Thursday, May 14, 2009

Episode 16 - The Incident Part 1 & 2

Oh. My. God. Where to even begin ... I'm scared to attempt my summary but to try and get things in perspective I must power through it for you! I both loved and hated (well now hate is too strong a word) this episode but it all makes perfect sense for the culmination of the last season. It both shocked me and answered some major questions ... but in true LOST fashion, it also asked many, many more.


Jacob and our mystery man (MM) are waiting for the Black Rock to crash ashore lostie island. MM tells Jacob he will find a loophole to kill him and that he thinks Jacob has summoned the boat ashore only to be proved wrong about humanity and that they will destroy themselves with greed and corruption. Jacob then pays a visit to Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, Jin, Jack and Locke. He appears to them all at integral times in their lives which have come to shape their characters. He also pays a visit to Ilana while she is holed up in a hospital recovering from severe burns. We also see a flashback of Juliet however Jacob never appears to her. We are led to believe that Jacob has been recruiting this group since their adolescence.

Locke, Richard Alpert, Ben, and the others trek across the island in pursuit of Jacob. Locke informs Ben that he, not Locke himself, will kill Jacob. They journey to the four toed statue led there by Richard Alpert who still can't believe Locke is alive. He isn't happy when Locke tells him that he and Ben will be entering the statue alone. Once inside they confront Jacob. Jacob realizes that MM found his loophole and Ben tears up while he asks Jacob why he never appeared to him and admits to Locke that he made it all up. Ben then stabs Jacob and Locke kicks him into the fire. Meanwhile, Ilana, Bram, and company are dragging a large crate across the island with Lupidus in tow. They approach Jacobs cabin to find the ash has been breached. Ilana enters the house to find it has been abandoned for a while and orders it to be burned. They then set off for the four toed statue. Once there they encounter Richard Alpert and the others and reveal to them what is in the box - the corpse of the real John Locke from the plane.


Kate, Sawyer, and Juliet commandeer the sub to let them off and return to the island. Once there they find Rose and Bernard living peacefully in the jungle. They head off to find Jack, and Sawyer takes five minutes to try and convince Jack to not detonate the bomb. They end up fighting and Juliet stops them just as Sawyer is about to hurt Jack. She tells Sawyer that Jack must complete his task. Jack and Sayid have already taken the core from the atomic bomb and smuggled it out from under Dharma amidst heavy gunfire, Sayid taking a bullet to the gut in the crossfire. They were saved by Hurley, Miles, and Jin in the van. Once the gang got past Sawyer, they headed to the future sight of the Swan where Pierre Change was trying to convince Radzinksy to stop the drilling. Another round of gunfire ensues when the gang tries to get the bomb into the well. Jack is successful in putting the bomb down the well but nothing happens. The incident begins and a magnetic force begins to drag everything into the well. Juliet is caught up in chains and dragged into the hole while she and Sawyer declare their love. The rest begin to evacuate when we see that Juliet is still alive in the hole and she takes a rock to smash the bomb and the episode fades into white.

Wow. That was a tough summary but I think I got all the important parts. Now on to my theories and thoughts for the last time this year, tear.

1. So I guess I'll start with the obvious - the ending. Juliet detonated the bomb and it faded to bla... err white. So this means we have a few options as to how they're going to begin season 6. Either the bomb worked, in the sense that it blew up the island and therefore altered history making it so flight 815 lands fine at LAX and everyone goes their own way OR the atomic bomb blew up and it is like the last time Desmond pushed the fail safe key and they begin to time travel again. I think that Jack succeeded in his plan and we'll see how their lives will intersect after the safe landing of flight 815. Maybe they will get a glimpse of both lives and get to decide which one they want to live? Otherwise whats the point of us watching them go through five tumultuous seasons only for it to never have happened? I can't imagine a world where Jack and Kate don't get to be together!

