Sayid is alive! Jack wants to know what is going on but the Others want to talk to Sayid first. Their talk includes torturing Sayid by electrocution, ash, and hot pokers. They tell him he passes the test when actually, he doesn't. Sawyer jumps at the opportunity to escape and tells Kate not to follow him. She of course doesn't listen and tells Dogen that she can bring him back. She takes off with the help of Jin and two Others. Kate ditches her crew and tracks Sawyer to Othersville where he's getting weepy over his loss of Juliet. He confesses to Kate that he was going to propose and Kate reveals that she came back to find Claire and reunite her with Aaron. Meanwhile back at the Temple Jack has a conversation with Dogen in which he tries to get Jack to give Sayid a pill. When Dogen won't tell Jack what is in the pill he asks Jack to trust him. Jack goes to Sayid with this information and Sayid says he will do what Jack says. Jack calls Dogen's bluff and takes the pill himself and it turns out the pill was actually poison. Jack is rescued with a swift Heimlich maneuver and it is revealed that Sayid was unable to be saved and has been claimed, just like Jack's sister Claire. We finally see Claire at the end of the episode looking very disheveled and Rousseau-like when she shoots the Others that were accompanying Jin while he was on his way to find Sun.
Back in the other reality where the plane didn't crash we see Kate jumping into the cab and almost running over Dr. Arzt and making "hey don't I know you?" eye contact with Jack. She takes off after the driver abandons the vehicle and Claire is still pregnant and manages to escape any sort of police trail whatsoever. She leaves Claire stranded on the side of the road and finds someone to help her remove the handcuffs and get cleaned up. Upon discovering that Claire's bag contents were for her baby she returns to where she left Claire and offers her a ride to the soon-to-be adoptive parents of her baby that just happened to mix up the dates. Once they arrive at the house we learn that the parents are separated and can no longer provide for the baby. Claire begins to have contractions and Kate takes her to the hospital. Once there, Dr. Ethan Goodspeed gives Claire the option of having the baby now or receiving injections to delay the birth. Once the pains subside, Claire covers for Kate when police finally start poking around and Kate thanks her and suggests that she keep baby Aaron. Claire inquires why Kate is running and Kate asks her if she would believe that she was innocent because she's being wrongfully accused of murder.
I liked this episode and not only because Kate's hair just happened to be perfect, but it was an awesome play on S2's episode of "What Kate Did" which just so happened to be the big smooch between her and Jack! Okay on to the analysis!
1. So I think it's safe to say that both "realities" exist and it doesn't have to be one or the other because it doesn't look like this flash sideways thing is going away. I understand how the off-island reality can exist because if Jack did detonate the bomb then perhaps these things would truly have happened. What I'm not sure of is how they're all still existing on the island because if the bomb did go off then how are they still there? Unless the bomb went off and the mystical powers of this magnetic force somehow caused some sort of implosion and preventing the need for the button to be pushed. Oh wow, look at that, I sort of answered my own question!
2. Ahh So that's what the sickness is! You're body gets "claimed". How about NO Lost! How about you just tell us what it is because we knew this already. But I will thank you for confirming that Claire indeed has been claimed. And no apparently she's turned into Rousseau. So are we to believe that the Man in Black is "claiming" everyone? Can he claim more than one person at a time? This would explain that he's claimed Claire, Christian, Locke, and now Sayid but maybe he can't because he had to leave the room to become Smokey. And if he had claimed Claire then why is she apparently going rogue right now just like Rousseau? Also when the Frenchmen were claimed they disappeared under the tunnel and when they came out they were fully claimed. Why did it take so long for Sayid and in fact he still isn't claimed as far as we can tell. We have to wait for the darkness to take over. It's an interesting thing for sure!
3. So I've been thinking about this theory for a while, truth be told every since Ben tried to convince us that he was the good guy - but what if who we think is good - Jacob - actually is bad and the Man in Black is actually good? Bam! That could be a game changer indeed.
4. The hair in this episode I think is worthy of it's own talking point. Kate's looked beautiful, I mean it's only what I hope to achieve one day and Claire's? I mean come on - that was a straight up wig. But island Kate's hair could use a little work if I'm being honest. There's got to be some sort of brush on that island considering two plane crashes (or one now in this reality) and a group of Dharma and Others folk have lived there. Arguably this might be the biggest mystery of all!
5. So in the off island reality we're seeing a lot of similar scenes and characters being drawn together. The fact that Kate was there for the first birth on island and will be there to help Claire again off the island is significant. It shows that they're both connected to Claire's child. And then another good surprise was Ethan! He's still a doctor and still the love Child of Horace and Amy. He still happens to be extremely creepy even as a good doctor. Okay I'm going to call out a little Grey's Anatomy (aka the worst show on air today) and say that I'm pretty sure you can't give the mother the choice of whether or not she wants to baby to come now or if she wants to just have some needles stuck in her to delay the birth. I'm no doctor so I could be wrong but come on!
6. When the door opened for Aaron's possible adoptive parents I was totally expecting to see a familiar face! It would have been exciting to see another lostie or an Other, hell I would have been cool with Juliet! On the contrary an appearance I was excited to see was Mac from Sunny in Philadelphia aka Aldo. Although he was playing a super annoying character he seemed like he had some valuable information to share! Too bad rogue Claire shot him.
7. Jack - so I'm hoping this is the last episode where Jack is feeling down on his luck because he just seems so sad and beaten down. He doesn't trust himself and he recognizes, with Dogen's help, that he's hurt people in the past who have trusted him. But I still believe that Jack has always wanted to best for everyone and he'll find his way back again. Plus, bonus points to him for taking the poison pill and calling the Other's bluff. Plus extra bonus points for the tender look he gave Kate before she left for Sawyer. They love each other - and this is confirmed when she recognizes him somehow in the off island reality.
8. I can't wait for Jin to find Sun! What a tender reunion that will be! But I'm curious about when Sun went to Othersville after her plane crash and she ran into Christian who said she would have to wait. Did he know that it would only be a matter of time until Jin returned? So did Sun have to do anything besides wait? Assuming that Christian is claimed by the Man in Black this could point to the theory that the Man in Black is actually good because he was trying to help reunite Jin and Sun. I just can't say for sure!
9. How did Dogen get to the island? He said that Jack knows how he got there ... I'm going to assume that the Black Rock ship is what brought all the originals over ... like Richard Alpert and now apparently Dogen.
10. So I love Lost because they know me so well. They know I love time travel, science fiction, hot people running around a jungle, Juliet dying, and now zombies! It's been confirmed over and over on this show that dead is dead, yet we have an abundance of dead people coming back to haunt us - much like zombies! Not the gory, arms falling off kind of zombies, but soul-less, darkness inside kind of zombies and it brings a whole new edge of awesomeness and creepiness to the show!
So that's it kids - post your thoughts and theories and thanks to all those who commented last week!
Your summaries crack me up - love it!
Great analysis; it cleared up a lot of fog for me. I do like the Claire/Kate bonding as it shows the depth of the female characters. And, I was surprised to see that pill was poisonous - trusting, foolish me! Thanks, Bridget! Aunt Nan
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