to annoy me. I hope he loses all his followers, which we know he will since in the season premiere Hurley said he shouldn’t have followed Locke. Looks like Sawyer is going to stay with Locke since he and Kate got in that big fight, which although I love Kate, Sawyer had a point. She never makes up her mind and she should be glad she isn’t preggers. Doesn’t she remember that pregnant women die on the island? That was a pretty hot scene, coming from a jack and Kate lover. Also, where did Kate get all the nice new lingerie? Also the first thing I would do once I got to Othersville is shower!! Come one people!
9. Also, when they were reading Kate’s charges, I was impressed. I had forgotten she had racked up so many! And I’m no lawyer, but I find it extremely doubtful that she would get off with just probation. Murder, robbing a bank, assault on multiple police, and her getting her childhood bf killed would never get off that easy. But I guess with this show we need a little suspension of disbelief and by little I mean a lot. Also, why did she stop Jack’s time on the witness stand? She seemed really uncomfortable about him saying all these good things about her but then as soon as they got outside she was all smiles and wanted to be chatty and flirty with him. Well obvio she didn’t do everything he said but it was clear he loves her and she was not down with that. Ohhh Kate when will you stop being so difficult and just get with Jack! PS Kate has a sweet house, guess Oceanic settled big!
10. I think I def like my Jack to be scruffy and not so clean cut. And he’s currently in NYC to promote Vantage Point … soooo I’m clearly down for some stalking if anyone is interested.
Okay so that was pretty long. Feel free to comment, add your theories or just read! Next week I will be out of the office on Friday but I will still try to write one, might not make it until Monday. If you know anyone else who wants to be on the email let me know. Have a wonderful weekend in the snow everyone!
original email sent February 22, 2008
Episode Three - The Economist
Hello Friends!
Okay so many things to be happy about, it’s Friday, I have a 1pm dismissal today, and LOST was fantastic last night! So here it is, my ten point list. Feel free to comment on whatever you want!
1. First things first, Jack and Kate. Loved the scene where she said “now you know how it feels to be me” and Jack retorted with a “well should I wait twenty minutes and go anyway?” They love each other, end of story. I was so sad at the end of the episode when Jack thought Kate chose to stay, I can’t wait to until he finds out she’s being held prisoner there. It really breaks my heart. Haha.
2. Hurley – I can’t believe he set Sayid up like that? And how did Sayid, assassin/knower of everything, fall for it? He usually sees those things coming from a mile away! Hurley was a very convincing liar, I was surprised when team Locke showed up. Also Hurley gets the prize for best line of the night when he meets Miles and says, “Oh great, the boat brought us another Sawyer.” haha
3. Kate – I loved that she called out to Sayid right away when Sawyer showed up, it shows her loyalty to Jack. She’s clearly still pissed about Sawyer choosing team Locke and I think the steamy scenes we saw from the previews will be Kate trying to manipulate Sawyer so she can escape and get back to Jack, either that or it’s my wishful thinking.
4. Losties vs. Boaties. The end scene with Ben I will get to but I want to start with this division. I think that somehow, like it was losties vs the others, the main focus for the end of the series will be losties vs boaties. Somehow six losties get off the island. And they had to do something big to get off, and they are now protectors of the people still on the island. They are now battling the boat people who are trying to find the people still on the island. Sayid is somehow manipulated into being on Ben’s team to kill the boaties so that he can protect the losties still on the island. That alludes to the secret that Jack didn’t want Hurley to tell. For some reason, all the losties are safer on the island, away from the boaties, and the oceanic six need to keep it quiet, and Sayid needs to assassinate all the people who are trying to find them. I hope that makes sense, I’m sure that’s what most of you were thinking anyways.
5. Ben – it was obvious but I couldn’t believe he was Sayid’s boss. We should have seen it coming when Sayid mentioned that the day he trusted Ben would be the day he sold his soul. So, basically we know they did something huge to get off the island. Ben clearly comes and goes form the island, hence the secret room with passports and money and suits, and he has been battling these boaties for a while now. I just can’t wait to see how he is blackmailing Sayid to assassinate people. Also, Ben is a doctor now?