2. Jack's motives for this whole thing were a little weak. And that means a lot coming from me since I'm such a huge Kate and Jack supporter! His whole reason to restart his life is because he had Kate and he lost her? It made more sense when he was saying he wanted to avoid all the misery and bring back the ones they lost. So now I guess the question we need to ask is did Jack do the right thing? Are we going to side with him or not? I think yes, and not only because I have a deep love for him, but because he's the shows main character! He held everyone together for season after season and I don't think the writers/producers want all of that to go to waste!

3. Now, some of you won't agree with me, but when Juliet got shackled by the chains and dragged down that hole, I did a happy dance. Like I actually got off the couch and jumped up and down. I love LOST in that while I don't think she is completely gone, they threw me a bone. After all my years of hating her, I got to see her alone, in a hole, dying, and that's all I ever wanted. Oh how quickly we forget how she manipulated and tortured everyone only to be rewarding by falling in love with two extremely good looking men. But i guess the jokes on her when she realized they both loved Kate!

4. Poor Ben, I felt so bad when he was all upset over the fact that Jacob never liked him. It would have been nice to hear Jacob's explanation because seriously, why didn't Jacob ever appear to him? Oh I don't know, it could have been how he murdered all of Dharma and took control over the island without permission?

5. Jacob vs. the Mystery Man (MM) - So it was def a shocker to meet the much anticipated Jacob after all these years. Are we to assume he is some sort of God and he used the island as his experiment with humanity? The MM is clearly his antithesis and there are certain rules in place between them. Perhaps this is the war Whidmore was eluding to? So now we not only have to guess who is on what side, we also need to guess who's side is who - Jacob or the MM. So our MM has been trying to kill Jacob since before the Black Rock got to the island, and he's been looking for a loophole. So was the loophole just getting someone else to do it? Because honestly he could have appealed to any number of the criminals on that island so why wait so long for Ben to come along and kill him? Seems like a lot of effort, but then again, I suspect that there is an ulterior motive or rule to incorporate Ben like that.

6. Locke - so I guess I should have guessed this one ever since the "Dead is Dead" episode but I was shocked to see Locke fall out of the crate. So all this time the true Locke has been dead and our MM has been wearing his skin in disguise. Does that mean MM was Christian as he appeared to our losties? Or Walt to Shannon? Also I think its important to note that when Jacob went to visit Locke off the island he brought him back to life after his fall ... so this begs the question if that is even the real Locke. Because if dead is dead then that can't be the true Locke, hence why he is then ready to lead the island? It's almost too much to think about.

7. Who is Ilana and her henchmen? Why is she so important all of a sudden? She and Jacob are friends off the island? So here goes my best to who is on who's side. Jacob and Ilana are on one side. Whidmore is against Ilana's efforts so he must be on the MM's side. Ben is against Whidmore so he must be on Jacob's side but Ben killed Jacob. The freighters are Whidmore's people so they must be against Jacob. The Losties are just stuck in the middle. So will the war be the focus in season six and the losties who've never been to the island get recruited back into the war somehow? Or are they still on the island, Jack's plan having failed, and trying to find Jacob and figure out just what the heck is going on?

8. I thought the flashbacks of Jacob visiting each lostie in their past were a little hokey. So he went to visit them at a stage in their lives that defines who they are ... Kate was stealing, Jack was doubting himself and his father, Sayid lost Nadia, Sawyer was writing his revenge letter, Sun and Jin were at their wedding, Hurley convincing himself he was crazy, Locke falling out the window, and Juliet ... oh hold up, she was never visited by Jacob. Now that has to mean something ... perhaps its why she was sucked down the hole? She isn't protected by Jacob? Was she never on one of Jacob's "lists"? Maybe the flashbacks will be significant when the losties meet the actual Jacob, if that ever happens. And they will recognize him? Also - why are these people so special? Kate is just a thief and Jack just has daddy issues?

