Friday, May 9, 2008

Episode 11 - Cabin Fever

Hi Everyone! Okay so what an episode ... like recent episodes, it confirmed a lot of our suspicions and didn't reveal anything too ground breaking but awesome nonetheless. Season four is shaping up to be one of my favorites! So let's get to it! Feel free to skip the plot summary although to be honest, I don't really want to write it so it's going to be skimpy.

Locke, Ben, and Hurley travel through the jungle in search of casa de Jacob. Locke has a dream vision about Horace Goodspeed to tells John to find him if he wants to find Jacob. When he wakes, they traipse back to the place where Ben shot Locke just days before and he explores the dead bodies for Horace's. He finds a map to the cabin in his uniform pocket. Hurley discovers that Ben helped to kill all of the people in the pit and is no longer the special one. They travel onward to locate the cabin and when they find it, only Locke goes inside. Once inside, he asks for Jacob but Christian Shephard appears and says he can answer for him. He introduces himself as Christian and then Claire appears in the corner of the room very calm and relaxed, welcoming Locke. Locke wants to know why he is there and Christian says there is no time for these questions, only one. Locke asks how he can save the island to which Christian reveals to him. Locke returns to Ben and Hurley and tells them they need to move the island.

Locke's mother was a teenage mother dating a guy twice her age. She was hit by a car while running away from her mother to him and as a result, John was born prematurely. When Emily was allowed to see her baby, she ran away from it and the mother wanted to put him up for adoption. Several times in John's life Richard Alpert comes to see him. He tests John as a little boy to see which object he would choose. He disappoints Alpert when John chooses the knife over the other island objects. Once again as a teen John refuses to attend Mittelos summer camp claiming "No one tells me what I can't do" a familiar mantra of his. We then see John in rehab being helped by the orderly Abbadon. He tries to force John to use his legs on the stairs and become something greater but John again refuses to see this and Abbaddon suggest the walkabout for when he is ready.

Keamy and company return to the boat. They are roughed up from Smokey and the doctor tends to them. Keamy and his men suit up for another trip to the island, this time with a strange device attached to his arm. Keamy realizes that Michael was the one who was giving Ben information and he tries to shoot him, only to have his gun jam. Keamy suits up to return when the captain tries to prevent him as does Frank the pilot. At that moment, they receive a message in Morse code from the losties. Clearly the time on the island and the time on the boat are different because this message said the doctor washed ashore when he was still on the boat. In an effort to get Frank in the chopper, Keamy kills the captain and the doctor. As they headed off towards the island, Sayid had jumped in a raft to go save his losties while Desmond stayed on the boat. Back on the island the chopper flew over the beach and a backpack dropped from it with a satellite phone inside.

haha well so much for skimpy, on to the discussion!

1. Move the island. So this idea I'm not so sure I love. So Locke has the power now, not Ben to take care of the island. It makes sense since the island is so hard to find, but why move the island? Why run and hide Jacob? Don't even get me started on how the hell you move an island. I'm interested to see how this one plays out.

2. Severe lack of my man jack in this episode. I was glad they threw us a little bone at the end ... I think that Frank threw the pack out of the chopper. He probably wants them to contact the boat since he has all of Keamy and the bad people with him, they can all get to the boat and escape. So perfect timing that Sayid is coming back for them. My question is how will they decide who gets on the raft. Looks like in next week's preview is the flash forward to them getting rescued, it looks awesome.

3. So last night's episode sparked a lengthy conversation between myself and my roommate about time travel. Now, I'm a sci-fi dork, I don't think its a secret anymore, but we had an interesting debate. I think time travel is certainly possible, and LOST wants to accept that it is as well. Now, LOST is clearly toying with the idea of time travel with the Desmond flashbacks, the Morse code message about the doctor, and even the appearance of the ghosts on and off the island. I think present time is the boat. The island is located in the future. The travel between the two times is what is causing people to get sick if they can't handle it. Sayid appears to be fine but Desmond is thrown back and forth, same with Wachowski. Keamy seems fine too, as does Daniel and Charlotte, so maybe the time travel depends on the person? Does Ben time travel to get on and off the island? Does Richard Alpert and Abbaddon?

