So I hope all of you got to see last night's episode because it was a good one. I know you're all thinking, "But Bridget, there wasn't any Kate and Jack and mostly Juliet, so how can you be happy?" Well my friends, read on and you shall see. Oh and I swear I'm keeping the summary short!

So this essentially was an episode all about Desmondo. We find that he and Penny have a child. Desmond awakes to find a new memory implanted where Faraday tells him to go see his mother in Oxford. Penny protests afraid of what will happen if her father knows they are back in England but he goes anyway. He gets to Oxford only to realize that the lab is shut down with no record of any Faraday ever having worked at Oxford. He finds a photo of Faraday and a young woman and a custodian informs him on what has happened. He travels to the young woman's home only to find her in permanent medical care with a condition. Her sister informs Desmond that she often wakes in different periods of her life and that Mr. Whidmore was responsible for their ability to afford home care since Faraday left after the incident. Desmond then runs off to find Whidmore and without giving him any updates on his daughter whom he hasn't seen in five years, he finds an address for Faraday's mother - Los Angeles. Mr Whidmore then urges Desmond to take Penny back to wherever they've been hiding. Desmond returns to the boat and tries to conceal the fact that he did not discover Faraday's mother. Penny knows he's lying and tells him she will go with him to LA because he will never be able to forget. She asks him to promise that he will not ever return to the island.
Back on the island, Faraday and his crew go to meet up with Sawyer at the creek only to find no one is there except some nice explosives who take out the unknown losties. They are then held captive by a group dressed in old US Army clothing. On their way back to the their camp, Miles picks up a fresh grave of four US soldier who were killed, three by gunfire and the other by radiation poisoning. They meet up with Richard Alpert and Faraday informs him they are scientists there to recover a hydrogen bomb that has become unstable. He ensures them he can fix it. He tells Alpert that he loves Charlotte so he couldn't let anything happen to her. Alpert informs Faraday that he was forced to kill the soldiers that showed up to their island. Ellie, an officer, takes Faraday out to look at the H-Bomb. He examines it to find that it is leaking and he tells her to get some lead, fill it, and bury it underground in cement. He informs her he's from 50 years in the future. Locke, Sawyer, and Juliet in the meantime manage to control the officers that attacked them. The two officers begin speaking Latin and Juliet is able to translate since she says she is an Other like them. When one of the soldiers is about to take them back to their camp, the one soldier snaps his neck and runs off. Locke doesn't kill him since he thinks the soldier is one of his people. They follow him back to his camp and Locke decides to approach while Juliet and Sawyer go off to help save Faraday. Locke speaks to Alpert who doesn't recognize him. He tries to explain the future saying he works for Jacob and that Alpert needs to find him in the future. We then learn that the young soldier who led them back to the camp is a young Charles Whidmore. Locke questions Alpert about how to get off the island but before he gives up the answer there is a flash and the camp disappears. Juliet and Sawyer find Faraday in the jungle and confirm Faraday's story about coming from the future when the flash occurs for them. They all end up in the same place and we see that Charlotte is affected by the time travel and she gets a nosebleed and apparently dies.
Okay on to the top ten!!!
1. So lots was confirmed in last night's episode! I for one loved it despite the fact that the Oceanic 6 took a backseat. The big secret revealed was Whidmore being on the island in the 1950s. This explains how he knows about it, how he knows all of the people involved, and I think it explains why some people were on the plane and the freighter. He obviously knew that crew had to be there so he organized that trip (remember how Naomi didn't understand why these people had to be the one on the mission?). Also it explains why Abbadon was seeking out Locke at various points in his life and trying to get him to come to the island. Seems he knew Juliet and Sawyer had to be there too ...
2. So I know that a lot of people might be getting discouraged by all the time travel, it certainly is confusing me but I think its adding an interesting element. The fact that they keep bouncing around is certainly confusing and some people object to it now that its for sure a science fiction show, but I think the time change keeps it interesting. Flashbacks were never super exciting unless there was some weird connection but things never changed. And the future is kind of depressing to watch but the present jumping around, you seriously don't know when they will end up and who they will meet! I honestly didn't see Whidmore being there!
3. Ellie - okay my theory with her is that she is Penny's mother. They kind of look alike and its possible that she and Whidmore could fall in love, they both look pretty tough and she looks a lot like Penny. My other guess is that she is Mrs. Hawkins aka Mrs. Faraday. But she looks pretty old so I'm not sure.