9. Jacob's cabin - So he has since vacated last we saw him there, or was that never even the real Jacob? It was once his dwelling but Ilana informed us he hasn't been there in a long time. So why did Ilana have to ask everyone "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" if she knew Jacob was there and wasted everyone's time by going to the cabin? Richard Alpert knew the answer (as I translate from Latin :) "he who will protect us". Well I'm glad they burned the cabin because it scared the hell out of me. And I loved how Ben admitted that he made up the interaction with Jacob all along and was just as scared as we were when stuff began to go crazy.

10. 2010 .... 2010!!! How can I possibly wait that long for season 6? How will any of you get through your Thursday without my email updates? haha just kidding. The cliffhanger they left us with is one we can ponder until January I suppose ... what will season 6 be like? Well looks like we'll just have to wait :)

Well this is the last post for 2009! Thanks so much for reading along, hope I was able to keep things clear all season and offer up some good thoughts for discussion! And let me know if you want to stay on, get off, add more people, whatever you want! Thanks to all of those who've contributed with their own theories and have a great summer!



Thursday, May 7, 2009

Episode 15 - Follow the Leader

Alright well like every other LOST episode that's aired before the finale, it was just a nice set-up for what's to come. So we'll get right down to it!


2007 Locke decides to be proactive about his leadership and takes the crew to find Jacob. After having spent years of not knowing and following an unseen ruler, he decides to force Richard Alpert to take him to Jacob. He convinces the others to follow so they too can question their leader. Locke then shares with Ben that he plans to kill Jacob. Ben and Richard Alpert converse about their uncertainties of Locke's leadership. We also learn from Ben that Richard has had his job as an adviser for a very long time.

Jack and Kate are caught by the Others shortly after they witness Farraday's death. They convince Ellie that Daniel was right and they have to continue his work. Kate disagrees with Jack's ideas citing that all her times weren't miserable so she leaves to find the rest of the Oceanic 6. Jack, Ellie, and Sayid continue on to find the Jughead bomb which is located under Dharmaville. Kate meanwhile goes back to find that Sawyer and Juliet are on the sub after having given into Radzinsky and Horace and told them where to find the Others. Jin, Hurley, and Miles run into Dr. Candle and he realizes that Farraday was telling the truth and that Miles is his son from the future. He begins to call for an evacuation of the island and Miles witnesses his father telling his mother to leave. We also see a young Charlotte boarding the sub.

Oh boy, on to the top 10!

1. Kate really? You're going to abandon Jack like that? My heart did break a little when she said all the times weren't miserable, and Jack couldn't agree. Who can blame him? He lost everyone, and Kate broke his heart like a million times. But who can blame Kate, if time is erased and she lands in LA safely on flight 815, she'll be looking at twenty to life! But scenes from the next seem to have Jack and Kate working together again and dare I say it, realizing they really do love each other?

2. I am a little bit angry with the meager amount of Richard Alpert history they gave us. All we've learned is that A. he is not the man in charge (which we knew) B. he's an adviser and has been for many years and C. he still likes to wear eyeliner. The question is now, will he and Ben scheme to take over Locke's new regime? Although I do have to point out his hobby of building ships in a bottle - does this point to his origins which I predicted will be the Black Rock? I think we've also seen a painting of a ship in a bottle in a previous episode ...

3. So, just as I predicted, the return of Jack is on! He's going to be "erasing history" much like he had done back in the classroom his first day with Dharma. Pros to his theory - he can save all the people they've lost thus far and get rid of all the misery they've endured over the years. Cons - No one will ever remember what occurred on the island and likely they will go on living their lives without the relationships and experiences they've had. So will he do it? I think yes - makes for an interesting season six! But I don't know how I feel about my losties not knowing each other? Will Charlie still be addicted to Heroin? Will Boone and Shannon (yeah remember them?) continue to terrorize each other's lives? Will Jack still cry about his daddy issues?

