Monday, March 30, 2009
Episode 10 - He's Our You
So this episode dealt with the issues and questions concerning Sayid. He is being held prisoner in the Dharma cell and we learn through a series of flashbacks how Ben no longer needed his help in executing Whidmore's guys. We learn that Sayid is intrinsically a killer and he returns to the island against his own will after having been captured by a bounty hunter hired by one of his victim's family. When Sawyer does all that he can to help Sayid escape without implicating him, he is brought to Oldham where he receives a truth serum and begins predicting the future. The group decides that Sayid will be executed until young Ben Linus helps Sayid escape with the promise of joining the hostiles. En route to hostile territory Sayid decides to change fate and shoots young Ben in the chest.
1. Okay so the obvious main point of the episode was to see a character try and alter the future with a major change. Sayid shot Ben. This goes against Farraday's theory that you cannot alter what has already happened in the present (2008). So clearly this episode put it to the test because Sayid shot young Ben. Too bad because he looked so sad and yet to hopeful when he found Sayid. So yes, it looks like a fatal wound to the chest but let's be honest here, it is Benjamin Linus we're dealing with, no matter how young and innocent he may look. So my prediction is that he is not dead and his recovery will be that of Locke's when Ben first shot him into the Dharma pit. Young Ben will know who and what Sayid really is, a killer, and that's why he will hunt down Nadia and find that the only way to motivate Sayid in the future is to give him reason for revenge.
2. Ilana - so it makes sense that she's a bounty hunter although honestly the only person who could have hired her to do so was Ben, since Sayid is waaaay to smart to leave any evidence behind. So Ben had him captured and put on the same plane to bring him back to the island. The question is - did Ben know that Sayid would shoot young Ben and thus still bring him to the island? Me thinks yes!
3. Umm Kate don't pretend you didn't know Juliet and Sawyer were a couple, it was so obvious from the get go! She won't let is go though, she's ruthless and she'll get Sawyer back ... I think we'll learn next week just what Sawyer whispered into her ear ... it should be tender. But I still love you Jack! Also It almost looked like Juliet and Kate were becoming, gasp, friends? Hell no - Juliet cannot have both hot men AND Kate as her friend. Let's be honest, Kate will employ some sneaky fugitive moves on her and try to steal back Sawyer. When will you learn Kate that Jack is your man! civilization. So he's some sort of witch doctor with his truth serum of sorts. I was a little disappointed that this is what happened but the
4. Poor Sawyer, he tried everything to save his lovely life he has going on in Dharma but Sayid is going to ruin it all! Despite his better efforts, Sawyer had to bring Sayid to Oldham (shout out to Bud Dearborn from True Blood haha my other fave show!) who lives in a tent away from DharmaDharma Initiative is a peaceful bunch so I wans't really surprised. Just the way they built up this guy seemed kind of a let down. This was probably the best scene of the episode however because Sayid was creepy. Radzinksy was freaked out that he knew the future plans and in his panicked state decided the penalty for Sayid was death. Sawyer seeing no way out had to vote unanimous. To be fair he did try to help Sayid as much as he could.
5. So why does Oldham live in a tent away from Dharma? Is it a sweat lodge like Locke's? I'm thinking he's not so powerful, all he really stands for is an image of being a really scary guy ... like they tell the rest of the Dharma peeps that he's a last resort and once you see him maybe they ship you off back to the mainland, just to keep everyone else in line. But then again, LOST doesn't usually introduce new characters for nothing.
6. Sayid looked so sad when Ben told him he didn't need to kill anyone else. To be honest Sayid, did you think you were going to do that you're whole life? And I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not so sure there's enough Habitat for Humanity to take away the guilt for killing all of those people, most of which you can't be sure if they were actually bad! And really, all it took was a visit from Ben telling Sayid he was allowed to kill more people because they were watching Hurley?? Sayid really is a bad guy then ... but still cool as hell.
7. So the return of Roger Workman aka Ben's dad! We knew he would pop up and now we totally understand why Ben is trying to escape his people. What I wanna know is where is Ben's little girlfriend? I want to see her pop back up!
8. There were a couple of Easter Eggs - the McCutcheon's whiskey (for $120 a glass!) and a Geronimo Jackson/Alice in Wonderland poster up in the cafeteria. I haven't seen the numbers in a while though ...
9. I'm glad someone asked what the heck they all came back for. What is the purpose of the Oceanic 6 returning to the island? So far it's just been chaos. I guess Ben was right, they never should have left ... then there wouldn't be all this time traveling business.
10. So my next thoughts are these - Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, and Jack: somethings going down and I have a feeling its going to be Kate and Sawyer icing out Juliet and someone dying and I vote Sawyer. Although I hope I'm wrong. I also think young Ben is still alive and will exact his revenge on Sayid in the future ... perhaps pushing him to initiate the purge much earlier thus causing the death of Sawyer. Just some thoughts, who knows if they're right!
Okay see you all this week, and sorry again for the late post!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Episode 9 - Namaste
Without a "Previously on LOST ..." we see the gang back on Ajira Airways waiting to get to the island. The plane enters some turbulence and Frank Lupidus tries to gain control of the plane when the flash occurs and throws the plane from stormy weather to clear and he safely lands the plane on the island. Lupidus, Ben, and Sun are the only losties who didn’t make the time jump and they trek off into the jungle following Ben. They decide to sail over to their island and Sun knocks Ben out and her and Frank venture over to Othersville. There Christian Shepherd appears and they follow him inside where he shows Sun a picture of the group working for Dharma back in 1977 and he tells them they have a long journey ahead.
Sawyer picks up the gang from one end of the island and decides to integrate them with a recent sub coming back from the mainland. He and Juliet together manipulate the list and they arrive just in time for Dharma orientation. Dr. Marvin Candle welcomes Jack while Phil interviews Kate and gets a little skeptical until Juliet comes to save the day. Meanwhile Jin is over at the information station looking for Sun and a plane crash when Radzinsky finds a hostile in their territory. It turns out to be Sayid and Jin must hold him captive. They call Sawyer who takes him into camp and puts him in a jail cell underground. Sayid admits to being a hostile and is visited in his cell by a young Benjamin Linus who brings him a sandwich. Back upstairs Jack goes for a late night visit to Sawyer’s house and he finds Juliet there. Jack asks to speak to Sawyer and Sawyer tells Jack he has the upper hand now and Jack has to follow his rules.
Okay hope that was short enough … on to my theories!
Okay feel free to lay down your OWN theories! I’m looking at you Stephen!