So interesting episode! Who would have thought they would send the losties back to the island so soon. Lots of mysteries and lots of questions, unfortunately not as many answers as I would have liked but did I really expect LOST to hand those over? No, so let's get to it!

Jack wakes up on the island and finds Hurley and Kate with him in a lagoon. Flashback to off the island and the crew is chatting it up with Eloise. She tells them that the room they are in is an off-island DHARMA station called The Lamp Post. This room is not meant to locate the island but to find where it will be in time and space. Desmond freaks out at Eloise claiming she cost him four years of his life and delivers Farraday's message. A lot of scientific stuff ensues and Eloise tells Jack they have 36 hours to board an Ajira Airways flight 316 headed to Guam. The exact time and coordinates will bring them back to the island. She then tells Jack privately that the flight must replicate that of Oceanic 815 so he must get something of his fathers and put it with Locke's casket. Jack then goes to his grandfather to get his father's shoes. Jack returns home to find Kate in his house. She's crying on his bed and she asks Jack never to ask where and what she did with Aaron. He agrees and they get it on. Ben calls Jack from a phone booth in the morning (he's covered in blood) and asks Jack to pick up Locke's coffin from the butcher shop. Jack obeys and while he picks it up he puts the shoes on Locke. He arrives at the airport to find the gang all there - including Hurley and Sayid. Sayid is accompanied by an air marshall and Hurley shows up with a guitar after having purchased every seat in first class. The Oceanic Six and Ben get on the flight and it takes off. Jack overhears Frank Lupidus on the intercom and asks the stewardess if he can speak with him. Frank comes out to talk to Jack and recognizes the rest of the Oceanic 6 and that he won't be making it to Guam. Jack reads the suicide note that Locke left and it said "I wish you had believed me". Immediately after reading a bright white flash occurres and Jack flashed back to waking up on the island and finding Kate and Hurley. Jin then appears from the woods in a Dharma suit and with a gun but recognizes the three at the last second.
Well well, very interesting so lets do this ...
1. Not a fan of this episode. It really made you suspend any sort of disbelief you had. If you don't like Science Fiction I suggest you get out now because it only looks weirder from here. LOST has left it's conventional form and is breaking all the rules we've come to know and love. I guess my biggest problem with it was how anti-climactic it was to get back to the island. After all that work of gathering up the crew all they had to do was get on a plane? I was thinking like catapulting themselves through a worm hole, or teleportation. But alas, they had to do the same thing as last time. Actually I was kind of bored with it.
2. So they had to replicate flight 815 as much as possible? Is that why Sayid was being taken as a fugitive a la Kate? And Hurley had Charlie's guitar? That whole story line doesn't make much sense to me yet, and will these other people (air marshall, flight attendants, etc.) be happy they have to be on the island or will they die in the process of getting there?
3. So why wasn't Aaron there and what did Kate do with him? She looked like crap so it must have been something emotional. Now here's a question - does Aaron not have to go back since he wasn't an original person on the island? I would think yes he would have to go back but apparently not. Maybe the reason Kate jumped Jack in her emotional state was to get pregnant off the island thus allowing the baby to survive on the island and recreating the Claire persona on the plane? Does that make sense? I still think Aaron should have been on the plane.
4. Best line of the episode of course goes to my man Ben - Jack: "What's going to happen to everyone else?" Ben: "Who cares?" muahahaha I love evil Ben who I think will end up being good like he claimed back in season 2. Buuuut what was he doing that delayed him from picking up the coffin - was he carrying out his promise to kill Penny since Whidmore killed Alex? Was he doing something to get Hurley and Sayid to the plane?
5. Ahhh Jin shows up at the end! So are we to assume that time travel has stopped on the island since Locke moved the wheel and that the losties have been working as Dharma crew for three years? Looks that way to me! Oh Jin looked so hopefull to see them back so he could see Sun ... but how will she explain that her baby is gone ... how could Sun have just left her? She had to have known that once she went back to the island she wouldn't be able to return ...
6. Why the hell did we have to watch that whole scene with Jack's Grandad? It seemed so awkward and out of place ... unless LOST has other plans for that character but come on, I can't have Jack having more daddy issues let alone grand daddy issues. Let it alone!
7. Okay so I don't want to come across as superficial when I say this but I will ... I like my television actors to be attractive. Now I think Jack was up to par this ep even though I like him with buzzed hair but Kate, Lupidus, Sayid? Come one, no one looked good ... I guess they need to get back to the island to get their tans and look pretty again! haha I'm bad but whatever, you know you all are thinking the same thing.
8. I expected a little more from Desmond. If he claims that Eloise stole four years of his life I think he would have been a little more pissed! Also he came super close to getting knocked out by that pendulum ... haha that would have been great if that's how they brought Desmondo back ... he got knocked out by the swinging pendulum and they carted him off. But I think free will had a lot to do with people getting on the plane, Ben could have forced people on if he really wanted to but it looks like people had to make the choice.
9. I gotta give this one to my bud Courtney, she called that Eloise = Ellie from a few episodes so maybe the surprise will be who is Farraday's father? Could it be Whidmore or someone like that? And how did Eloise get all of these equations? Did Farraday figure them out and then go back in time to set it all up? Farraday is the key here to this island but we haven't had enough proof to put together a solid theory on it yet.
10. Jack and Kate are in love. I know I already mentioned this one but when she gets back to the island all pregnant with Jack's love child Sawyer will be out of the picture! woohoo!
Okay hope you all have some thoughts to share because I was left a little confused with this episode! See you next week :)
Good guess about Ben killing Penny. He was awfully bloody! I am curious to see where the other plane riders landed and I think the shoes correlate to John Locke walking again in some bizarre way. The previews look great re: Locke hanging himself. Very interesting! Nan
yes we forgot he had to even the score - my friend maureen called that one out but good thinking about the shoes!!
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