6. Sayid’s Flash-forward – I knew he was playing that girl the whole time but I didn’t expect him to show feelings for her. That was an intense end scene but clearly he should have seen it coming. I was hoping he was going to follow her to her employer. Who is this elusive employer of hers? I think it’s got to be the guy who went to visit Hurley in the institution, and he is creepy as hell. When Sayid shot that man on the golf course, I was shocked. Not where I thought it was going. I’m not sure if that guy knew who Sayid was. He looked genuinely freaked out when Sayid said he was an Oceanic Six. I think somehow Sayid lured him out to the golf course and knew he was bad before the guy knew who Sayid was.
7. 31 minute island to boat delay – here is where the freaky island thing comes into play … there is a time lag on the island. I don’t even know how to speculate on that one. But Daniel seemed pretty worried about it. I’m liking Daniel’s character, of the four to come to the island he seems like the most human and could be genuine enough to crack and tell us the truth, unlike Miles who is freaky and a liar.
8. Jack was smoking hot again last night, and I’m still hating Juliet. She’s useless and I hope the boaties dispose of her since she is an original habitant. Also I was happy to see Desmondo again, god I love him, brotha.
9. Sayid and Desmond went off in the end to the boat. Will they find out who Ben’s spy is there? Will we even see them on the boat? I think that would be wishful thinking, maybe at the end of the season, it took us forever to see where the others lived, I don’t think the producers will give us the boaties so soon. We are in need of a central location though, these three episodes have all been scattered.
10. This was one of the best episodes we’ve seen. I’m pumped for next week though, to see how Kate gets out of jail. Maybe we will find out who the elusive “he” is that she was referring to in season 3 finale. Although I’m pretty sure its her old husband, but its clear she and jack have some romance in the future, why else would they have a secret meeting spot by the airport??
Okay well I know that was long, I hope it made some sense. TGIF!
originally emailed on February15, 2008
Okay so many things to be happy about, it’s Friday, I have a 1pm dismissal today, and LOST was fantastic last night! So here it is, my ten point list. Feel free to comment on whatever you want!
1. First things first, Jack and Kate. Loved the scene where she said “now you know how it feels to be me” and Jack retorted with a “well should I wait twenty minutes and go anyway?” They love each other, end of story. I was so sad at the end of the episode when Jack thought Kate chose to stay, I can’t wait to until he finds out she’s being held prisoner there. It really breaks my heart. Haha.
2. Hurley – I can’t believe he set Sayid up like that? And how did Sayid, assassin/knower of everything, fall for it? He usually sees those things coming from a mile away! Hurley was a very convincing liar, I was surprised when team Locke showed up. Also Hurley gets the prize for best line of the night when he meets Miles and says, “Oh great, the boat brought us another Sawyer.” haha
3. Kate – I loved that she called out to Sayid right away when Sawyer showed up, it shows her loyalty to Jack. She’s clearly still pissed about Sawyer choosing team Locke and I think the steamy scenes we saw from the previews will be Kate trying to manipulate Sawyer so she can escape and get back to Jack, either that or it’s my wishful thinking.
4. Losties vs. Boaties. The end scene with Ben I will get to but I want to start with this division. I think that somehow, like it was losties vs the others, the main focus for the end of the series will be losties vs boaties. Somehow six losties get off the island. And they had to do something big to get off, and they are now protectors of the people still on the island. They are now battling the boat people who are trying to find the people still on the island. Sayid is somehow manipulated into being on Ben’s team to kill the boaties so that he can protect the losties still on the island. That alludes to the secret that Jack didn’t want Hurley to tell. For some reason, all the losties are safer on the island, away from the boaties, and the oceanic six need to keep it quiet, and Sayid needs to assassinate all the people who are trying to find them. I hope that makes sense, I’m sure that’s what most of you were thinking anyways.
5. Ben – it was obvious but I couldn’t believe he was Sayid’s boss. We should have seen it coming when Sayid mentioned that the day he trusted Ben would be the day he sold his soul. So, basically we know they did something huge to get off the island. Ben clearly comes and goes form the island, hence the secret room with passports and money and suits, and he has been battling these boaties for a while now. I just can’t wait to see how he is blackmailing Sayid to assassinate people. Also, Ben is a doctor now?
