The camp has divided into two teams - one who wants to blow up the Ajira plane and one who doesn't. Ilana is on Richard's side to blow up the plane but is a bit careless with her Black Rock dynamite and has Doc Arzt's unfortunate problem of blowing herself up. Richard explains that its because the island was finished with her and he gathers his crew to head to the Black Rock for more dynamite. Hurley is visited by ghost Michael who tells him that he can't blow up the plane. Hurley tries to get the group to change their plan but he ends up following the group to the Black Rock. Once they arrive they hear Hurley running from the Black Rock screaming for everyone to run. The Black Rock blows up and Hurley admits he did it because Jacob told him to. Hurley pretends like he's talking to Jacob and that he told him to lead the gang to Smokey. Richard realizes he's lying and the group separates. Jack follows Hurley because he asks him to trust him. Sun and Frank also follow him. Halfway to Smokey Hurley admits to Jack that he lied and Jack tells Hurley he was done being a leader and trying to fix things so he followed Hurley. Hurley decides to speak to Michael and asks why he's there. Michael tells him that he can't move on and is stuck on the island. He admits that the spirits are the island whispers and asks Hurley to forgive him for what he did to Libby. He points him in the direction of Smokey and the gang heads that way. Hurley approaches Smokey and reveals that if he doesn't harm them his gang will join up with Smokey.
The camp has divided into two teams - one who wants to blow up the Ajira plane and one who doesn't. Ilana is on Richard's side to blow up the plane but is a bit careless with her Black Rock dynamite and has Doc Arzt's unfortunate problem of blowing herself up. Richard explains that its because the island was finished with her and he gathers his crew to head to the Black Rock for more dynamite. Hurley is visited by ghost Michael who tells him that he can't blow up the plane. Hurley tries to get the group to change their plan but he ends up following the group to the Black Rock. Once they arrive they hear Hurley running from the Black Rock screaming for everyone to run. The Black Rock blows up and Hurley admits he did it because Jacob told him to. Hurley pretends like he's talking to Jacob and that he told him to lead the gang to Smokey. Richard realizes he's lying and the group separates. Jack follows Hurley because he asks him to trust him. Sun and Frank also follow him. Halfway to Smokey Hurley admits to Jack that he lied and Jack tells Hurley he was done being a leader and trying to fix things so he followed Hurley. Hurley decides to speak to Michael and asks why he's there. Michael tells him that he can't move on and is stuck on the island. He admits that the spirits are the island whispers and asks Hurley to forgive him for what he did to Libby. He points him in the direction of Smokey and the gang heads that way. Hurley approaches Smokey and reveals that if he doesn't harm them his gang will join up with Smokey.
While Hurley was leading his team across the island, Sayid was bringing back Desmond to Smokey. Once Smokey told an agitated Sawyer to wait, he left to begin questioning Desmond. He wanted to know why he was brought there and a very calm Desmond didn't have any answers for him. He explained that he was blasted with an EMP so Smokey leads him to an ancient well. He explains that it was built a long time ago by hand and the people that built it weren't looking for water. They were looking for the islands power. He also explains that Charles Whidmore wasn't there for answers, he was there for power. He asked Desmond why he wasn't afraid and Desmond said there was no reason to be and with that Smokey gave him the old heave ho' down the well. He returned to his camp to find the rest of the losties delivered to him by Hurley.
Flash Sideways
Hurley is being celebrated by Dr. Halliwax/Candle as a philanthropist at a gala. We find that Hurley struck it rich by way of his love of Chicken where he purchased Mr. Cluck's and began a major corporation. His mother thought his life was lacking a romantic interest and set him up on a blind date. While waiting for his date, Libby approached his table and explained that she knew him from another life and she had feelings for him. Her doctor came over to their table and apologized for interrupting Hurley's meal. He chased after her to realize she was being transported back to a mental hospital. Later, Hurley went to a Mr. Cluck's to eat an entire bucket of chicken when he was approached by Desmond. Desmond convinced him to give this mystery woman another chance to see if she was right. Desmond went to the Mental Hospital and convinced her doctor by way of a large donation to see her. Hurley visited her in the recreational room where some old favorites were hanging around. Libby tried to explain that she had flashes of Hurley from another life on an island. He apologized for not remembering but decided to take her on a date. He took her to the beach where they had a picnic and Libby kissed Hurley because she thought this scene was familiar, something they never got to do. At that moment Hurley remembered Libby from his un-lived life on the island. Desmond was in the background watching this all unfold. Once he saw them reconnect he moved on to Locke's school. He was approached by Ben and told to move on because, you know, staring at children at a school is frowned upon. Desmond starts up his car and drives straight into Locke who was wheeling himself to his car. Desmond drives away and leaves Locke bleeding in the road.
Wow, that was super long! I wanted to get every detail because I thought it was important, although I'm sure you didn't read since I hope you all watched.
