Jin wakes up to find Rousseau and company and he realizes the year is 1988. They take off into the jungle to find the radio tower when Smokey appears killing the other Frenchwomen. Smokey then grabs a hold of Lacombe (cute blond Frenchie) and drags him through the jungle down into a crevasse. The others try to pull him out but they end up separating his arm from his body and he is pulled under. Everyone except Danielle and Jin go down and Jin flashes to another time which is presumably a few weeks into the future because the arm is still on the ground. He finds his way to the beach to Rousseau's camp and he finds two bodies from her group. He then peeks around the bushes to see Rousseau holding a gun to her husband Robert. He makes a case that he still loves her and to spare him because the smoke monster was just a security system and when she puts down her gun he tries to shoot her. The gun is jammed and she shoots him in the head. Just as she had explained to Sayid. Jin finally meets up with the rest of the losties and they explain the time flashes. Just then Charlotte collapses and begins to move in and out of lucidity. She begins babbling things as a child and Farraday decides to stay with her while the others continue on the the Orchid. Before they leave she tells Locke to look for the well. They make it to the Orchid but stupid Juliet opens her mouth to comment on their luck and the Orchid disappears. Jin asks Locke to lie to Sun so she never comes back, giving him his wedding ring as proof. Locke finds the well and lowers himself in just as another flash comes and he crashes to the bottom. In the well he finds Christian Shephard who tells him he will guide him the rest of the way back. He needs to collect everyone to come back to the island and as Locke turns the wheel Christian asks him to say hello to his son.
The Oceanic 6 picked up where we left off, an argument on Pier 23. Sun is holding a gun up to Ben claiming he's a liar. Kate realizes that Aaron is in the car nearby and after accusing Jack of being in on the plot and only caring about Aaron to get him back she races to get him and pulls away. Sayid also bails warning the others to never come near him. Ben convinces Sun that he has proof that Jin is alive and Sun reluctantly goes with Jack, Hurley, and Ben. They arrive at Mrs. Hawkins/Farraday's lab to find Desmond there. Ben then gives Sun the ring as proof and they proceed inside the church. Mrs. Hawkins is disappointed that there is only half of the group but doesn't seem too concerned. They then begin to learn how to go back to the island.
Woah so looks like this episode was a sweet set up to next week! Let's get to it then!
1. Ben is a crafty and smart mofo. He has no idea if Jin is alive or dead, my guess is Locke kept his word and Ben was all, whatever, I'll totally manipulate Sun to get her back! But what about her adorable daughter? Will she come back to the island? Looks like she was far away in Korea but technically since she was conceived on the island that should make her part of it no? Ben also seemed legitimately serious about having done everything he could do to keep them all safe ... and I believe him.
2. Rousseau's story was interesting but it went with everything that she told Sayid. I guess I wanted to learn a little more about the sickness. So they got sucked down into the island and came out shells of who they once were. Does that mean they were still alive and the island was controlling them? Perhaps Jacob can't materialize and needs to take over other people in order to appear in the island world?
3. So the blond guy was cute but we knew he would die, who knew in such a gruesome way! Jason, this week's viewing buddy, can attest to my reaction to this one. I pretty much jumped off the couch and screamed, but I loved it! It reminded me of the brutality in the scene where Sayid killed that guy with his legs, so cool. But when Jin flashes into the future to see the arm we realize that the jumps between time are getting closer and quicker. Is time running out for our losties on the island? When will the Oceanic 6 arrive? I only ask because of the time difference on the island vs. the real world.
4. Charlotte - well we had it confirmed that she was born on the island. I still think it would have been a unique idea to make Farraday her father, it would explain the love he feels for her but he hasn't acted upon it. But we see she was turned into a babbling patient, just as the girl Theresa had done when Farraday was experimenting on her. So Charlotte had been searching for the island her entire life but was nervous because a scary man had told her never to come back or she would die, and this person was Farraday. I don't know about you but if a crazy scientist came to me and said if you go here you will die, 2 things - one: i would not try to go back unless i knew Jack was there to be my husband and two: i would remember what he looked like! Come on Charlotte! So it looks like we will find out that everyone from that team will be born on the island (see previous theory that Miles is the son of Dr. Halliwax). But whatever happened to Frank Lupidus?!
5. Locke turned the frozen donkey wheel with the help of Christian Shepard. I threw out some guesses right before and I was wrong. I do love to see Christian and I hope this means jack and his daddy issues will be resolved, that way we won't have to see him cry so much! And boy oh boy does Locke take a lot of sticks and shrapnel to the legs. Not to mention he got shot not so long ago. He really must be special. But that must really be Christian if he asked Locke to say hello to his son ... I don't think Christian is Jacob.
6. Juliet. You are the worst - everyone knows you don't say how lucky you are out loud because then you're luck will turn around! Idiot.
7. Kate why you gotta be hating on my man Jack so much! I'm pretty sure he's ACTUALLY related to Aaron where as you are a liar. And yes he wants you to come back to the island because he wants you to be safe. Ugh she was not my favorite this episode but scenes from the next look prettttty good ...
8. Okay so who has to go back now? We know the Oceanic 6 but does this include Desmond and Sun's baby? I would assume so. And Desmond confirmed that Eloise Hawkins was Farraday's mother. I felt like this episode was just confirming a lot we already knew. Also - Jin's t-shirt with the star on the back was awesome ... I'm def going to look into that!
9. The sickness - I'm a little bummed we don't know more about it but it was scary. So I guess I was thinking the sickness in terms of physical health, sort of how Claire got sick but looks more like invasion of the body snatchers. I think it would have been cool to see a whole episode about Rousseau so we could see when they got back from going down Smokey's hole and we could see how Rousseau found out they weren't themselves. That was a great scene when her husband turned on her, uber creepy!
10. So LOST is creating a catch 22 - chicken or the egg thing here. People are having memories of things that haven't happened yet or when it does they gain new memories. Its very confusing when you sit to think about it but I'm still loving the time travel element. I can't wait to see more connections and exactly how Mrs. Hawkins preps the group to get back ... and of course how Jack convinces Kate to go ...
Okay hope you all enjoyed! Until next week ...
1 comment:
I thought this week was just ok. Far-fetched is the notion that Farraday is Charlotte's father - just some creepy old guy from the island. But, did you see Ben's face when Farrady was mentioned? There is trickery there! Yes, Juliet serves no purpose whatsoever. Did you see when she just left Charlotte? Now is that a doctor or just some selfish woman? Thanks, Bridget Nan
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