4. How the heck does Locke know all of this stuff and is he really alive? Well clearly he's in between life and death, I think the same way Christian is. Was he recruited by Jacob to lead the Others while Ben was a temporary but didn't predict that he would turn on him? Has Locke in fact turned on Jacob or is he not being truthful about wanting to kill him? It could go a number of ways ... he could just be telling this to Ben to provoke a reaction out of him. I mean, if I was planning on killing a powerful, mythical being, I probably wouldn't tell too many people about it beforehand, especially if I thought they might try and stop me. So me thinks that good old Locke has something else up his sleeve.

5. Juliet had a look of pure hatred on her face when Kate showed up. I mean, I don't blame her. How else could that evil lady score such a hot babe like Sawyer if Kate was wandering around? All her hopes for the future with Sawyer were dashed when Kate came on board.
I love the devoted Sawyer, and I think he'll stay devoted to Juliet so that Kate and Jack will get together! woohoo! And I totally would do the same thing, stay in the past and buy lots of Microsoft stocks ... maybe even write Twilight or Harry Potter before they do!

6. Oh my god. How cheesy were those submarine graphics? Really LOST? You couldn't have done any better?

7. One mystery I've been DYING to know the answer to since season 1 is who is the man and woman in the caves. Some have speculated Jack and Kate, Rose and Bernard but maybe its Sawyer and Juliet? Since we've learned from Richard Alpert that he watched all of Sun's friends die, it could be anyone! Hell maybe it's Sun and Jin! Can you tell ethnicity from bones? Anyone?

8. So if the bomb is located under Dharmaville, how does the incident not blow it up? A better question might be what is the incident? Because if they detonate the bomb they will lose the entire island thus erasing the history they know. If it doesn't blow up and the island is saved, we still need an "incident" to occur so Desmond has a reason to come to the island and push the button. So we have two options - the future as we've already seen it (aka the incident) or the bomb detonating and the island disappearing thus erasing history and the plane landing in LA as planned.

9. So Phil surprised me when he slapped Juliet, but then of course since I hate her I didn't mind. What is up with him and Radzinsky? For being in such a peaceful organization they sure do like to jump to conclusions and beat the hell out of people. But then again if I had gotten knocked out and tied up in a closet I'd be mad enough to smack Juliet. So go Phil!

10. So Dan's notebook seems to have the key to it all. But if Ellie had known that she shoots and kills her own sun and then knew he had to have a notebook, wouldn't Ellie from the future have written herself a note so she could change things as it seems like she wants to do? She wants to help Jack carry out Daniel's wishes ... but didn't this all already happen? How will she and Jack change the future if everything so far has already happened? I guess we just have to wait and see which Farraday theory was correct - can you or can't you change the future? Looks like we'll find out next week!

Okay so I can't believe how fast this season has gone by! I don't know what I'm going to do every Thursday morning ... maybe work? :) Post your theories since it'll be the last time before the finale! Thanks for last week's posts - I loved your thoughts!



Thursday, April 30, 2009

Episode 14 - The Variable

Wow! Amazing episode! And I haven't started a post like that in a while. The 100th episode will go down as one of the best ... I thought I knew it all and they threw this game changer at us! I'm scared to even attempt a summary but here goes ...


Daniel Farraday gets off the sub with Miles and goes to see Dr. Chang. He tells him he's from the future and that he needs to order an immediate evacuation of the island or else in six hours an electromagnetic incident will occur and wipe everyone out. To prove his point he tells him that Miles is his son. He then went to Jack and the gang to tell them they weren't supposed to come back and that they are the variables that have the potential to change the future and prevent the incident. He recruits Kate to tell him where he can find the hostiles because his mother is one of them. With Juliet's help, Kate and Jack leave with Daniel amidst a Dharma vs. Oceanic 6 shootout. They escape to the Others and Dan approaches the camp. He is then shot by his mother Ellie and comes to the realization that she knew about his impending death all along.