4. Richard Alpert - So i love this guy, he's very intriguing. He doesn't age or does he time travel? I think he doesn't age ... part of the island. So it seems that he has been tracking John all his life. He asks John to choose which item belongs to him. I think he wanted him to choose the sand signifying the island but John chose the knife. They try again several more times throughout his life. How did they know he was going to be special? Is he special because he hasn't proved it to me yet?! He's just a crazy old bald man in my opinion. And he was an ugly kid. Haha.

5. So Claire and Christian in the cabin. I expected to see both of them ... I didn't expect Claire to be so calm. It's going to be awesome when Jack sees his dad again and finds out that Claire is his half sister. I wonder if they will reunite Claire and Aaron, I doubt it. I bet they will all think Claire went crazy or something and not give Aaron back to her, thinking he would be better off of the island. I think maybe she's already dead, just like Christian and is now working with Jacob. Maybe her death will be a flashback. Also, why is Christian so important to the LOST mythology. I get why he was important for Jack, Jack is the way he is because of his father, but what does he have to do with the island?

6. Hands down I am scared of the cabin. When they look for it, talk about it, think about it, I get scared. I'm scared now just typing this. Could be the fact that I watch LOST in the dark but it's scary as hell. Why does it move? If the house can move then the island can move I suppose. Who is Jacob and why is Christian speaking for him? Does Whidmore know about Jacob? Is that what the backup protocol was that Keamy pulled out of the safe? Did he get a map to Jacob's just like Locke had from Horace? How does Whidmore know???

7. Locke's flashbacks, as my roommate Maureen mentioned, the only flashbacks and flashforwards we've seen that aren't told through the perspective of the losties are those of Ben and Locke, and it was of their births. What could be the significance of it? Is it because they are "special"? And why is Ben not special anymore? Both their mother's play an important role. They come from loving mothers, even though Locke's was afraid and abandoned him, and both from terrible fathers. Maybe Ben and Locke are somehow related! Highly unlikely.

8. Abbadon, now he is scary. He appears as an orderly and after inferring that he would push Locke down the stairs just to see if he could fight his disability, he suggests that John go on his infamous walkabout in Australia. This makes me wonder if these people brought John to Australia and crashed his plane just to get him to the island, since all of their other attempts to get him there failed. And if that's the case, why didn't they just crash the first plane he was on? Abbadon was in charge of recruiting the scientists for the island, why did he bring them there? How does he differ from Keamy's mission? Keamy seems to be working for Whidmore but so does Abbadon, and they have very different missions. Seems like Abaddon is part of the island and wants to explore it while Keamy wants to destroy it. What's Whidmore's biz???

9. Keamy is off to destroy the island. He's got some sort of super bomb thing attached to his arm, if that's what it is. He's the "bad people" that Ben was talking about. Why is there a mix on the boat? Obviously people were brought on this mission without fully knowing what they were getting themselves in to. I was sad they killed off the captain, he seemed genuine to want to help the losties.

10. Easter Eggs - these are the little clues LOST throws to the viewers. There were a few. The Geronimo Jackson poster in teenage Locke's locker and the comic book on the table with the city floating above the city which is not unlike the season 4 promos? Let me know if you spotted anymore!

So it was mostly questions I asked this week because I'm kind of in the dark about a lot of this stuff. I feel like since they have confirmed the supernatural sci-fi aspect of the show, it can pretty much go anywhere. I guess the more interesting parts are about the characters and their motives for their actions. I'm really interested in finding out more about Whidmore and his role with the island. Here's what I hope happens soon: Desmond/Penny reuniting, Ben winning an Emmy because he seriously is the best character on tv, kate and jack just being awesome, keamy vs locke fight, and finally the rescue.

Only 2 more episodes ... feel free to comment because i love a LOST discussion :)

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