After being released from customs, Sun and Jin check into the hotel separately under their respective last names. They begin to argue inside Sun's hotel room regarding the lost money when she begins to undo her blouse. When they wake in the morning there is a knock on the door. Keamy enters Sun's room looking for Jin. They find him hiding in the bathroom and after handing over the watch Keamy demands his money. Sun confesses that she has a secret account and can give him the money. Keamy sends Sun with the translator (Patchy!) and while at the bank learns that her father has emptied and closed the account. Meanwhile Keamy brings Jin to a restaurant and ties him up in a closet. While inside he hears shouting and a gunfight. Sayid opens the door and hands him a box cutter the get himself out. Sun and Patchy return to find everyone dead except Keamy. Jin approaches behind Patchy and holds him at gunpoint. A fight ensues and Jin shoots Patchy in the eye. Sun is shot in the cross fire and Jin picks her up.
Richard Alpert returns to the island after Ilana has assured the group that he would return because Jacob has never lied to her. Richard tells them they need to go destroy the plane to prevent Smokey from escaping the island. She retreats to her garden when she is approached by Locke. He assures her he will take her to Jin and when she doesn't believe him she tries to run away but runs into a tree instead. Ben finds her and brings her back to the camp. Sun has lost her ability to speak English but can still comprehend. She freaks out on Richard Alpert by saying she didn't come to the island to save the world, she came for her husband. When she calms down, Jack approaches her and gives her a notepad. She discovers she can still write in English. Jack asks Sun if he trusts her and asks her to go along with him and Sun reluctantly agrees.
Back in camp Smokey, Jin is patching up his leg and plans his escape from the camp. He tells Sawyer he plans on looking for Sun back at the Temple and the beach. Smokey leaves the camp to go get Sun and after he's gone, the camp is under attack and everyone is hit with a poison dart. Jin wakes up in room 23 on Hydra island and Zoe comes in to question him. Jin demands to speak to Whidmore. Getting Jin this early wasn't according to Whidmore's plan but he agrees to speak to Jin. He tells Jin that if Smokey gets off the island everyone in the world will cease to exist. He then gives Jin a digital camera so he can see his daughter. When Smokey returns from unsuccessfully getting Sun, he finds everyone passed out. He asks Sayid to come with him on a mission to rescue Jin. He assures Claire that he needs her to help him get off the island and asks her not to harm Kate until after they get on the plane. Sayid and Smokey go to Hydra island where he finds that Whidmore has set up pylons to keep him away. Whidmore comes out to tell him that he doesn't have Jin and Smokey declares war. Sayid swims to the submarine to see what they have been guarding and it is Desmond, all groggy from the ride. They both recognize each other.
Wow, that was a long and complex summary. Bravo to those who actually read it!
1. The return of Patchy! I love love this character and while he was small in the tale of LOST I loved that they brought him back. He's just so awesomely creepy and its just goes to show that even the smallest of the Others connected with the island are creeping into each others lives in the flash sideways universe! Also so poetic that Jin shot him in the eye!
2. I was surprised to see that they weren't married in the flash sideways! But it was so tender to see that they do love each other and their relationship seems to be just as special - but this one seems to also have its treacherous moments. Her father still doesn't approve and he sends them both on this fools errand. It was horribly mean, but clever for Sun's father to send them to America together knowing full well that Sun thought she could run away with Jin. It was so horrible when Sun realized her account was empty and that Jin was delivering the payment for his own death.
3. So Whidmore tells us that if Smokey/MiB manages to leave the island, then the rest of the people left in the world will cease to exist. I'm just not sure how much of that I can buy. If he escapes and wreaks havoc among the rest of the world - fine, but if his escape causes the world as we know it to stop existing, then why is Smokey even trying to escape? So if he leaves the island and goes to ohhh say NYC and presumable destroys everyone, what is he going to do then? Walk around Soho, swim in the Hudson alone? For me, if I was the last person around after destroying everyone, I'd probably just want to chill on a beach. I think we're going to have to wait to get more from Smokey before we make a final judgement call on this one.
4. The return of Desmond! It was inevitable but I'm glad to see that Whidmore brought him. Maybe the reason he was trying to keep him away from Penny the whole time is so that he would end up on the island. Either he was acting in the interest of the island in trying to get Desmond there or he was trying to avoid Penny's heartache when he eventually left (maybe gives up his life?) for the island. So what exactly is Desmond's role? I'm speculating its something big, big in the way of saving the world kind of stuff!
5. Sawyer is truly starting to annoy me - how can he be so mislead into believing that Smokey actually doesn't know Sawyer is trying to double cross him! I think this is leading to Sawyer's demise ... but I'm okay with it so long as Kate can be with Jack, and Sawyer dies shirtless!
6. I want them to tell us why Claire is so crazy! We still don't know if she's been claimed like Sayid because we never saw her die! Here's to hoping she can be rehabilitated and reunited with Aaron in the end. After all, that crazy psychic said that she had to raise her baby and no one else!
7. Who is this Zoe woman and why is LOST trying to give me another eccentric scientist?! I want Farraday back! She is a Geo-physicist, big woop. Why is Whidmore still trying to figure out what the island is when clearly there is a war that is about to erupt? She needs to find the electromagnetic pockets on the island and thinks Jin's involvement with the Dharma Inititative will help. Didn't the losties destroy all of the when the blew up the yet to be built Swan station? What's left to investigate?
8. Keamy is such a creepy guy! Why won't he just die! Jin should have finished him off - but he was too busy with Sun. Here's my beef with Sun getting shot. She wasn't going to be able to help the situation and she clearly had enough time to run and hide, so she should have been able to run away and avoid the whole getting shot thing. But maybe it hit her spine and she'll have to go visit our favorite spinal surgeon Dr. Jack Shepherd!
9. I truly thought Jin and Sun would re-unite on last night's episode, seriously how long are they going to keep that going? I think they can't kill Jin or Sun off but I think Sun will be the candidate that Jacob speaks of since we've seen her character grow the most in the series. I'm also not sure that they can both still exist since we'll need one of them to die so we can know which one is Jacob's candidate. Although I would hate for either of them to die so let's hope I'm wrong.
10. So Smokey has officially declared war on Whidmore. It will be interesting to see who is really on who's side and who will ultimately be the victor. I think LOST has to end in a happy way but also a mysterious "we'll let the audience decide what happens" kind of thing. I'm not sure which way I'll prefer, all I know is I expect a lot of death and a lot of Jack and Kate love!
So that's it folks! I'm hearing some rumblings from my abc source that they're scheduling a repeat one week which is unacceptable but I'll see you all next week!