1. Okay so the collision course these two time lines seem to be on are setting up an exciting ending. Desmond can communicate somehow between the two universes but what his motive is is still unclear to us. My roommate came up with a brilliant idea that maybe if you die in one universe, you die in the other. But I don't know if that can be true because we saw a very alive Charlotte getting it on with Sawyer and she died a while ago on the island. Same with Farraday. So what I think Desmond is trying to do with all the peeps from 815 is recreate the events in their island life so as to jog their memories from that life. Not everyone had a love story on the island like Desmond, Charlie, and Hurley so in Locke's case, he had to recreate him being hit by a car. Although he fell out of a window to become paralyzed in his island life, he did get hit by a car in the parking lot when he was chasing after his mother. Either way, the facial expression he made was eerily similar to when he crashed on the island.
2. I didn't even pick up on it that Hurley and Libby were recreating their date that never happened until they said how familiar it seemed. That was a very nice touching scene and I like how they both had this connection to the mental hospital. It still never explains why Libby was in the hospital in the island life but I suspect we'll never know. Just that it was important that their paths crossed in both lives.
3. As much as I hate Michael, his scene was also very touching. I like that he finally apologized to Hurley for what he did. But he also gave us a major answer by telling Hurley that the spirits on the island are not allowed to cross over and they are the haunting whispers we've been hearing for years. Wow, really? Ghosts are responsible for the creepy whispers? Lame explanation but I liked hearing that Michael was doomed to wander the island whispering. Makes it seem like the island really IS purgatory! Something the writers discredited a long time ago ...
4. Jack has really let me down this season. I expected him to step up and be the man, but its looking more like Jacob is grooming Hurley to be the caretaker for the island. Jack is just going with the flow, not trying to fix things. Maybe, Kate will realize this and love Jack again, I mean she did give him a cute smile when he came back. I don't like, however, that this change in Jack was caused by his guilt over Juliet's death. Just because she died he still isn't curious about the island? Please.
5. Woah! Smokey did not just push Desmond down that well!!! As if that could kill Desmond! A little careless that he didn't stick around to make sure he was fully dead if that was his intention. Clearly Desmond is going to magically still be alive at the bottom of the well. I think he will be there until Whidmore and company find him and use him for what they brought him here for. Also worth mentioning - who are these little kids that keep popping up? Must be the ghosts of Smokey and Jacob, but Desmond could see him too. I'm sure it will be explained soon.
6. Richard is still such an interesting character. I loved how he knew right away that Hurley was lying, because Jacob never tells anyone what to do. So what about those little lists he was creating along the way? Didn't he tell the Others to go steal those people? Anyways, I liked how Richard demanded that Hurley ask Jacob what the island was, he's still dying to know, as are we. Me thinks we won't find out until the very end, and what an exciting moment that will be!
7. Ilana blowing up was awesome. It was about time for her to go and I wasn't too shocked, plus Ben said the island was done with her. She was being mighty brutal with that dynamite. I think if we've learned anything from Lost its that Black Rock dynamite is temperamental. And also that when you're in a plane crash, its usually with a plane full of hot people.
8. So Hurley in the alternate universe is still a loveable guy. Always receiving awards for his good deeds. The only thing I was thinking about during this whole "Hurley is awesome" montage was that I don't know anyone who owns a fast food chain and yet this guy seems to be recognized everywhere he goes. Unless you count Ronald McDonald or that guy who owned Wendy's, Dave something, but I'm pretty sure he died, I don't know anyone who is famous for owning a fast food chain. I'm not even sure if people own up to that nowadays. Wow I don't know where this tangent is leading so I'll stop.
9. So how's it all going to end. I think the universes will collide for sure, once Desmond achieves whatever goal it is he's after. His determination in this world is certainly more so than the one on the island. Has he so quickly forgotten how he must get back to Penny and Charlie? I miss the old Desmond and hope he knows what he's doing. Maybe somehow Jacob influences Desmond through the whole EMP thing and he secretly has a plan. Why else would Smokey throw him down the well? He's clearly a threat to him.
10. Smokey mentioned that this wasn't the only well on the island. So is this not the same well that Locke went down to turn the wheel? Are these wells just primitive swan hatches? They dug because of the electromagnetic power they felt? Will this well lead to the answer of what the island is?
Four more episodes left! Here's to hoping there's a spin off! Although I'm hoping they don't because I don't know how long I can keep writing this blog :) Just kidding I'd do it forever for my loyal readers! Post your theories because we've only got a month left!
It looks as if Sayid is going to shoot Desmond in the well next episode. And, I don't believe that Jack will stay a follower. I think he will be the hero in the end. It's all very confusing to me. thanks, Bridget. Nan
Bridge, I loved observation #7. Hahahaha! :)
"I think if we've learned anything from Lost its that Black Rock dynamite is temperamental. And also that when you're in a plane crash, its usually with a plane full of hot people."
Your best observation yet!
Dave Thomas.
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