Wow, interesting episode ... I think we all know the direction today's post is going, which is utter hatred towards you know who! :)

Locke has been flashed into the future and the remaining losties- Sawyer, Miles, and Juliet make their way back to camp. They find Daniel upset over losing Charlotte who's body didn't change with the flash (now we learn dead bodies don't go with the flash). They decide to return to their camp and wait for Locke to return with their friends. On the way they stumble upon a woman about to be executed. They kill the two men and save the woman. She insists they bury the bodies and brings the losties back to her camp, a place we've come to know as Othersville. She takes them through the sonic fence after Juliet warns her to turn it off. The losties can't handle the sonic fence and wake up in Othersville. Horace Goodspeed is the leader of Dharma and questions the losties about how they got to the island. Sawyer concocts a lie about being shipwrecked and owns up to killing the men who were holding Amy and her now dead husband Paul. When Richard Alpert appears Sawyer takes over the negotiations between Alpert and Goodspeed and confronts Alpert. Sawyer tells him he knows John and that they had a conversation about twenty years ago. Alpert agrees to back off if they give Paul's body to him and he leaves. Goodspeed decides the let Sawyer stay for two weeks and leave on the next submarine. Sawyer also convinces Juliet to stay two weeks to wait for the others and she agrees.
Sawyer is called by other Dharma members as the head of security to find out what's wrong with Horace Goodspeed. He's found lighting dynamite and blowing up trees. Sawyer talks him into coming back and he admits he was upset about Amy who is now his wife and pregnant with their child. Sawyer informs him that Amy has given birth to their son but conceals the fact that he asked Juliet to help deliver the child which has survived the birth. Sawyer, Miles, Juliet, and Jin are all Dharma workers and are mapping out the island to search for their missing losties. Sawyer is living with Juliet as a couple and one morning he gets a call from Jin who says he's found them. He leaves Juliet and joins Jin who has picked up Jack, Hurley, and Kate from the jungle. A tender reunion ensues.
So I tried to write a short summary but we all know how that usually works out ... on to the top ten.
1. Juliet is the worst. That's how I feel solely based on the fact that I love Kate and Jack so much. That being said I do think she is an interesting character and yes she sort of looked good in last night's episode but let's all be honest with ourselves, who really believes that Sawyer really likes her more than Kate, and that she is always the other woman because no one really likes her at all? Sawyer will always love Kate but Kate will always love Jack. End of story.
2. Okay there were just a few too many holes in this one for me. Why did no one ask Juliet how she knew about the sonic fence? Or just accept that Sawyer aka Jim LaFluer would be okay with talking to the hostiles? Or that the mechanic for three years can suddenly deliver babies? Or not have the equipment to be surveying the island to see that the losties were never shipwrecked? I give Dharma a little more credit than that! Ohhhhh and apparently all you need are earplugs to defeat the sonic fence - duh why didn't I think of that! Come on LOST!
3. Jack looks goooooooood in a suit.
4. The four toed statue. We saw the back of it as Sawyer and co. were walking back to the camp. It looked sort of Egyptian and the cross that Amy saved from her 1st husband Paul's neck also is an Egyptian symbol. I think that the statue gives us a glimpse into the island past and I know this from sixth grade history - Egyptians were big into the afterlife and a big theme with lost is reincarnation of the dead ... so do we think that the hostiles are from an ancient Egyptian civilization? Just a thought ...
5. There is a glimpse of young Charlotte on the island and Daniel tears up. I still can't tell if he romantically loved her or loved her in a fatherly way ... but there still is an odd connection between them.
6. Dharma. So we got to see inside a little more of the Dharma Initiative in full swing. This is post Whidmore I think since we have yet to see him and Horace Goodspeed is the leader. Now Goodspeed I think is mythologically important to the island since he appeared in John's dream as a time loop. He seemed to be building something over and over again - Jacob's cabin anyone? Was he suffering from the sickness? Was he brought back to life after Ben gassed him and the rest of Dharma?
7. Hostiles. My man Richard Alpert was back and Sawyer totally called out his love for eye liner (which i think was an homage to the fans since people have been posting about it like crazy, myself included!). He didn't ask enough questions to Sawyer in my opinion, he was only concerned about getting Paul's body in exchange for Dharma killing two of their hostiles. This deal sounds a little like the deal Whidmore and Ben have and Ben claims Whidmore broke the rules when he killed Alex. If I were Richard Alpert I would have wanted to know more like when is Locke coming back? What time period is Sawyer coming from? And why was he satisfied with only Paul's body? Are they going to reincarnate him? You can tell I'm big into this whole reincarnation idea.
8. So i thought Sawyer was great in this episode - the whole romancing Juliet thing seemed a little weird and I was a little angry that the Kate and Sawyer reunion was a little less exciting than I thought it was but man Sawyer has that hottness stare down! I can't wait to see how he explains his affair with Juliet to Kate and to see how fast he ditches Juliet for her muahahaha Juliet. And so clever to put the ex-con in charge of security ... i do love me some Sawyer.
9. So Juliet successfully delivered a baby on the island. Woohoo she finally finished what she came here to do - unless the event that makes it impossible for women to give birth on the island hasn't happened yet - maybe it happened during the Purge and Juliet just thinks she's really clever. Nonetheless her mission is complete - does that mean she can be killed off now? A girl can only dream :)
10. Why oh why can't Kate go back to looking like an attractive person - what was up with that hair style and gross t-shirt! And wow Jin speaks perfect English, it has been three years but its just funny to hear him speak English! This episode was fluff - yes we visited the whole four toed statue, and yes we saw how Dharma worked back in its prime but I want some good old, island mystery, other-terrorizing, lostie gun toting drama! AND I can't believe they are making us wait a whole two weeks for another episode! Its okay because I love you LOST and I trust you will make the wait worth while.
Until next week!
1 comment:
Well, my worst nightmare came true: Juliet and Sawyer. And the fact that Sawyer said three years is more than enough time to get over someone! you men, really! And, what will Locke do with Ben now that he has the upper hand? I am still confused about the time issues. Good review, Bridget! Nan
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