6. Sayid’s Flash-forward – I knew he was playing that girl the whole time but I didn’t expect him to show feelings for her. That was an intense end scene but clearly he should have seen it coming. I was hoping he was going to follow her to her employer. Who is this elusive employer of hers? I think it’s got to be the guy who went to visit Hurley in the institution, and he is creepy as hell. When Sayid shot that man on the golf course, I was shocked. Not where I thought it was going. I’m not sure if that guy knew who Sayid was. He looked genuinely freaked out when Sayid said he was an Oceanic Six. I think somehow Sayid lured him out to the golf course and knew he was bad before the guy knew who Sayid was.
7. 31 minute island to boat delay – here is where the freaky island thing comes into play … there is a time lag on the island. I don’t even know how to speculate on that one. But Daniel seemed pretty worried about it. I’m liking Daniel’s character, of the four to come to the island he seems like the most human and could be genuine enough to crack and tell us the truth, unlike Miles who is freaky and a liar.
8. Jack was smoking hot again last night, and I’m still hating Juliet. She’s useless and I hope the boaties dispose of her since she is an original habitant. Also I was happy to see Desmondo again, god I love him, brotha.
9. Sayid and Desmond went off in the end to the boat. Will they find out who Ben’s spy is there? Will we even see them on the boat? I think that would be wishful thinking, maybe at the end of the season, it took us forever to see where the others lived, I don’t think the producers will give us the boaties so soon. We are in need of a central location though, these three episodes have all been scattered.
10. This was one of the best episodes we’ve seen. I’m pumped for next week though, to see how Kate gets out of jail. Maybe we will find out who the elusive “he” is that she was referring to in season 3 finale. Although I’m pretty sure its her old husband, but its clear she and jack have some romance in the future, why else would they have a secret meeting spot by the airport??
Okay well I know that was long, I hope it made some sense. TGIF!
originally emailed on February15, 2008
Episode Two - Confirmed Dead
Hi Everyone,
Okay so it’s Friday and that means another lost recap 10 point list of thoughts! Feel free to reply to all or me or whatever you want to do!
1. I know I always state this at least once, but Jack was smoking in last night’s episode. Looking especially cute when he winked at Kate.
2. I’m pretty sure they were all flashbacks … the only iffy one is the vacuum guy. As a whole I didn’t like the whole boat people flashbacks so soon. We knew about the others since season one and the first time they got a flashback was season three. Who do these boaties think they are that we can get insight into their back story so soon??? As a whole, I thought this episode, like in true lost fashion, just brought up a whole bunch of new mysteries while leaving tons unanswered. Oh well!
3. What is up with the ghost buster’s vacuum thing? I believe he can really speak to the dead, which will be interesting for some things like say he goes back to talk to the dead spirits of people who have died on the island … like Nikki and Paulo. That might be enough to drive Hurley crazy, knowing the buried people alive. I do not like this Miles guy though, he is trouble.
4. Dan Farraday … he’s creepy looking but he seems like he might crack and befriend our losties. Why the heck was he crying? Jack is enough of a cry baby for me, we don’t need another. He also told Miles that they (jack and kate) were good people. Sooo are they good or bad? Ben says that he is a good person, Dan says the losties are good, but Ben says the boaties are bad …. I’m confused.
5. What the heck is up with this cover up? Why did they find a plane off of Indonesia? It has to be a government conspiracy, something to do with Dharma. Maybe the Dharma people knew the plane crashed on the island and they knew that they had to make it seem like they found the plane so people wouldn’t go looking for it and stumble upon their island. That is one big cover up though …
6. Naomi plus the scary dude that went to visit Hurley. What kind of a mission are they on? They said they were after Ben which I think is true. I think they are old Dharma people looking to get revenge since Ben killed all of their people during the purge.
7. So they have a helicopter now, do you think Desmond’s vision will come true and Claire and Aaron will get on it and off the island? But will they be safe with the boaties? I don’t think she is an oceanic six, so I don’t think she will ever get on the helicopter.
