Monday, May 24, 2010
Episode 17 - The End

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Episode 16 - What They Died For

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Episode 15 - Across the Sea

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Episode 14 - The Candidate

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Episode 13 - The Last Recruit

Sideways Flash
Claire is on her way to the adoption agency after leaving the hospital and on her way she runs into Desmond. He convinces her to go see his lawyer, Ilana. While there Jack and his son also enter the room. They are there to hear Christian's will being read out loud and while there it is revealed that Claire and Jack are half brother and sister. Jack is overwhelmed and is paged for an emergency surgery. He arrives at the hospital to find his patient, a paraplegic, was hit by a car. That patient just so happened to be John Locke, who was brought in by Ben Linus, and Jack admits that he recognizes him. He was also recognized by Sun while on her way into the hospital. We find out that Sun's baby is okay and she has survived her gunshot wound. Meanwhile, Kate is being held in Sawyer's police station. He questions her on her charges and she coolly claims she's innocent. She asks him why he never arrested her at the airport and he plays dumb. Miles interrupts them and tells them they need to respond to a multiple homicide at a nearby restaurant. They arrive at Nadia's house to capture Sayid who is their prime suspect. Inside, Sayid tells Nadia he has fixed everything but must go. On his way out Sawyer captures him.
Jack and Smokey have a talk about his plan to leave the island. Zoe appears to the group and demands they return Desmond. She threatens to blow them up if they don't hand him over by the end of the day. Jack and the gang begin to follow Smokey across the island when Sawyer informs Jack of his plan. Smokey had asked Sawyer to take the boat around the island and Sawyer decided to fill Jack in on his escape and cohorts with Whidmore. Sawyer leaves taking Kate with him while the rest march on. Smokey asks Sayid to go take care of Desmond. When Sayid arrives at the well to shoot Desmond, Desmond asks Sayid what he will tell Nadia of how he got her back? Sayid appears to have guilt over killing Desmond. Meanwhile Jack, Sun, Lupidus, and Hurley take off to meet Sawyer. Claire sees them and follows. She surprises them at the boat and Kate convinces Claire to join them saying all she wants is to reunite her with Aaron. Once on board Sawyer and Jack have a talk and Jack admits to having second thoughts. Sawyer tells him to leave and Jack swims to shore. He joins up with Smokey who gladly accepts him until they're attacked by Whidmore's people and Jack almost gets blown up. Meanwhile the boat arrives with Whidmore's people on the island. Jin is among the group and a tender reunion between Sun and Jin occurs. However Whidmore's gang phones into their headquarters and instead of honoring their agreement they are instructed to open fire on the group.
Phew just kidding, pretty detailed for a week later!!
1. So Jack is a babe and I looooove when they put him in a suit! But what's up with his son and his voice being about 10 octaves lower. Damn that was a fast transition into puberty! It was a tender reunion between him and Claire, I was happy they addressed this but they left it too soon since Jack was called into surgery for stupid Locke. I wanted to see Claire be all happy that she has a family, maybe she'll keep Aaron.
2. I think this episode explained why Desmond hit Locke with his car, to get him to the hospital so he could meet up with Jack. It seems like everyone is at the hospital or the police station. How will Desmond ever get those two groups to meet up? What is his ultimate plan? Does he think if he gets everyone together they will remember and somehow be magically transported back to the correct timeline? Either way I want more Kate and Jack in the sideways flash!
3. So Jack was the last recruit for Locke's army. When he jumped off that boat I for sure thought Kate was going after. You know she wanted to but feels like she has to stay for Claire. Me thinks a little reunion between them will happen soon, or is that wishful thinking? What are you all going to say to me if they don't end up together after years of preaching that it would happen? Also worth mentioning is when Jack flew back from the bomb on the beach he woke up and had a very interesting look on his face, sort of like the one Locke had on his face when he got hit by Desmonds car. I can't say why I thought that scene was important but it creeped me out a little.
4. I think one great thing the Lost creators are doing is keeping that little bit of doubt in your mind that maybe, just maybe, Smokey really is the good guy and Jacob is bad. I truly can't guess which one is right at this point although I'd like to say Jacob is being truthful in all that he says. Because it would be a nice little ending to have Jack replace him and the world be a safe place, but if I know Lost, and I think I do, that won't be the case.
5. So Sayid is still on his quest to get everyone together in the sideways flash. This begs us to ask the questions: A. Does he share a mind-link with Desmond back on the island or is he just doing this because he had the glimpse into the other world? and B. Why does he not care at all about Penny and Charlie anymore? Where did they go??
6. So clearly Sayid didn't kill Desmond, he's way too important to just end like that. The bigger question here is that Desmond was able to appeal to Sayid's human side, which most of us thought was lost when the darkness took over. So is Sayid able to be saved? Have we totally lost him forever?
7. Smokey admitted that he was Jack's dad on the island. Kind of disappointing seeing as I wanted Jack and Christian to make things right. I wonder why Smokey had to change from being Christian's form to being Locke's form? Will it make a difference in how he gets off the island if he ever does?
8. I know I've said it before and I'm sorry to say it again but I don't think our dear hot friend Sawyer has much time left on the island. The kill count has been considerably lower than I expected this season. He's tricked both sides, or so he thought, and will soon have to answer to both Whidmore and Smokey. I think he's a fan favorite which will make it a tragic loss to the series and yeah, I'll probably miss him when he's gone. I think we can all agree he isn't a candidate for taking over the island given his past behaviors so there isn't much more for him to do on the show. And as Lost usually goes, once the island is done with you, you're a goner.
9. Sun and Jin were finally reunited! It's been over 2 seasons in the making and it was certainly tender. It was a nice touch that their reconnection was able to cure Sun's speech loss. What's next for them? It's hard to say since they have a child off the island, but I don't think anyone is getting off the island, so they'll probably bite the dust. Ha I'm so morbid but their story is pretty much complete.
10. So clear sides have been drawn and we're still very much clueless on whom we should be following. Whidmore certainly hasn't come off as a good guy but he seems to be on Team Jacob who we'd like to think is. And Smokey just kills everyone for the sake of getting off the island while Whidmore is doing everything possible to prevent that from happening. So take your best guess because we don't have much longer!
So that's it folks. Sorry for the late posting but tonight is a re-run so hopefully this will tide you over until next week!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Episode 12 - Everybody Loves Hugo