4. Juliet and Sawyer. Okay so we all know I don't want them to be together but last night I had a stroke of genius! If they got together, and Kate came back, that would be pretty unforgivable and then she would truly realize that Jack was the guy for her!! I mean, I wish Juliet no happiness on the show but anything that puts Kate and Jack together I'm all for! Juliet got some points for the "Others 101" comment last night, gotta love when the Others call themselves the Others.
5. H-Bomb. So this could possibly be the answer for the "incident" we've heard about in the Dharma videos. So Faraday wants Ellie to cover the leak in lead and bury it in the ground to render it inert. Okay well I'm no scientist (although I feel like one when I say things like "render it inert") but I don't know how burying a hydrogen bomb underground in cement will stop anything. I mean don't those things level cities and blow up concrete? But if it does explode then maybe this was the reason to set up all the Dharma stations and for Desmond to push the button to release the charge build up. I'm still a little angry with the idea that there was a fail safe button, that makes no sense.
6. Charlotte + Faraday = loooove. Hehe, very tender moment when he professed his love. But I think it was because he knew Charlotte's time was short and he wanted to let her know. So the question remains why is Charlotte the only one who is affected by the time travel? She doesn't have a constant? Well neither do Sawyer and Juliet but they seem fine. I think it has to do with her origin, like I've said I think she is from the island and that must confuse her with the temporal displacement syndrome thingy. But I will miss her and the love story between her and Faraday. Maybe Faraday will go crazy and become an Other or something ... not likely.
7. So Locke approaches Richard Alpert who has a strong love of eye liner, and asks him how to get off the island. Alpert is a little skeptical at first until Locke reveals he works for Jacob. Alpert obviously takes him seriously because he visits him throughout his life. This is apparently the selection process to become the leader but it seems like Locke fails a few times. So are we to believe that Locke is the new leader of the hostiles?
8. Okay so this one will be a doozey but stick with me. It seems like we have 3-4 separate groups: 1. the losties - survivors of Oceanic 815, 2. the others - post Dharma and post hostiles who lived on the island, 3. the hostiles - the original inhabitants of the island, and 4. the freighters - Whidmore's crew. The hostiles are the island's natives, Richard Alpert is the second in command of this group. The US Army came to conduct tests and when they wouldn't leave per Alpert's instructions, they were all eliminated (except a few who stayed and joined the hostiles - Whidmore). Somehow there is a falling out between Alpert and Whidmore and he is banished from the island. Whidmore comes back with his Dharma Initiative and there is a battle between Dharma and the hostiles. Hostiles win (with the help of Ben Linus) and take control of the island becoming the Others. The losties crash on the island and chaos ensues as we have watched for five seasons. Freighters under Whidmore's control come back to the island to take over. Losties are divided, some join the others and some join the freighters, another battle is looming. So we are ultimately still in a war between the hostiles and the freighters ... island versus Whidmore. I hope that made sense because that's where I am with the groups.
9. Penny and Desmond have a baby and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen! And believe you me, I don't usually think babies are cute, but that is one adorable curly haired kid. I mean it was to be expected ... but I almost died when they said the baby's name was Charlie. Adorable tribute! I hadn't realized how much I did love Charlie until he died haha. Sadly I don't think Penny has very long on the show ... Whidmore knows Ben is after her since Alex died and I think once they get to LA things will start to get interesting ...
10. MOST IMPORTANTLY - scenes from the next. Jack and Kate make out. Jack and Kate make out! haha I'm like a 15 year old girl but I love them and so they need to be together! I hope its post the group joining up to go back to the island that way when they show up they will declare their love in front of Sawyer and Juliet, muahahaha. Also in the scenes from the next, sounds like Claire is back! Is she dead or alive? Looks like we'll have to wait to see!!
Okay great ep, hope you all enjoyed and I swear if there are no comments you are all dead to me! JK - have a great rest of the week :)
Thanks, Bridget. you cleared up a lot for me. I love Penny and Desmond and thought naming the baby Charlie was very sweet. So many characters and back and forth, and forth and back I feel like I am on a seesaw. I am looking forward to seeing what happens to Hurley - I just couldn't believe that one! Thanks, Aunt Nan
When I was watching this episode, I totally had this theory that the people who caught them were Rousseau's boat people before they all died ( I have been waiting for that story to come back and I'm mad they killed Rousseau before it did!). But yeah...I was waaay off. Who knew that it would be Whidmore???Random! ...mkb
MKB - I think that with the time changing they will for sure run into Rousseau's boat people - i think they want to clean up that story line and with Rousseau dead and gone I think its a great way to end it! - bb
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