Sawyer is told by Smokey to return to Hydra Island to do some recon for his team. Sawyer agrees and Smokey admits to Sawyer, who knows he isn't Locke, that he is the "smoke thing". While Sawyer is over on Hydra, he finds the plane that landed there and a pile of dead bodies. He comes across a woman named Zoe who claims to be the last survivor. She asks to come with him and Sawyer knows that she's lying. She shows him the submarine with Whidmore on board. Sawyer promises Whidmore that he will bring Smokey to him. Sawyer returns to Smokey and tells him that he saw Whidmore and that he promised to bring Smokey to him. Sawyer then reassures Kate that he's getting them off the island.
While Sawyer was on the other side of the island, Kate is approached by Claire who seems to have warmed to her momentarily, until she tries to attack Kate. Kate pleads with Sayid to help her but he does not. Kate is approached by Smokey after the incident and she tells him she knows he isn't Locke.
Sawyer is a police officer who goes undercover. His partner Miles tries to set him up with someone his father works with. Sawyer goes to meet Charlotte and they hit it off. Sawyer gets angry with Charlotte when she snoops around his apartment and he kicks her out when he realizes she's discovered his past secret where his parents were killed in the murder suicide plot. He returns to work and apologizes to Miles for messing things up. Sawyer even tries to apologize to Charlotte but she denies him. Miles confronts him about his recent trip to Australia when he said he was in Palm Springs. Sawyer confesses what he was up to, tracking down Anthony Cooper, the man responsible for his parents death. While he confesses to Miles, their car is hit in a car chase and they take off after it. Sawyer catches up to the fugitive on foot and it turns out to be Kate.
Wow so I didn't think I would remember all that. Not a very interesting episode.
1. So yes now with only 8 episodes left I am really starting to fear for the series. This was a very uneventful episode and not 1 secret was even confirmed! And to top it all off, they introduced new characters. Great, that's exactly what I wanted.
2. I was a little bit foolish to believe this Zoe person. So does that mean she and Whidmore's team killed the rest of the survivors? Seems a little unnecessary. Couldn't he, like Hurley, have bought out the rest of the flight so they didn't have to land there? Makes me think Whidmore really is the bad guy.
3. Sawyer as a cop I guess was a good twist to his off-island persona. People may have asked why he didn't arrest Kate when he saw her at the airport. Well the answer is my friends as we find out later, that he wasn't in Palm Springs like he said he was and arresting a fugitive would have exposed him. So looks like whatever he did in this life he still has to carry the burden of what happened to his parents. And he's still hell bent on avenging their deaths. Wonder if he'll cross paths with Locke and find out who his father really is! And is Locke's dad truly good as we expected since Locke and him are friends or did he make good on past wrong doings?
4. Claire is starting to become one of my faves just because she is so creepy! Although I'll forever detest her as Tess from Roswell, and the new movie Remember Me. Yeah, I saw it. But her way to just befriend Kate with the creepy hug only to attack her with a knife was pretty intense. And I LOVED how Said didn't move to help. I think that Kate will begin to notice the off behavior and run away to the protective arms of Jack!
5. I honestly didn't see Charlotte coming as his love interest. I saw maybe Juliet, maybe fellow cop Ana Lucia. But I do think there is a parallel between her and Juliet because he brought Charlotte a sunflower to apologize which is something he did for Juliet in Othersville. Ugh. The only thing I think that mattered from all of that interaction was how Miles mentioned she worked with his father, in some sort of sciencey lab. So I wonder if Dr. Pierre Chang is still working with Dharma. Also worthy of noting is that Miles' last name on his desk was Straume, his mother's last name so maybe the same plot happened where they left the island and Dr. Chang stayed but maybe somehow in this life they reunited and are good terms. Or it's a step-father.
6. So its becoming Clear that Whidmore and Jacob = same team and its everyone versus Smokey. So is that what the finale is preparing us for? An all out battle between the two? Snore - I hope they mix it up which usually LOST does and throw in something magical haha.
7. Oh Sawyer, is he really that naive that he thinks this plan will work? Tricking Team Smokey and Team Jacob/Whidmore into fighting each other while he escapes on the sub with Kate? And while we're at it, was THAT really the cliffhanger for this episode? Announcing he's going to escape? Weak LOST, very weak.
8. I loved seeing Charlie's brother Liam at the police station! Looks like poor old Charlie couldn't kick his drug habit! But it appears that Liam was clean ... I doubt we'll get the back story but at least its something!
9. So Sawyer returns to the infamous cages and finds Kate's old dress. How lovely. How many times does Kate have to prove to you that she loves Jack!
10. So before I stated that Jacob and Whidmore are on the same team but there is compelling evidence to make that untrue. I'm pretty sure Jacob via Ben got him kicked off the island in the first place. I think if Jacob wanted him there he could have brought him back. So maybe the man that Sawyer thinks Whidmore wants isn't who he thinks he is. Hahah that's confusing ... but it seemed like Smokey at the end knew that Whidmore wanted him so at this point in the game I don't even know what to speculate.
Alright so it set us up for next week, not exactly dying with anticipation but I'm pumped. Again sorry for the late post!
For the record, at this point I'd much rather be watching "LaFleur & Straume: Partners in Crimefighting" every week rather than Lost. :)
haha totally agree Danny! I was so excited to see them back together again, not excited to learn nothing from this episode.
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