So a Ben-centric episode and a whole lot of missing pieces! All in all not my favorite but I liked it all the same.

Through a series of flashbacks we learn the following: Ben stole baby Alex from Rousseau instead of carrying out his orders to eliminate both from Charles Whidmore. Ben confronts Charles telling him that he is the one who wants the baby dead, not the island so Ben keeps baby Alex. Ben has help from younger Ethan to accomplish his tasks and at this point he still answers to Charles as his leader. Somehow we see Ben take charge and have Charles escorted off the island after having broken the rules of leaving the island and having a child with someone who doesn't qualify. Off the island we see Ben try to execute Penny but he hesitates as young Charlie arrives and Desmond attacks.
Ben wakes up to see a very alive John Locke. After stealing Cesar's gun and executing him, Locke and Ben head off to the main island to find Smokey so Ben can atone for his sins. They return to Othersville to find Sun and Frank waiting for Locke. Ben activates Smokey but Locke decides to lead Ben to the temple to confront Smokey sooner rather than later. Ben is shown the error of his ways, executing Alex, by Smokey and Ben apologizes. Alex materializes in front of him and threatens him to obey Locke. Ben swears he will.
1. Ben vs. Smokey - well now, this was an interesting scene. We finally saw the confrontation of a human vs. Smokey, and it looks like sometimes you live, sometimes you don't. In Ben's case he lived, in Eko's case he did not. I know! Remember Eko! So Eko refused to apologize and admit his sins so he died, yet Ben apologized and knew his choice with Alex was wrong, thus Smokey allowed him to live another day. That being said - I thought it was supremely cheesy, I mean Ben's my favorite so don't get me wrong, great acting, just the whole large images, being surrounded by the cloud ... I don't know, it didn't do it for me. BUT it was pretty cool how it came out of the ground all creepy.
2. Ben vs. the Humes - So it was very much predicted that Ben was hunting down Penny - an eye for an eye right? But looks like evil little Benjamin has a heart and when he saw young Charlie he felt pangs in his heart from little Alex and couldn't go through it. I don't understand why, he certainly has no problem shooting other people point blank (ahem Cesar, Locke, etc.), I guess he just couldn't kill a mother in front of her child, looks like there is a line for Ben. And then we got to see a much beloved character who I've been missing ... Desmond! I'd like to see how he bounced back so fast after catching that bullet to the chest ...
3. Sun and Frank. Okay so Sun is still on the lookout for Jin but what the hell is Frank doing? I mean its nice how protective he seems of Sun but honestly, what is his purpose? And he creeps me out a little ... so I wouldn't be sad if he would just go away, forever. And apparently they were waiting for Locke but when he shows up Frank just decides to peace? Oh okay, so he's all "hey Sun, sure I'll protect you from nothing until the crazy guys with guns appear and now I'll leave you alone." Some protector he is!
4. Locke - so Ben tells us the aptly named episode title that "dead is dead" and so Locke, while he appears to be alive, is something not so alive. So we can only surmise that he is in fact a manifestation of the island. I'm reading some religious undertones in this idea - coupled with the fact that Egyptian ideals seem to be popping up here and there and maybe somehow Locke is being equated as an Egyptian ruler, almost a god? So this might be how he knows things all of a sudden, like where to find Smokey and the Temple. I've mentioned the reincarnation theme and somehow Locke is all tied up with Christian but they have yet to reveal it to us.
5. I am NOT liking the new losties at all. First of all - guy from October Road - I'm not buying the bad guy image you're trying to sell me. Secondly, good for Ben for getting rid of Cesar, he is waaaay too nosey. And i knew the moment Ben saw that gun that it would be his. But it looks like that group isn't so random after all, they've got a mission and it involves that crate they were trying to pry open. So are we looking at another attempt by Whidmore to get back to the island or are we talking an entire third party with another issue to resolve? Dharma? Who knows ...
6. So, we see yet another aged version of Charles Whidmore. He came galloping in on us to his camp. I half expected cheesy romance music to be playing ... I had no idea that was Charles he looked too ridiculous! But he wasn't too pleased to see that Ben hadn't carried out his task as ordered. But he seems like a softie and let Alex stay under Ben's care. So we learned that Charles somehow was banished because he left the island too much and fathered a child with an outsider. Who is this outsider? Will we know her? Is it Annie because I'm dying to know when she'll come back!
7. I just about died when we got to see Desmond and Penny's little one Charlie again, he is just too cute with the curly hair. I'm glad to see they're off living their life ... but I won't lie, I want Desmond back on the island, brotha. Maybe shirtless. Oh quick note - the boat was named "Our Mutual Friend" which I believe is the name of the book that Desmond said would be his last one he ever read ... just a side note.
8. So Ben has recruited young Ethan as his helper. Is there something weird with Ethan since he was born on the island? Did he want to change like Ben wanted to? Will we ever see what happened to change his mind and leave Dharma to go for the Others or will it be that Ben forced him? Either way, Ethan creeps me out at any age!
9. I think an important scene was when Ben confronted Whidmore about the death of Alex as a baby. Ben mentioned that the island didn't want a baby to die, Whidmore wanted it dead. So if the island is all about destiny, and Ben challenges it by saying that it is just a baby and the island can't possibly want it dead, then what are we to think about destiny? It seems like everything that has happened was supposed to happen and if the island wanted baby Alex dead, then was it course correcting itself sixteen years later when Keamy killed Alex? Hello Final Destination much? This is definitely something I'm still really confused about so feel free to offer up an alternative explanation!
10. Next week we find out all about Miles! And if I was correct maybe he reunites with his father! Maybe we'll get some interesting insight into Locke since we don't know if he's alive, or dead, or a zombie!
Okay hope you enjoyed! Only four more episodes left this season so I'm sure they'll be full of answers and maybe a few more mysteries!
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