Okay so one of the best episodes in quite some time ... it was equally exciting on and off the island! I'm totally LOVING the time warp :) So I swear I'm keeping the summary short because it takes far too long to write when all I really want to do is gab on and on about how much I love Jack!

So here we see that Kate is being convinced by Sun to head off the the lawyer to see who his client is. Once he reassures her that she will never find out who the client is and that she will lose Aaron, she freaks. Jack meanwhile comes to find her because a man attacks Sayid in the hospital and in his pocket is Kate's address. Kate and Jack follow the lawyer to a motel where they see her meet with Claire's mother. Jack wanders up to the room to investigate and realizes that all Claire's mother wanted was to sue Oceanic Airlines. Coincidence? I think not. He then takes Kate back to meet up with Ben and Sayid. We find out that the lawyer is actually working for Ben (um did I call it or what?) and that the lawyer will successfully have Hurley released from Prison in the morning. They all rendezvous at the dock and Kate refuses to believe Ben. Sun is close by in a car watching the meeting and has Aaron in the back seat. She grabs her gun and approaches the group.
The island is still hopping through time and as they walk back towards the beach it becomes night and Locke looks out to see the hatch light gleaming up in the night. Sawyer goes to explore when he sees Kate helping Claire give birth in the jungle and a tender moment ensues until the next flash. The group makes it to the beach but not before Miles suffers a small nosebleed. Lock postulates that he needs to go back to get the Oceanic 6 since these flashes are happening because they left. Based on Farraday's theory that the time warp is causing the neurons in the brain to become confused and the brain to then hemorrhage, they need to stop it soon. They find the camp is back and the there is a canoe with an Ajira Airways water bottle in it. They take off in the canoe and a flash sends them into a storm where other people are out on the ocean shooting at them. The flash occurs and we see these new others find a person floating in the ocean. This person ends up being Jin and he wakes up to realize that the french woman aiding him is in fact Rousseau.
Wow I think that was the shortest summary I've done in a while! On to the top ten!!!!
1. Okay so Jack and Kate did not have any tender moments this episode and I'm angry. Yeah I'm looking at you LOST, you falsely advertised in last week's scenes from the next. BUT they are back together in the sense that another adventure has begun for them. However, Jack is still up to his old "I can fix anything" ways and it worries me. But for all you non-Jack and Katers out there, there was plenty of tenderness to be had between Sawyer and Kate. I do love Jack and Kate, BUT I will give it to them that they are playing up the Kate and Sawyer thing well, he so misses her and it was adorable. He could have said hi or helped but I guess that goes into the whole you can't change the future or past premise we heard earlier from Farraday this season.
2. I like that the time flashes allow the losties to be sent back in time to when they were on the island. I think this will be the explanation for why people show up at odd times and in odd places on the island - a la Walt to Shannon? Not sure if it can explain why dead people keep coming back but for sure it would explain other people's appearances. So this also begs me to ask the question - can the present losties interact with the past losties? I can't remember if anyone ever saw them self but that would have been a cool twist!
3. I totally called that Ben hired the lawyer to scare Kate to join up with the group! I also don't think its a coincidence that Claire's mother has the same lawyer, I'm sure Ben set that up as well to scare Kate. Not sure why he readily admitted that it was him, I'm sure Kate would have still been scared. So now I'm thinking that maybe the hit men after Sayid and Hurley are also employed by Ben - since they were only going at him with tranquilizers and no intent to kill ...
4. So I was shocked to see that we would meet past Rousseau so early in the season! But I'm glad because I've been waiting for it! I think there was some confusion, or maybe it was just my viewing bud from last night Courtney, that Ben was actually the real father of Alex but as you can see from last night's episode she was preggers when she crashed on the island. And might I say that Rousseau's hubby Robert is quite a babe! Me likes when lost gives me new hotties haha! So I am so excited to watch the "sickness" develop with her crew. Perhaps it has to do with the time travel - since the present losties are traveling through time, Rousseau & Co. get caught up in it and thus begins the sickness - so that would mean Charlotte and Miles have it, but more on that later. But if it is the sickness, wouldn't they just hemorrhage and die? Rousseau said she killed them all.
