Friday, March 7, 2008

Episode Six - The Other Woman

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the new format of how I will be sending out my weekly top ten list for my favorite show, LOST! I'm also adding a new element to it which will be a short recap of the episode, and then I will discuss my favorite and important elements to last night's show. So I hope you enjoy!

This episode began with the traditional format of the flashback. We saw Juliet in her awkward first week on the island chatting with the island's therapist in residence Harper Stanhope. Through Juliet's flashback we find that she is lonely on the island, soon taking up a relationship with her therapist's husband, Goodwin. We also delved into the history behind Ben and Juliet that was referred to in the season 3 premiere. Ben has a heart crush on Juliet, and when he finds out about Juliet and Goodwin, he did all that he could to stop it. He sent Goodwin out to explore the lostie's crash, thus endangering him with the horrible Ana Lucia. After Juliet pleaded to Ben at the creepy dinner they had to bring Goodwin home, Ben thought it was necessary to show Juliet Goodwin's body and let her know that she belonged to him. As for the real time on the island, Juliet and Jack ventured off into the jungle after Charlotte and Farraday to stop them before they reached the Tempest (the newest Dharma station), per Ben's orders via Harper. Juliet was instructed to shoot both of the boaties, however once Juliet was able to escape from Jack and continue on her mission, she failed to eliminate them and Daniel and Charlotte were able to render the poisonous gasses inert, thus "saving" the island and all it's inhabitants from Ben's plot to gas everyone. Back in Othersville, Ben was able to strike a deal with Locke by telling him some of the island's secrets. He revealed who the boaties were working for, Mr. Whidmore, and thus in exchange was allowed to live among Locke's party.

Now for my top 10!

1. Rage. It's how I ended the episode and I think we all know why. Jack and Juliet shared a kiss, but I have to say a few things about it. A. It was not NEARLY as great as the kiss between Jack and Kate in season two. B. No tongue. C. It was totally a pity kiss because Jack is a good guy, he felt bad for her and so he planted a friendly kiss on her. Haha, I think you all should just accept that I will never accept this kiss. End of story.

2. Harper Stanhope- She is another creepy one. I also think she is part of the original inhabitants, a la Richard Halpert. She probably doesn't age for whatever reason. She seems to know a lot about the island but still follows Ben (just like Richard A.) and she just showed up in the middle of the jungle.

3. Juliet- You all know I don't like her but I will admit that this was a good episode. She does appear to be a nicer person than I thought and this episode was certainly trying to make you feel badly for her but I think it could be a ploy to make us all think she is a good redeemable person but in reality LOST wants to shock us all and make her bad. Plus, she sure got over Goodwin pretty fast and moved on to Jack. She's a man eater .... but she does win for best line of the night when Jack inquired about the therapist they had on the island and Juliet retorts "It's very stressful being an other, Jack."

4. Jack and Kate - He rushed to her aid right away, and it was a tender moment. Although I must say, this island sure appears to be pretty small. Pretty convenient the way they just all happen to stumble upon each other. Also, Jack was looking good as always :)

5. Mr Whidmore- Okay so I don't think it's too big of a surprise that he is involved with the island. He seems to take a deep interest in the island last week when he was the winning bidder on the Black Rock's log and all of his products keep showing up on the island (preggers tests, whiskey, hot air balloon). Ben explained as though he wants to exploit the island for it's powers. I guess that could be true, but I find it hard that he has all that money and couldn't find it until now. Nor do I think he is involved with the Dharma people who I think the boaties are. So I'm not really sure how they are connected.

6. Sun- Umm why would the pregnant lady run off into the jungle in the middle of the night in the rain to look for them. If i was pregnant on a freaky island, i would say hell no to any sort of activity and ask people to bring me dharma chocolate while i sat on the beach and waited for rescue.

7. Who's on the boat? I think a good guess is Michael. If Ben told him to head on one point and he would find rescue, it makes sense that he would run into that boat. They will probably show us a flashback in which Ben will have Michael go on this mission. Although I don't know why Michael would have any allegiance to Ben, unless he promised him money or something. Also I think Walt actually is on the island, hence is appearance to Locke in season 3 finale. This doesn't make me happy though because I really don't like Michael, waaaaay too whiny.

8. What is up with this chemical? Goodwin couldn't tell people he was working on it. He had some sort of mission like Desmond's where the fate of the island, perhaps the world, was in his hand with the push of a button. And why would Ben want to kill everyone again?

9. I think I'm going to give up, for now at least, on who is good and who is bad. It seems like each week I am torn between Ben and the boaties. I can't keep up. Although I loooooooooved when Ben was walking across from house to house in Othersville and when he came upon the puzzled looks from Sawyer and Hurley he just replied with "See you at dinner guys" Hahaha so funny! Oh and another thing, the therapist Harper, she mentioned that Juliet looks just like "her". Who is this "her"? Could it be Ben's mom, 'cause that would be creepy! Or does Ben have an other wifey?

10. Leave it to lost to amp up Ben's creepiness even more. His whole obsession with Juliet was pretty comical up until the end. When he was making dinner I couldn't help but laugh, but then at the end when he showed Goodwin's body to Juliet as his triumph, it was really creepy. Great casting with this guy, he's such a great character.

Well, I tried to keep the points shorter for you all, this episode was pretty good, nothing too huge happened, except for a little blip that i will no longer discuss as i don't think it is important to anyone (ahem, Jack and Juliet lovers). But I do want to clarify something in last week's email ... there are no actual easter eggs in the show, that is what they call it when clues pop up, like the numbers, or one character shows up in anothers flashback, that kind of thing. Haha sorry, sometimes I get lost in my dorky lingo.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment!


Unknown said...

Jack and Juliet forever <3

Unknown said...

Love the new format bridge!! I do have one comment for you for who "her" is...DUH she is the girl he met when he first moved to the island. the one who made him those wooden doll things for his birthday when he had all those "daddy issues." there is still another whole untapped story here as to what happened to her, etc. oh yeah, and juliet sucks ;)