A young Daniel is told he is special by his mother and she's there to guide him along his path. He attends Oxford graduating the youngest physicist with a grant to study his research from Mr. Whidmore. He and his mother attend a graduation dinner without his girlfriend Theresa and she gives him a journal. A few years later Daniel is with a stay at home nurse because he has lost his memory from testing his experiments on himself. He is watching coverage of the 815 rescue and crying when Whidmore comes to visit. He tells him that the people on the island are alive and that he created the fake plane to protect them. He then asks Farraday to go to the island so he can study it. Daniel refuses until his mother approaches him and tells him he has to take the offer. Further into the future we see Desmond and Penny in the hospital. Penny is approached by Eloise and she asks how Desmond is doing. She apologizes claiming it is her son Daniel's fault and she honestly doesn't know if Desmond will be okay. Penny goes in to visit Desmond on the recovery room and he is fine. Eloise and Whidmore talk and we find out that Whidmore is actually Farraday's father.

Woohoo on to my thoughts!

1. So, are you telling me that there is a possibility that the incident might not happen causing no need for Dharma to create the hatch to monitor the electromagnetic build up which Desmond will come to the island to push every 108 minutes until one time he fails to push it on time and thus crashes the Oceanic flight 815 and chaos ensuing as we know it? Ha so basically I LOVE this idea. I love that their entire destiny was to change their future and I think there is no other option now than for the Oceanic 6 to prevent the incident from happening thus making season 6 totally different. So the plane lands find in LA and then what? Do we have to watch the characters somehow miraculously find each other again? Will Jack and Kate have a chance now? I don't even know how that storyline would play out but I am pumped to see!

2. Commercials - I hope no one DVRed through the commercials last night because they placed little clues in them! And thanks to my abc insider, she informed me that a commercial for last night cost more than the finale! Well our first clue was the title board turning into stars for a nice little Star Trek preview (which btw and I'm sure no one is surprised I am super pumped to see that!). Which leads me to wonder if the rest weren't actually about LOST, just a ploy to get us to see Star Trek next weekend ... but we had little snippets of a scene, one was a coffin being carried, a wedding, a baby, and children leaving school. All of these are plausible LOST story lines but also could be from Star Trek. Either way I'm intrigued!

3. Kate chose Jack! Well I mean Juliet helped her with her choice but come on, they've been the love story since day one so we're assuming since they are pursuing the hostiles with Farraday that they will take over in his quest to stop the incident and one thing Kate and Jack do well together is run through the island on a crazy mission and fall in love.

4. I love how well thought out this show is. Basically we're seeing a lot of flashbacks/flashforwards start to make sense. Farraday did his experiments on himself and it caused memory loss. This explains why he and Charlotte were flipping cards to test his memory. Also it explains why he was crying about the wreckage of 815 being found. And why he was digging at the Swan station at the beginning of season 5. Even though its not much, I just love when things get explained because I've spent quite a few years in the dark.

5. It was a tender scene between Farraday and young Charlotte. But I do remember her saying he scared her but it didn't look like that to me. But maybe that goes with the whole you can change the future thing that this episode seemed to point out.

6. I'm starting to have faith that LOST will be re-building Jack up again. He's been a little down and out so maybe now we'll see him responsible for the choice of whether or not the incident happens. So me thinks he does have a purpose going back after all!

7. The Variable - well this made a lot of sense. The Oceanic Six coming back is the variable that Dan never saw in his experiment. Since he knew nothing else could change unless it was reacting to an unseen changeable aspect, he should have assumed that him going back to the past could happen and affect the future. We've been saying it all along, that if they did go back in time, why couldn't they affect the future? Because it already happened and is the Oceanic Six's past? No, that could never have been true - maybe Dan Farraday should have watched Back to the Future!

8. So now is the real war between Ellie and Whidmore? Does Ben even matter to them at all? The Whidmore/Ellie dispute would make sense as to why Ben is on Ellie's side. It seems like Whidmore wants nothing but to find the island for himself and Ellie sent Daniel to try to prevent the incident by blowing up the island after everyone was evacuated thus ending the dispute for it for good? So why is she trying to keep it out of the hands of Whidmore? I guess all will be revealed in due time.