5. So Miles and Charlotte with a case of the nosebleeds. Charlotte recovered, not sure how since in the past they usually die like Minkowski, I still don't think she has much time. But it was interesting because Farraday asked Miles if he'd ever been to the island. Present time Miles said no, but I've had a theory for quite some time that Charlotte is actually from the island and I think the nosebleeds have to do with being from the island - or at least being meant to be there. So how and when was Miles on the island? Could we perhaps know him as Dr. Halliwax/Marvin Candle/Pierre Chang's son from the Dharma Orientation films? He was in the season premiere and he did have a wife or lady of the night ... haha so maybe! Another thought, what if someone who has been time traveling for a while, maybe Farraday, is a parents to someone we know?? Sort of how I speculated that Ellie from last week is Penny's mother ... not sure but that would certainly be interesting.
6. Easter Eggs Galore! So yeah the numbers are now being arbitrarily tossed around, Sayid was knocked out for 42 hours, Kate's address: 42 Panorama Crest, 23rd dock on the Marina! Also we saw a water bottle in the canoe from Ajira Airways which we've seen commercials for and it was in the video you could download off itunes with the promo song for the Fray. MAYBE there is going to be another plane crash since they are introducing a new airline? Not likely but maybe Whidmore has some control in it? Oh another easter egg was the van that Ben was driving - it said Canton-Rainier which is an anagram for "Reincarnation". Just like the Hoffs Drawler (flashforward) anagram, maybe this gives us a clue to how John Locke will die to bring others back to the island only to be reincarnated!
7. Jin is not dead and I think we all knew it! By the way, that dude needs some chapstick pretty badly! How is his English these days? Lucky for him Rousseau can speak English but should be an interesting conversation to watch next week. He clearly knows who Rousseau is so this will be how he finds out he has traveled back in time ... but wouldn't Rousseau have mentioned that she had met him before? Or no since it hasn't happened yet and since Rousseau is dead she can't process the new memory? And how does Ben know that Jin isn't dead as we saw him tell Sun in next week's scenes from the next?
8. Best line of the episode of course goes to Sawyer when they were on the canoe and being shot at - "Who are they? Other Others?" hahah. But Juliet is giving him the eyes and I am not liking it - unless it paves the way for Jack and Kate then I'm okay with it. When is Juliet gonna fall off the raft or get a nosebleed?
9. So Locke now knows he needs to start his search for the Oceanic 6 to bring them back and that he needs to go to the Orchid station to find them. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Ben leave to go do that? And can't Ben now not come back to the island? Doesn't the island need John there? This could maybe be answered by his ability to die and be reincarnated which is what seems like will happen.
10. Okay now I've mentioned this before but Kate being six months preggers when she crashed? Sorry, that would have been in some sort of report by the marshall. How they even thought lying about Aaron would have been possible is dumb. Clearly you're going back to the island because your brilliant plan to lie about it didn't work. And if they hadn't lied about it wouldn't the baby have gone to Claire's mother? In which case I'm sure she would have been a fine protector. Whatever, Aaron annoys me - dumb the kid and get with Jack :)
Okay well hope you enjoyed it ... until next week my fellow losties :)
I find the whole French boat load very confusing but I am so happy Jin is back! And, i heard he is also going to be in a production of The King and I. I wonder how long it will take to get them all back on the island??? And with high hopes for Kate and Sawyer to be together is my dream(sorry Bridget). thanks for this great review! Aunt Nan
P.S. i had no clue about the anagrams!
Briggs I know you love jack, but i have to say i'm coming around a little on the sawyer/kate thing. he is so cute about her, and jack needs to redeem himself for being so whiney and basically falling to shambles once off the island. Your whole locke/reincarnation theory is confusing me a little. I guess I'll have to see it in action. And I'm with aunt nan-how do you spot these anagrams?!?!?...mkb ps-yay for finally seeing rousseaus boat people!
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