Kate goes to see Cassidy and reveals the truth about the island, Aaron, and why she is there. Cassidy tells her that she took Aaron because she needed him to replace Sawyer. Over the three years they become friends and after Kate meets back up with the Oceanic 6, she almost loses Aaron in a grocery store. Her guilt over taking Aaron from his family causes her to return Aaron to Claire's mother and join the rest of the Oceanic Six as they return to the island so she can find Claire.
ISLAND Juliet tries to save a young Benjamin Linus but turns to Jack for help. When Jack refuses to save his life, Kate takes charge and decides to bring him to Richard Alpert. Sawyer joins her by letting her know he is doing it for Juliet and they take Ben into the jungle. They hand him off to Richard Alpert who says he will never be the same, his innocence will be lost and he won't remember what happened. Present Ben wakes up to find Locke still alive.
How awesome am I with the shortness of my summaries! woohoo on to the top ten!
1. I'm really enjoying how the Oceanic Six is rapidly becoming the cause for all of their own misfortune in the future. Their actions in the past are the catalyst for what happens to them in the future. It's a real ironic situation that Jack's refusal to save Ben is ultimately what causes Kate and Sawyer to give him over to the others thus causing him to lose his innocence and become the evil Ben that we know and love. And while it may have seemed cold hearted - I think it was the right choice for Jack at the time. If Ben lives in the future and you can't change anything in the past, then what difference does it make it Jack saves him or not. After everything that Ben put them through, I would want to test Farraday's theory too. Too bad he didn't though because then Ben could have avoided his destiny of being the evil leader that he is, but then where would we be without such an amazing character!
2. My heart broke just a little more last night when Jack said what he did to Kate. While I think Jack isn't totally out of line when he said Kate never loved the old him, how can he forget Kate in season one and two? She was totally in love with him! But good for Jack not putting up with Kate's flip flopping emotions, one day is Sawyer and the next it Jack! I say bring back Nathan Fillion her actual husband!
3. Kate did a lot of growing up. She realized that she only took Aaron to keep herself occupied while she was away from the island. So she gave him back to Claire's family and owned up to her mistake. I think she was fooling herself and us by saying she was going back to the island to find Claire. Kate, as we have seen, is manipulative. I mean she did commit murder, rob banks, identity theft, and a whole bunch of other stuff - so its not far off to think that she was lying about her motivation of going back to the island. It was for Sawyer and we all know it. Points for Sawyer for growing up and declaring that he was helping her for Juliet's sake, as much as I hate to say it. There was a time when I would rather Sawyer and Kate be together but since I'm still on for Jack and Kate I'll take it.
4. The Claire look-a-like trying to steal Aaron - anyone else think she's an other? Didn't they want Claire so they could have Aaron? Why would they give up so easily? She could be working for Ben so he could take him back to the island ... just a thought.
5. Time Travel - so they used Miles and Hurley to address the ever growing concerns of us mere confused fans. Basically it looks like they're sticking to their guns - Farraday's theory will prove correct in that Miles is standing by the old whatever happened, will happen. Since the future already happened to them, they are in the past thus anything they do is what has already happened. So Jack choosing to not save Ben happened and it is what caused Ben to become evil.
6. I think it would have been a lot cooler if Ben did remember Sayid in the future but alas Richard Alpert explains to us by saying that he won't remember with whatever he's about to do ... serve him to smokey? Who knows but we do know that whatever Richard Alpert does with Ben it will steal his innocence. I'm sorry, that's kind of a lame explanation for why Ben is the way he is. Couldn't they just left it at Ben hated his father and the way his life has developed so he chose his own destiny by joining up with the others and killing all of Dharma? Why does something have to make him evil, can't he just be evil because he chooses to be?
7. So Ben finally woke up to find Locke, gasp, ALIVE! Clearly we knew the confrontation would come sooner or later but I fully think that Ben's look of surprise was not so genuine. It's not like Ben hasn't tried to kill Locke before so I'm sure he knows that he's like a super-ghost or something and expected him to come back. I'm sticking by my whole re-incarnation theory with Locke and Christian Shephard and I think that Locke will want to proceed peacefully with Ben. What he wants with him, I have no idea, but whatever it is it will benefit the island.
8. Kate was looking much much better this episode! No more of that hideous braid! But I can't decide if I still like her as much now that I saw how much she hurt my man Jack. He seems so beaten down ... he did everything for her and it got him no where. I'm super interested to see what Jack's purpose becomes and I'm hoping he redeems himself. I just feel like LOST spent so much time and effort in building up Jack's character and now in this season we hardly see any of him. So they have to redeem him, and I swear this is not clouded by my obvious love for him.
9. Who will die next? Well they've announced that a major character will die this season and rather soon. I've been speculating that it will be Sawyer since his story line is dwindling but they have recently picked it up by making him in charge of the camp's security. But we learned what he said to Kate, which was super lame by the way, and now I'm not sure where they can go from there. But if not, maybe Ben will see his untimely end soon?
10. Richard Alpert, who is my fave, came back to take responsibility for young Ben. We briefly heard him mention to his others that he wasn't going to share this information with Ellie and Charles who appear to be his leader. So looks like we will find out how Charles and Ellie leave the island, which I'm sure has to do with Ben getting them banished from the island, and how Richard Alpert takes over as leader of the others. I'm excited to see this little coup and the "incident" played out! Perhaps that's Jack's purpose ... somehow making sure the incident happens!
Okay so that's all folks! I'm back to my normal schedule and I'm so sorry last week's came late. And if you don't cheer for VILLANOVA this weekend in the final four consider yourself blacklisted! xoxo Bridget
1 comment:
I don't think it is Sawyer who gets killed off the show. My bet is Sayid. I bet he goes down in a blood bath by the others. Just a hunch! And, I still can't get over Sawyer and Juliet. It is just disgusting! Nan
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