Claire and Smokey stand outside the Temple and Claire decides to enter. She is received by guns and is put in a hole where she can't hurt anyone. Sayid decides to leave the temple after some kung fu fighting with Dogen. Miles tells him that he was dead for 2 hours before he came back to life and that they tried to save him so whoever brought him back to life it wasn't the Others. Sayid decides to leave the Temple but before he goes he speaks to Dogen. Dogen tells him once outside he will encounter someone who he thinks is dead. He asks him to stab him before he speaks. Sayid leaves the temple and runs into Locke/Smokey. He stabs him in the chest and Smokey pulls it out. Smokey convinces him that he is on the wrong side and when he promises him anything in the world, Sayid agrees to deliver Smokey's message. Sayid returns to the temple and tells the camp that Jacob is dead and anyone who wants to live needs to leave the temple and join Smokey. He then proceeds to find Dogen. Dogen tells him that Jacob recruited him to the island in exchange for his son's life. He realizes that Sayid has taken a similar offer from Smokey and Sayid drowns Dogen in the water and kills the John Lennon look-a-like guy after he tells him that Dogen was the only one preventing Smokey from entering the Temple. Chaos ensues and the losties hide with Ilana in the wall. Ben tries to save Sayid and realizes he has become evil. Kate shows up to find Claire in the hole and confesses to her that she took Aaron and came back to find her to reunite them. Claire tells Kate to hide in the hole to avoid the wrath of Smokey. Outside Smokey and his new followers unite.
Claire and Smokey stand outside the Temple and Claire decides to enter. She is received by guns and is put in a hole where she can't hurt anyone. Sayid decides to leave the temple after some kung fu fighting with Dogen. Miles tells him that he was dead for 2 hours before he came back to life and that they tried to save him so whoever brought him back to life it wasn't the Others. Sayid decides to leave the Temple but before he goes he speaks to Dogen. Dogen tells him once outside he will encounter someone who he thinks is dead. He asks him to stab him before he speaks. Sayid leaves the temple and runs into Locke/Smokey. He stabs him in the chest and Smokey pulls it out. Smokey convinces him that he is on the wrong side and when he promises him anything in the world, Sayid agrees to deliver Smokey's message. Sayid returns to the temple and tells the camp that Jacob is dead and anyone who wants to live needs to leave the temple and join Smokey. He then proceeds to find Dogen. Dogen tells him that Jacob recruited him to the island in exchange for his son's life. He realizes that Sayid has taken a similar offer from Smokey and Sayid drowns Dogen in the water and kills the John Lennon look-a-like guy after he tells him that Dogen was the only one preventing Smokey from entering the Temple. Chaos ensues and the losties hide with Ilana in the wall. Ben tries to save Sayid and realizes he has become evil. Kate shows up to find Claire in the hole and confesses to her that she took Aaron and came back to find her to reunite them. Claire tells Kate to hide in the hole to avoid the wrath of Smokey. Outside Smokey and his new followers unite.
Sayid appears with flowers to Nadia's house. Nadia is married to Sayid's brother and has two children. There is still an obvious flirtation between Nadia and Sayid. Sayid's brother, Omar, comes to Sayid asking him to help him with some loan sharks. Sayid refuses saying he isn't that man anymore. Omar is mugged outside of his business and Nadia asks Sayid to go home and protect the children. Sayid agrees and when Nadia returns she asks him why Sayid pushed her towards his brother. Sayid tells her its because he didn't deserve her. Sayid is then abducted by a group of men and brought to a kitchen of a restaurant. Inside Keamy is waiting for him and tells Sayid to help his brother pay off his debt. Sayid refuses and kills all of the guards and then shoots Keamy.
Okay so I lied, it ended up being long again. Don't act surprised.
1. Okay I clearly wasn't happy with this episode because I feel like nothing happened that we didn't expect. We knew Sayid was going to turn evil and we knew somehow in his off-island life he would be reunited with Nadia. It was an interesting twist that she ended up with his brother but come one, seriously you aren't together because you don't deserve her? Puh-lease. It's even worse that they're flirting while she's married! But it's tender that he's willing to do anything to bring her back on the island, even if it means annihilating all of the Others at the temple. Somehow his vow to make up for his past deeds really aren't making any sense, but then again he did turn evil.
2. I'm really concerned for Kate with Claire. Why did she tell her about Aaron ... she's totally going to try to kill her. I'm hoping for Jack to have to chose between his sister and Kate and he's totally going to save Kate. This episode lacked Jack, although we did catch a little glimpse of him at the hospital so that was nice.
3. So I know the debate is still there, is Smokey good or evil? This episode favors him to be evil. He basically wiped out the Others without thinking twice. Did he really expect them to abandon Jacob so quickly? Then again, he is promising them the one thing Jacob wouldn't allow, leaving the island. Maybe they got bored of playing with sticks and decided to return to a place where they could shower.
4. So Dogen met his end swiftly - only four episodes. Eh, there have been worse causalities, hello Nikki and Paulo. But we learned he was brought here because it was the only way his son could live. So Jacob manipulated him to come and protect the island with him. He was also the last thing keeping Smokey out of the temple. So somehow he is more than just a man, and me thinks we haven't seen the last of him. I think it's significant that he died in the water, but then again so did Sayid. So will he wake up evil or will Jacob try to save him?
5. Claire was awesomely creepy in this episode. Acting like everything going on around her was normal. Here's my question regarding the darkness inside her. Is it like everyone else's possession and she's truly evil, or is she just being manipulated by Smokey? We never actually saw her die on screen and that seems to be a key factor in this whole being "claimed" theory. Maybe we can save her and re-unite her with Aaron. Seems unlikely.
6. The return of Keamy was awesome! He so got what he deserved but he creeps me out to the core. One thing I will never understand about the mob world since I myself have a severe lack of experience in anything illegal, is that these people always seem to know everything about everyone! How does everyone know Sayid was a torturer in Iraq! Seems to me that governments try to keep these sort of things under wraps - especially from small time money launderers. Sayid must have some reputation!
7. Oh so Jin in the closet! That was a shock! So now I'm assuming that Keamy isn't just a small time money launderer and he works for one of the big guys in this world too. Most likely he works for Whidmore which I was hoping we would see more of his involvement in the off-island world. If he isn't searching for the island as his main goal in life then what is he up to?
8. So Sayid stabbed Smokey and clearly it wasn't going to work since we know Smokey is not human. But how did he survive this attack when Jacob didn't survive Ben's attack? I'm getting frustrated not knowing how these two relate to one another!
9. So now we have to assume that Sayid has been claimed. So if he is no longer Sayid, then will he even want his reward for a job well done? Although it looks like Nadia would have to be resurrected as well and what body will she inhabit? Maybe she will inhabit Shannon's body!!
10. What will happen now that Smokey has his recruits? What is his master plan for getting off the island? Maybe once Jacob carries out his quest to find his new leader, the Others, losties, etc. will start to follow him again and they can take back over Smokey.
At this point I don't even know what to speculate which is a good thing, because if we knew the plot for the last 10 episodes I don't think I would tune in. Haha just kidding! Leave your thoughts!
1 comment:
Thanks, Bridget! I wonder where Sawyer was last night and I think the final coup will be Jack against Smokey perhaps with the Kate/Claire issue as you said. I'm interested to see how many followers Jack will have and what is going to happen between Jin and Sun. Nan
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