8. Lame lame lame kate jack and Juliet scenes. While I loved the wink from jack, it made me sad to know that he did it because Juliet was around. And what was that whole thing with them laughing in the jungle, god I really don’t like Juliet. When will they kill her off?
9. Sawyer is one of my faves. I mean don’t get me wrong, kate and jack forever, haha but his one liners are great. When he was walking with Ben, so funny.
10. What do we think will happen next week? Who is the next oceanic six? I know but I won’t tell.
Also just so you know, I just got made fun of in my office and everyone is trying to read my email. They think I’m a huge dork … prob true.
Okay write back! Off to the gym!
original email sent February 8, 2008
Okay so it’s Friday and that means another lost recap 10 point list of thoughts! Feel free to reply to all or me or whatever you want to do!
1. I know I always state this at least once, but Jack was smoking in last night’s episode. Looking especially cute when he winked at Kate.
2. I’m pretty sure they were all flashbacks … the only iffy one is the vacuum guy. As a whole I didn’t like the whole boat people flashbacks so soon. We knew about the others since season one and the first time they got a flashback was season three. Who do these boaties think they are that we can get insight into their back story so soon??? As a whole, I thought this episode, like in true lost fashion, just brought up a whole bunch of new mysteries while leaving tons unanswered. Oh well!
3. What is up with the ghost buster’s vacuum thing? I believe he can really speak to the dead, which will be interesting for some things like say he goes back to talk to the dead spirits of people who have died on the island … like Nikki and Paulo. That might be enough to drive Hurley crazy, knowing the buried people alive. I do not like this Miles guy though, he is trouble.
4. Dan Farraday … he’s creepy looking but he seems like he might crack and befriend our losties. Why the heck was he crying? Jack is enough of a cry baby for me, we don’t need another. He also told Miles that they (jack and kate) were good people. Sooo are they good or bad? Ben says that he is a good person, Dan says the losties are good, but Ben says the boaties are bad …. I’m confused.
5. What the heck is up with this cover up? Why did they find a plane off of Indonesia? It has to be a government conspiracy, something to do with Dharma. Maybe the Dharma people knew the plane crashed on the island and they knew that they had to make it seem like they found the plane so people wouldn’t go looking for it and stumble upon their island. That is one big cover up though …
6. Naomi plus the scary dude that went to visit Hurley. What kind of a mission are they on? They said they were after Ben which I think is true. I think they are old Dharma people looking to get revenge since Ben killed all of their people during the purge.
7. So they have a helicopter now, do you think Desmond’s vision will come true and Claire and Aaron will get on it and off the island? But will they be safe with the boaties? I don’t think she is an oceanic six, so I don’t think she will ever get on the helicopter.
8. Lame lame lame kate jack and Juliet scenes. While I loved the wink from jack, it made me sad to know that he did it because Juliet was around. And what was that whole thing with them laughing in the jungle, god I really don’t like Juliet. When will they kill her off?
9. Sawyer is one of my faves. I mean don’t get me wrong, kate and jack forever, haha but his one liners are great. When he was walking with Ben, so funny.
10. What do we think will happen next week? Who is the next oceanic six? I know but I won’t tell.
Also just so you know, I just got made fun of in my office and everyone is trying to read my email. They think I’m a huge dork … prob true.
Okay write back! Off to the gym!
original email sent February 8, 2008
Episode One - The Beginning of the End
Hi Everyone,
Okay so I’ve added a couple of people so I could condense my email chains. If you don’t want to be on it or haven’t seen last night’s episode then let me know!
Also I read spoilers but I won’t post any here just in case … these are all my own thoughts!
Okay so I’m just going to ramble out my top ten thoughts here … feel free to comment on them and add your own!
1. Jack is hot. You knew the comment was coming, I love him so much and him and Kate belong together, forever.
2. Jack is super hot and put together in his flashback … so I wonder why he cracks and goes a wee bit crazy.
3. Hurley in the mental institution. Why does he want to be back so badly? Is Charlie really visiting him or is it his imagination – I’m going to go with he is a manifestation of the island trying to get him to go back. That was the vibe I got from the episode, the island is trying to pull people back to the island. Also, how creepy was that lawyer dude, he scared the crap out of me and I wonder if he will become a regular in the flash forwards.
