Welcome back! After a two week hiatus LOST was back and I think they threw us a pretty good little episode. Now a friend of mine who shall remain nameless told me last week that my posts are less theory and more “Jack is so hot.” And yes that is true but only because of the recent nature of LOST. Mostly everything now is a confirmation of our suspicions but Stephen, oops I called you out, I will try my best to theorize today for you :) So I get kind of bored with the summary so I'm gonna make it super short!

Without a "Previously on LOST ..." we see the gang back on Ajira Airways waiting to get to the island. The plane enters some turbulence and Frank Lupidus tries to gain control of the plane when the flash occurs and throws the plane from stormy weather to clear and he safely lands the plane on the island. Lupidus, Ben, and Sun are the only losties who didn’t make the time jump and they trek off into the jungle following Ben. They decide to sail over to their island and Sun knocks Ben out and her and Frank venture over to Othersville. There Christian Shepherd appears and they follow him inside where he shows Sun a picture of the group working for Dharma back in 1977 and he tells them they have a long journey ahead.
Sawyer picks up the gang from one end of the island and decides to integrate them with a recent sub coming back from the mainland. He and Juliet together manipulate the list and they arrive just in time for Dharma orientation. Dr. Marvin Candle welcomes Jack while Phil interviews Kate and gets a little skeptical until Juliet comes to save the day. Meanwhile Jin is over at the information station looking for Sun and a plane crash when Radzinsky finds a hostile in their territory. It turns out to be Sayid and Jin must hold him captive. They call Sawyer who takes him into camp and puts him in a jail cell underground. Sayid admits to being a hostile and is visited in his cell by a young Benjamin Linus who brings him a sandwich. Back upstairs Jack goes for a late night visit to Sawyer’s house and he finds Juliet there. Jack asks to speak to Sawyer and Sawyer tells Jack he has the upper hand now and Jack has to follow his rules.
Okay hope that was short enough … on to my theories!
1. So the tables have turned! Sawyer is now the leader and Jack is the mere follower. I don’t think this will last very long since it is in Jack’s nature to control! At least he wasn’t crying. Now Sawyer did have a good point, he thinks about his decisions but to Jack’s defense … everyone looked to him to make decisions and they weren’t always easy so he did the best he could. Also you could see the hurt and confusion in Jack’s face when he learned that Sawyer had made him a workman … low blow Sawyer. Personally I think they’re setting up this whole “Season of Sawyer” to get the fans on his side only to kill him at the end of the season and get the most sympathy. There has been a lot of discussion online that a major major character will be killed off this season and I’m guessing Sawyer.
2. Blast from the past – lots of old Others popping up in this episode … baby Ethan (how funny was Juliet’s face when she learned this information … is there more to that side of the story?) and a young Benjamin Linus. We knew he had to pop up somewhere so it’s likely we’ll see his dad Roger working with Jack. Now the question is (pointed out by my bright friend Katelyn D.) is that does Ben know all of the losties and knew they were coming or is this going to be a “memory” that he will soon remember like Desmond did when Dan Farraday came to him when he was in the hatch and Desmond in the future suddenly remembered? I think that Dan’s whole “You can’t alter what’s already happened” theory is wrong … because the losties know that Ben kills the entire Dharma Initiative so surely they will try to prevent this? And does Ben go through with it now that they have arrived?
3. Kate – come on! The braid? Really? I swear if she keeps this up I might turn into a Juliet fan … hahaha neverrrrrrr!!!
4. Sun and Jin – So why didn’t Sun make the jump? The only thing I can think of is she left her baby back on the mainland but I don’t foresee them bringing the baby back to the island so I have no idea. I sort of think they are just prolonging the Sun and Jin reunion. But Sun is awesome … we knew that Ben never made it to the boat, it was just so cool that Sun knocks him out with an oar. In the words of Tyra Banks, she is fierce.
5. The return of Christian Shepard. So I think Christian and Locke are one in the same … both reincarnated and not exactly dead and not exactly alive. I think he’s there acting as Jacob to guide the island on its true path … and it looks like he wants Sun to find Jin but she has to fix some error in her ways first – hence the long journey ahead.
6. Radzinksy – so he is a blast from the past. Radzinksy, we learn, is the one who designed the Swan aka the Hatch. He must have been the first inhabitant and he must have recruited Desmond’s former hatch buddy Kalvin Inman … so if his story is true then Radzinsky must shoot himself in the head … looks like we’ll probably get that back story.
7. So I’m gonna totally nerd out but Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse (writers and producers) are letting the fans name the big season finale “game changer”. It has been “the donkey wheel”, “the snake in the mailbox”, “bagel”, etc. This is the big reveal at the end and now the fans can submit their names on the abc website. I haven’t thought of mine but rest assured I am definitely thinking about it, haha.
8. Sayid as a hostile – this episode was a big set up for that story … Sayid totally ruined Sawyer’s plans of integrating the Oceanic Six back into Dharma when Sayid was found and admitted to being a hostile. So I think next week Sayid is going to go all Iraqi on everyone and try to break out, thus exposing Sawyer’s secret. Because surely Dharma wouldn’t want to integrate a hostile. I hope we find out more about the Hostile/Dharma truce because I don’t really get it.
9. I so thought when they were going back to the information station that we would get to see Patchy! I miss him :( And since they blew up that station before ... did the set builders have to create another one? sucky.
10. I think this season will end with the “incident” and obviously it will involve the H-Bomb on the island. THAT will be pretty interesting to watch because clearly it doesn’t explode because then the island would be gone. But something terrible must happen so we’ll just have to wait and see!
Okay feel free to lay down your OWN theories! I’m looking at you Stephen!
Good review, Bridget. I am still mixed-up about the time changes. And, there was an error because last episode Ben was beaten up and in bed and Locke discovered him. So what happens there- Can he be in two places? Also, there really is nochemistry between Juliet and Sawyer. And, i did not like that side of his personality this week. I think Jack is going to blow him out of the water, so to speak! Nan
i liked this episode because it was FINALLY a return to the island!! but the christian shepard stuff is weird. this may be getting too sci-fi for me :( I agree with aunt nan about the zero chemistry of juliet and sawyer...let's bring it back to the love triangle please lost!...mkb
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