The camp has divided into two teams - one who wants to blow up the Ajira plane and one who doesn't. Ilana is on Richard's side to blow up the plane but is a bit careless with her Black Rock dynamite and has Doc Arzt's unfortunate problem of blowing herself up. Richard explains that its because the island was finished with her and he gathers his crew to head to the Black Rock for more dynamite. Hurley is visited by ghost Michael who tells him that he can't blow up the plane. Hurley tries to get the group to change their plan but he ends up following the group to the Black Rock. Once they arrive they hear Hurley running from the Black Rock screaming for everyone to run. The Black Rock blows up and Hurley admits he did it because Jacob told him to. Hurley pretends like he's talking to Jacob and that he told him to lead the gang to Smokey. Richard realizes he's lying and the group separates. Jack follows Hurley because he asks him to trust him. Sun and Frank also follow him. Halfway to Smokey Hurley admits to Jack that he lied and Jack tells Hurley he was done being a leader and trying to fix things so he followed Hurley. Hurley decides to speak to Michael and asks why he's there. Michael tells him that he can't move on and is stuck on the island. He admits that the spirits are the island whispers and asks Hurley to forgive him for what he did to Libby. He points him in the direction of Smokey and the gang heads that way. Hurley approaches Smokey and reveals that if he doesn't harm them his gang will join up with Smokey.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Episode 11 - Happily Ever After