4. I didn’t really like Charlie but I have to admit, I was getting kind of teary when Hurley told Claire, also I in no way think he is attractive but he did look good in the flash forward.
5. How freakin scary was the cabin incident with Jacob and Hurley? Ps it was totally Christian (Jack’s dad) in the chair in the cabin. I think he is the one who asked Locke for help in season 3. So he could possibly still be alive which would make sense for the season three finale when Jack was claiming his dad was still alive. Alluding to a theory Maureen brought to my attention in that you can somehow change something that happened and bring people back (maybe Charlie comes back?) Maureen please elaborate on this theory.
6. Kate didn’t seem to upset with Sawyer choosing Locke’s team … which we all know makes me happy (Kate + Jack = love) haha
7. I can’t believe Jack actually pulled the trigger to kill Locke … he’s lost it a bit. I think Locke was really surprised at it, but it doesn’t make sense for Locke to have a gun that wasn’t loaded. Also very excited to see how Locke handle’s Ben after he tried to kill him.
8. Why did Locke appear right after the house disappeared in front of Hurley … could it be that Locke is Jacob as we surmised from the screenshot from season three?
9. What is it that they did to get off the island?? Why can’t they tell anyone?? I guess that is the big new mystery and we won’t find out until forever!
10. Did anyone think that the cop (also the rookie cop from prison break) look a lot like Brian Darian? (sorry if you don’t know who that is!)
Okay so that is some food for thought. I watched the episode last night after I got home at 12:30 so I def need to view it again. Ahhh so glad it’s back on, haha I’m such a dork!
original email sent on February 1, 2008
Okay so I’ve added a couple of people so I could condense my email chains. If you don’t want to be on it or haven’t seen last night’s episode then let me know!
Also I read spoilers but I won’t post any here just in case … these are all my own thoughts!
Okay so I’m just going to ramble out my top ten thoughts here … feel free to comment on them and add your own!
1. Jack is hot. You knew the comment was coming, I love him so much and him and Kate belong together, forever.
2. Jack is super hot and put together in his flashback … so I wonder why he cracks and goes a wee bit crazy.
3. Hurley in the mental institution. Why does he want to be back so badly? Is Charlie really visiting him or is it his imagination – I’m going to go with he is a manifestation of the island trying to get him to go back. That was the vibe I got from the episode, the island is trying to pull people back to the island. Also, how creepy was that lawyer dude, he scared the crap out of me and I wonder if he will become a regular in the flash forwards.
4. I didn’t really like Charlie but I have to admit, I was getting kind of teary when Hurley told Claire, also I in no way think he is attractive but he did look good in the flash forward.
5. How freakin scary was the cabin incident with Jacob and Hurley? Ps it was totally Christian (Jack’s dad) in the chair in the cabin. I think he is the one who asked Locke for help in season 3. So he could possibly still be alive which would make sense for the season three finale when Jack was claiming his dad was still alive. Alluding to a theory Maureen brought to my attention in that you can somehow change something that happened and bring people back (maybe Charlie comes back?) Maureen please elaborate on this theory.
6. Kate didn’t seem to upset with Sawyer choosing Locke’s team … which we all know makes me happy (Kate + Jack = love) haha
7. I can’t believe Jack actually pulled the trigger to kill Locke … he’s lost it a bit. I think Locke was really surprised at it, but it doesn’t make sense for Locke to have a gun that wasn’t loaded. Also very excited to see how Locke handle’s Ben after he tried to kill him.
8. Why did Locke appear right after the house disappeared in front of Hurley … could it be that Locke is Jacob as we surmised from the screenshot from season three?
9. What is it that they did to get off the island?? Why can’t they tell anyone?? I guess that is the big new mystery and we won’t find out until forever!
10. Did anyone think that the cop (also the rookie cop from prison break) look a lot like Brian Darian? (sorry if you don’t know who that is!)
Okay so that is some food for thought. I watched the episode last night after I got home at 12:30 so I def need to view it again. Ahhh so glad it’s back on, haha I’m such a dork!
original email sent on February 1, 2008
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