9. Richard Alpert - he still seems to be the key to everything as far as the explanation of the history of the island. There are so many different groups now its hard to keep them straight. Basically I think the Hostiles came over on the Black Rock (the boat from season 2) and lived there ageless until Ellie and Whidmore came over to explore the island (Government?). There was a change in regime (perhaps Ellie vs. Whidmore) and Whidmore took over. Dharma came to the island to explore and Ben joined up with the Hostiles and banished Whidmore. The Hostiles then took over Dharma becoming the Others. The Others then terrorize Flight 815. This all however will become obsolete if the incident does not happen. So that's my explanation.

10. What's going to happen to Sawyer and Juliet? Their secret has been found out all thanks to Phil and now they'll have to answer for it. It was clear to Juliet that he still loves Kate, but I think he'll stay with her. And I think that one of them will die, I don't think Daniel's death is considered big enough to be the big death this season.

Okay so I loved this episode obvio, tell me what you think because I think I have a headache from trying to think about it!



**Update - the mini commercial blasts were a preview for ABC's new show called "Flash Forward" which is set to take place of LOST. It's about a world where everyone blacks out for a certain amount of time and flashes forward to the future only to return to the present and then deal with the chaos of the entire world blacking out at the same time. Sounds AWESOME!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Episode 13 - Some Like It Hoth

Hi All,

Sorry again for the delay, as our ever continuing saga of "Will Bridget ever get cable?" continues, I only get Internet access via my blackberry when I'm away from work and if you think I was writing this blog on that, you are sorely mistaken. Although the thought did cross my mind ...



Miles Strom learns at an early age that he has the ability to "communicate" with dead people via their corpse. Miles confronts his mother on her death bed in his teenage years about his ability and asks questions about how he can find his father. She tells him he is dead and he can never go to the place where his body is located. Miles soon learns to use his ability to financially advance himself and he does is strictly for the money. He is then recruited by Naomi to work for Whidmore on the island for $1.6 million and after testing his abilities on a corpse, and he accepts. He is then kidnapped by Bram and offered nothing in exchange for his word to not go to the island. Since Miles is in it for the money he refuses to comply and they drop him out of the van after telling him he isn't ready for the island.

Miles and Hurley team up to drive a corpse to Dr. Marvin Candle, aka Miles' father. On the way, Hurley learns how Miles' father is on the island and Hurley accuses him of not taking destiny up on his second chance to get to know his father. They pick up Candle at the construction site of The Swan aka the Hatch and drive Candle over to the Orchid where he leaves the body. Later in the day, Miles is watching his family when Candle comes out and asks Miles to drive him somewhere. They go to the docks and see Farraday getting off the submarine, he recognizes Miles. Back in Othersville Roger is upset over his missing son and suspects that Kate has something to do with it. He asks Jack about it and Jack tells him to forget it. Later, Sawyer is confronted by Phil about Ben's disappearance claiming he saw the tape of Sawyer helping him escape and Sawyer knocks Phil out.

On to the top 10!

1. Okay so I thought this episode told us nothing. I mean yes it was confirmed that Miles is actually Candles' son but we totally already knew it. And yes we understand Miles can talk to dead people but come on! This we all already knew. We hardly even got new mysteries! That being said, I have tried my best to come up with a top ten list. So coupled together with the fact that I watched it in Spanish, I can't promise anything!

2. Hurley & Miles - So this new comedy team I like. I like how the producers and writers are answering our questions through Hurley. And I totally thought that Hurley was writing a diary of sorts about their island adventures, but alas, he was writing Star Wars! Pretty genius, I guess if I time traveled back in time I would re-write the Harry Potter series before J.K. Rowling and I would be a billionaire and I would buy you all a Firebolt! Woah did I just nerd out right there? Yeah, sorry.

