2007 Locke decides to be proactive about his leadership and takes the crew to find Jacob. After having spent years of not knowing and following an unseen ruler, he decides to force Richard Alpert to take him to Jacob. He convinces the others to follow so they too can question their leader. Locke then shares with Ben that he plans to kill Jacob. Ben and Richard Alpert converse about their uncertainties of Locke's leadership. We also learn from Ben that Richard has had his job as an adviser for a very long time.
1977 Jack and Kate are caught by the Others shortly after they witness Farraday's death. They convince Ellie that Daniel was right and they have to continue his work. Kate disagrees with Jack's ideas citing that all her times weren't miserable so she leaves to find the rest of the Oceanic 6. Jack, Ellie, and Sayid continue on to find the Jughead bomb which is located under Dharmaville. Kate meanwhile goes back to find that Sawyer and Juliet are on the sub after having given into Radzinsky and Horace and told them where to find the Others. Jin, Hurley, and Miles run into Dr. Candle and he realizes that Farraday was telling the truth and that Miles is his son from the future. He begins to call for an evacuation of the island and Miles witnesses his father telling his mother to leave. We also see a young Charlotte boarding the sub.
Oh boy, on to the top 10!
1. Kate really? You're going to abandon Jack like that? My heart did break a little when she said all the times weren't miserable, and Jack couldn't agree. Who can blame him? He lost everyone, and Kate broke his heart like a million times. But who can blame Kate, if time is erased and she lands in LA safely on flight 815, she'll be looking at twenty to life! But scenes from the next seem to have Jack and Kate working together again and dare I say it, realizing they really do love each other?
2. I am a little bit angry with the meager amount of Richard Alpert history they gave us. All we've learned is that A. he is not the man in charge (which we knew) B. he's an adviser and has been for many years and C. he still likes to wear eyeliner. The question is now, will he and Ben scheme to take over Locke's new regime? Although I do have to point out his hobby of building ships in a bottle - does this point to his origins which I predicted will be the Black Rock? I think we've also seen a painting of a ship in a bottle in a previous episode ...
3. So, just as I predicted, the return of Jack is on! He's going to be "erasing history" much like he had done back in the classroom his first day with Dharma. Pros to his theory - he can save all the people they've lost thus far and get rid of all the misery they've endured over the years. Cons - No one will ever remember what occurred on the island and likely they will go on living their lives without the relationships and experiences they've had. So will he do it? I think yes - makes for an interesting season six! But I don't know how I feel about my losties not knowing each other? Will Charlie still be addicted to Heroin? Will Boone and Shannon (yeah remember them?) continue to terrorize each other's lives? Will Jack still cry about his daddy issues?
4. How the heck does Locke know all of this stuff and is he really alive? Well clearly he's in between life and death, I think the same way Christian is. Was he recruited by Jacob to lead the Others while Ben was a temporary but didn't predict that he would turn on him? Has Locke in fact turned on Jacob or is he not being truthful about wanting to kill him? It could go a number of ways ... he could just be telling this to Ben to provoke a reaction out of him. I mean, if I was planning on killing a powerful, mythical being, I probably wouldn't tell too many people about it beforehand, especially if I thought they might try and stop me. So me thinks that good old Locke has something else up his sleeve.
5. Juliet had a look of pure hatred on her face when Kate showed up. I mean, I don't blame her. How else could that evil lady score such a hot babe like Sawyer if Kate was wandering around? All her hopes for the future with Sawyer were dashed when Kate came on board. I love the devoted Sawyer, and I think he'll stay devoted to Juliet so that Kate and Jack will get together! woohoo! And I totally would do the same thing, stay in the past and buy lots of Microsoft stocks ... maybe even write Twilight or Harry Potter before they do!
6. Oh my god. How cheesy were those submarine graphics? Really LOST? You couldn't have done any better?
7. One mystery I've been DYING to know the answer to since season 1 is who is the man and woman in the caves. Some have speculated Jack and Kate, Rose and Bernard but maybe its Sawyer and Juliet? Since we've learned from Richard Alpert that he watched all of Sun's friends die, it could be anyone! Hell maybe it's Sun and Jin! Can you tell ethnicity from bones? Anyone?
8. So if the bomb is located under Dharmaville, how does the incident not blow it up? A better question might be what is the incident? Because if they detonate the bomb they will lose the entire island thus erasing the history they know. If it doesn't blow up and the island is saved, we still need an "incident" to occur so Desmond has a reason to come to the island and push the button. So we have two options - the future as we've already seen it (aka the incident) or the bomb detonating and the island disappearing thus erasing history and the plane landing in LA as planned.
9. So Phil surprised me when he slapped Juliet, but then of course since I hate her I didn't mind. What is up with him and Radzinsky? For being in such a peaceful organization they sure do like to jump to conclusions and beat the hell out of people. But then again if I had gotten knocked out and tied up in a closet I'd be mad enough to smack Juliet. So go Phil!
10. So Dan's notebook seems to have the key to it all. But if Ellie had known that she shoots and kills her own sun and then knew he had to have a notebook, wouldn't Ellie from the future have written herself a note so she could change things as it seems like she wants to do? She wants to help Jack carry out Daniel's wishes ... but didn't this all already happen? How will she and Jack change the future if everything so far has already happened? I guess we just have to wait and see which Farraday theory was correct - can you or can't you change the future? Looks like we'll find out next week!
Okay so I can't believe how fast this season has gone by! I don't know what I'm going to do every Thursday morning ... maybe work? :) Post your theories since it'll be the last time before the finale! Thanks for last week's posts - I loved your thoughts!
I thought this week's episode was really exciting. Thanks for clearing up so many questions. I do believe that Ben will plan some coup and i am really looking forward to Sun and Jin reuniting! I am still confused about the time changes. And, I did notice that next week Sawyer and Kate and Juliet are back on the island??? I still think Sawyer and Kate may hook up. Juliet sees that he still loves Kate. Go! Sayid for saving Kate. I have no clue as to what is going to happen. Thanks, Nan
Bridge, you are a Lost goddess. I'm still really confused by all the time travel stuff, but you've (sort of) helped to make sense of (some of) it. :-P
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