Desmond wakes up to find he's been brought back to the island by Whidmore. After giving Whidmore a beat down he is subdued and Whidmore decides he is ready. Whidmore asks Zoe to prepare the machine. During the preparation process, a man is killed when he enters the wood box and the copper coils are turned on. Whidmore insists that they need to know is Desmond can withstand another electromagnetic event and they bring him to the box. Whidmore tells Desmond he needs his help. Desmond breaks free from the chair but the machine starts and he is wisked away to the alternate universe. Once he returns, Whidmore finds him alive and willing to help him. Along the way back, the group is approached by Sayid who kills everyone but Zoe and asks her to run away. She willingly obeys. Sayid asks Desmond to come with him and a very docile Desmond agrees.
Once Desmond enters the machine on the island, he is transformed to the flash-sideways universe and is standing in front of the arrivals board at the airport. Hurley informs him what carousel the luggage is arriving at and while getting his luggage he meets Claire. He offers to give her a ride but she declines and as a parting farewell he tells her the baby will be a boy. His driver, George Minkowski, meets him at the airport and brings him back to the office. Whidmore, Desmond's boss, welcomes him with open arms and celebrates with a 60 year old glass of McCutcheons whisky for the deal Desmond recently closed in Sydney. He is interrupted when he asks Desmond to pick up a musician from jail and babysit him until he can perform at Whidmore's wife's charity bash with his son. Desmond agrees and goes to pick Charlie up. Charlie tells Desmond that right before he was rescued on the plane, he saw a blond girl and knew he loved her in another time. He tries to show Desmond what he means so he grabs the wheel and drives the car off the marina. Desmond is able to get himself and Charlie out of the submerged car but while underwater the scene from the island universe appears before him where Charlie was underwater and warning him about Penny's boat. While at the hospital he is given an MRI since his cat scan was inconclusive and halfway through he freaks out when he has a vision of him and Penny from their island life. He tells the nurse he needs to find Charlie and with Jack's help he does. Charlie convinces him that he saw the other life and should put all his energy into finding Penny. Desmond leaves the hospital to tell Whidmore's wife that Charlie won't be playing at the benefit and when he arrives at their house he finally meets Mrs. Whidmore aka Eloise Hawkings. She thanks him for delivering the news personally. While Desmond is leaving he hears the guest list being read off and the name Penny Milton. He stops to ask to see the list but Eloise intercepts and won't allow him. She tells him to stop looking for whatever he's looking for so he leaves. On his way out he is intercepted by Daniel Whidmore (Farraday) who tells him how he saw a red haired woman and knew he loved her. He then explains that the following day he woke up and wrote down highly complicated quantum physics in his notebook and believes that they are equations that lead to an alternate universe. He then offers to help him find Penny since she is his half sister. Desmond goes to the stadium where he finds her running. He goes up to her to ask her out and passes out right after they meet. When he wakes she agrees to meet him for coffee and Desmond happily returns to his car.
Wow that was a lot of info!! Now on to the theories although they're going to be more like observations and explanations since we only have 5 episodes left!
1. So I think what is happening here is the two universes are colliding and Desmond is the only one who can travel through both and make the connection that the two actually exist and are directly related to circumstances that happened in one. I think it's all leading up to an inevitable "crash" between the two universes. As in most time travel stories, you can't have more than one reality exist without destroying both. So I think that the little hints of recognitions in the flash-sideways and now the full on hallucinations are in fact the two universes colliding. How Desmond remains to be the only one who can travel through to both is still a mystery, but I think it will allude back to how he was painted as a Jesus figure in season 3 after the hatch blew, and he literally looked like Jesus. I also think the "sacrifice" Whidmore was asking for was Desmond, and I think he will die since he's already been reunited with Penny in both worlds.
2. So in the flash-sideways Desmond seems to have his life together. A good job, lots of money, travels the world ... but most of all he has what he lacked in his previous life - Charles Whidmore's approval. The only thing he's missing though is Penny. So Charlie asks the question is his life really better in this life? I think we can all agree a universal no, since he doesn't have Penny which is the best love story on this show! (counting Jack and Kate, yeah I said it!)
3. So Farraday makes an appearance in this side-flash and you guessed it, he crossed paths with Charlotte and experiences love at first sight! Pretty tender, but I think the important thing we take away from this is how much of his past island life is coming back to him. He wakes up one day and can write and understand the equivalent to a life spent studying quantum physics. He also is the second stranger to suggest to Desmond that an alternate universe exists, one they were supposed to live. So if Desmond is going to be the so-called spiritual guide from one universe to the other, it looks like Farraday will be the scientific link. But I'm not holding my breath for an explanation of how they bounce between the two.
4. So did anyone else get the feeling like this big machine that Whidmore had was straight up out of Jurassic Park? I half expected a velociraptor to jump out and eat everyone! But alas, it was a large crate with huge copper coils inside. I also doubt we will get an explanation on how this thing works but Maureen asked the question, is this the magic box that Ben was talking about that brought Locke's father to the island? I think not since that means they would have had to take him from the alternate universe and Locke is now friends with him in that universe but who knows! Good observation!
5. As we've been speculating, the island looks like its breaking down to good vs. evil and honestly I don't think we could expect anything more because isn't that the biggest battle there is? So since this island is the key to saving the world as we know it, wouldn't a battle of good and evil be just the thing to settle it? I also feel like there aren't too many more large mysteries to be solved except the whole who is on what team and who will win? They've answered all the biggies, now we're sort of just along for the ride!
6. So Sayid came out at the end to get Desmond, and the reason being that he is such a key player for Whidmore and team Smokey wants him. But why did Desmond go so easily? Maybe he thinks he can achieve what needs to be done from either side? What does this version of Desmond know now that he can travel between the two universes? And also, Sayid continues to be so badass!!
7. The real touching moment in the episode was when the car went off the marina and Desmond had his first real glimpse into the alternate universe via Charlie and his underwater antics. I thought the situation was a bit of a stretch but it did provide us the window to see into the island life they shared. Again I'm going to reference The Matrix in that this was a very deja vu moment, a glitch that lets us know something is there that shouldn't be. I guess the other big mystery aside from good vs. evil is which universe actually belongs.
8. If I have to look at Claire in that ridiculous wig for one more episode I might just start ignoring her story line altogether. It was tender though how Charlie saw her in his alternate universe flash. I almost feel like he should have referenced an empty jar of peanut butter or something.
9. Another thought for the Smokey/MiB vs. Jacob debate is that Jacob could be controlling the island universe and Smokey could be controlling the flash-sideways universe. Maybe whoever wins will have their universe be the winner! Maybe Jacob's universe is the one where people are with the people they love but for fleeting moments and Smokey's universe is one where people have settled and their life hasn't exactly been fulfilled. So maybe neither is good or bad, maybe one is just a different alternative to the other. Boy oh boy do I contradict myself from point to point!
10. The appearance of Daniel's mother Eloise was also really interesting and puzzling. While she appears to just be Whidmore's wife in this universe, she clearly knows something about the life she left behind. She's demanding that Desmond stops looking for whatever he's looking for. Does she know that if him and Penny connect, something will happen to this universe? Does she like it more since she's with Whidmore and has her son Daniel with her? Does she know that once Desmond connects with Penny, he will try to connect everyone else on the flight?
So I can't believe we're nearing the end of the series! Crazy stuff! Now is the time to post your theories so you can gloat at the end to see if you were right all along!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Episode 10 - The Package

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Episode 9 - Ab Aeterno