Hi All! Let's get down to it ... sorry for the delay! But here is the last entry until the new episode April 24th!
The episode began with a very weary looking Michael, someone we haven't seen since he and Walt left the island back at the end of season two, leaving in a boat following Ben's bearings of 325 for rescue. We then see that Michael did in fact make it off the island all the way to wonderful New York City and has shorter hair! Michael then gets into his car, pins a note to his chest, and takes off at very fast speeds, ultimately crashing into a wall in an attempted suicide. Unlucky or lucky for him, he survives. He wakes up in a hospital where Libby comes to bring him a blanket. She turns out to be a figment of his imagination and the real nurse asks him if he wants to contact Walt, the person to whom the note was addressed to. We then flash forward to Sayid and Desmond on the boat who take off to find Michael in the engine room. Sayid demands that Michael tells them where he has been and why he is there. We then flashback to Michael off the island trying to get in touch with Walt but his mother refusing to let him see him. Michael, then tries to end his life again in an alley, until Tom, aka Mr. Friendly, intervenes and tells him the island won't let him go. Michael makes one more suicide attempt and when he sees on the television that the remains on 815 have been found, he goes to meet him in his hotel. When Michael realizes he cannot end his life, he meets Mr. Friendly and he tells Michael how Ben needs him to be a spy on the boat and that Whidmore is responsible for faking the crash remains. Michael agrees to kill everyone on the freighter so that they will not harm the people on the island, as a sort of atonement for what he had done to Libby, Ana Lucia and the rest of the losties. We learn that Michael is responsible for the chaos on the boat and that he has put faith in Ben. He received a bomb and went to detonate it, only to find that it was just a test. Sayid, after learning he is officially working for Ben, turns him in to the captain. The only action we see on the island is that Ben pleads with Alex to leave and hide at the temple. So Danielle, Alex, and Karl set off for the Temple. When they stop to take a rest, both Karl and Danielle are fatally shot while Alex stands up and claims that she's Ben's daughter and not to shoot.
1. Okay so this was the last episode until it comes back on April 24th. Eh, I wasn't so impressed and maybe that's because I am a Michael hater, but I felt like it only told us stuff we already knew, it just sort of confirmed our suspicions. It was confirmed that Whidmore owns the boat and is trying to find the island, Michael is working for Ben, Michael made it off the island with Walt, and Michael is responsible for the death's and destruction on the boat. I mean, yes the concept is a little crazy, the island pulling Michael back to help, but also not so surprising. So I was a little annoyed with the writer's for making this be their last cliffhanger episode for a while. Especially since I don't even have scenes from the next to hold on to!
2. Karl and Danielle - well this was unexpected. When the hole was made in the water bottle I was confused. I really didn't think they would kill them, I thought maybe they would get away. And it was just weird since Alex and Karl were talking so normally. But once Karl was shot, you had to expect Danielle would get it next. It was sad though, they literally met what, like a week ago island time? But she was able to say her goodbyes so that was sweet. But I will miss crazy Karl and his mind warping adventures and Rousseau's crazy French talk! Clearly I think Ben set this up, seems like if they wanted to kill Alex they would have ... and we know Ben doesn't like either Karl or Danielle. But I doubt that Alex will ever forgive Ben for this one ...
3. Why oh why does season three have so little of my man Jack?! In the next five episodes we better get some good old Jack story! Why is he a crazy pill popper? Is his dad haunting him in the future? Will he ever find him in Jacob's shack? When will him and Kate get married and what will I wear to the wedding? haha
4. So how's that for irony, Michael commits murder to get Walt off the island only for him to feel so guilty he tells Walt and in turn Walt ends up hating him for being a murderer? Sounds like justice to me!
5. I'm glad he's being haunted by Libby but why not Ana Lucia? Was she meant to go because as Ben said she wasn't a good person? Libby was an accident so maybe that's why. I did love this episode because we got to see so many old losties! We saw Mr. Friendly, Libby, Naomie, and Minkowski. I feel like Libby is very important to the back story so we'll be seeing more of her. Her connection to Hurley in the mental hospital and Desmond's boat!
6. So, Mr. Friendly is gay. Although this too was always a suspicion, it was confirmed in this episode. Back in season 3 premiere, he asked Kate to put a dress on and commented how he wasn't interested. Although this gave us a little insight, I didn't really see how this affected the story at all.
8. So the bomb Michael opened on the boat was intense. At first I was shocked about how crazy Michael had become, but then I looked back to see he was always intense and crazy. It was a clever way to test his loyalty to Ben's mission. So the ominous warning of "not yet" ... i guess we'll have to wait and see what the next warning is.
9. Okay so now I think what the big question is, is who is really responsible for the fake wreckage of 815. According to Mr. Friendly and Ben, it's Whidmore because he wants to find and exploit the island for it's powers. According to the hot boat captain and Miles (who apparently spit the grenade out of his mouth) and the rest of the boaties it's Ben who will do anything to keep people away from the island. So who do we believe? I personally think it's Ben. He's crazy enough to kill his entire Dharma peeps, then why wouldn't he dig up 325 graves and sink an old plane to the bottom of the ocean and call is 815? He clearly has the money, Miles wants it from him, and he clearly has the motive, keeping people away from his precious island. So I guess only time will tell who we can believe!
10. So I think that the oceanic 6 will get off the island at the end of this season. We still have one more to be revealed as I thought Jin was one but after last week he clearly is not. Oh, and because I need to mention it every week, Juliet sucks!
until April 24th!!
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I thought in the previews for the coming episodes it said the Oceanic 6 had already been revealed to us and they included baby Aaron... did anyone else see that? Have I 'Lost' it? haha... NERD!
ok so i have a few comments... first, i'm glad you like your new job B! we need to catch up soon !
now for lost. i believe whidmore planted the bodies. he obviously has some fascination with the island, and hes obvioulsy mean. i dont know, i think that was a good story. it could be ben, but ahh, i just dont know. i think the boaties might be mis-informed by whidmore. that's not to say i think ben is innocent. he's def still an evil creepster. as for the O6, im gonna be so mad if aaron is one of them. LAME. looks from the previews that they are spinning it that way, but im annoyed bc i wanted one more real character. aaron brings nothing to my proverbial table. another thought i had was on karl and danielle -- we don't know that they are "fatally" shot. i think it's that wacky shrink, and the rest of the others, trying to help ben. but id be surprised if karl and danielle are actually done-ski.
yayy.. great season, cant wait til after the break!
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