3. The test that Naomi conducted with Miles was pretty clever. Also it makes a lot of sense with why he is there. Looks like Whidmore needs him to get to the bottom of how Ben eliminated Dharma and others. And I like how we got to see the fact that Miles will do just about anything if the price is right.

4. Bram aka annoying guy from October Road - I was certainly shocked to see him ride up and kidnap Miles. Now he can't work for Whidmore if he wanted Miles to stay away from Naomi and her mission and he can't work for Ben is Ben didn't acknowledge him in present time on the island so who does he work for? I'm gonna go with old Dharma. Since Whidmore, who I always thought was Dharma (and still possible could be), is an original Other/Hostile and Ben represents new age Other/Hostile, we still don't have a Dharma representative besides Horace who we all know dies. Also another important thing from this encounter was the re-emergence of the question about the statue's shadow? So looks like we'll find out what is there soon! Maybe dead bodies? Who knows.

5. So I think the most important thing we learned from this episode about time travel is that people from the future can see themselves in the past. Miles saw his family which included himself as a baby. He hasn't interacted with himself yet so I wonder if that is still a possibility but I assume we shall find out soon as I think Miles will try to get to know his father. Man, if I went back in time to see myself as a baby, I think I would start liking kids much more since I'm pretty sure I was an adorable baby.

6. Oh hello Daniel Farraday! We've missed you! So he's back, and I'm pretty sure its to cause the "incident" we are so looking forward to in the season finale (which has been named "the fork in the outlet"). So it looks like he's been working for Dharma all along these past three years, just off the island. So maybe now we will get to see him interact with young Charlotte.

7. The Swan - so they're only just now building the hatch, pre-incident. Maybe they don't know that the hostiles buried the A-bomb under there years ago and somehow during construction it explodes? Or maybe there is another magnetic anomaly somewhere else on the island and they are building this to study it only when the "incident" happens it turns into a save the world kind of station? I certainly don't know but boy am I pumped to find out!

8. Dr. Marvin Candle - Is is just me or do I only love the creepy characters on this show? You can see where Miles gets his awkward personality. What was most intriguing about him this episode is how he handled the corpse situation. This person was working in Hostile territory when all of a sudden his filing in his tooth shot out and went through his brain. Sounds pretty painful, remind me to never work on mysterious islands in Hostile territory with my filings still in tact, err not that I have many since I take good care of them. Well whatever, I never had braces so ha! 8. Marvin Candle - so he is awesomely creepy. Why is it that I feel myself loving the creepy bad assAnywho, back to LOST, so Candle, after disposing of the body at the Orchid station simply acted like a body never existed. So what did he do with it? Did he use the magical donkey wheel to send it somewhere in time and space? Does this sort of thing happen a lot where people die out working in Hostile territory?

9. Kate - um could you BE anymore obvious with Ben's disappearance? How did that girl manage to rob a bank, kill her father, kill her childhood sweetie, crash three cars, and escape? Well I guess not well since she eventually was caught. But Roger has a right to be suspicious. Thankfully his fears were somewhat calmed when Jack spoke to him. Anyone else notice how Jack was erasing an Egyptian history lesson? Erasing history? I smell a metaphor!

10. Sawyer punched out Phil! Phil has been pretty suspicious lately so I guess it was inevitable that he would find out what the old gang was up to but Sawyer's answer was to punch now, figure out later. Looks like your whole "thinking things through first" plan isn't really working. Do I sense the rise of Jack coming? God I hope so.

So next week we get to find out all about what Farraday was up to! I hope it was something good because while this episode confirmed a lot, and even gave just a few mysteries, I was just okay with it. I mean, maybe watching it in Spanish had something to do with it, but it was some uneventful. Also do we really have to wait two weeks again? Oh LOST why do you do this to me! Its okay, I still love you!

Until next week!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Episode 12 - Dead Is Dead

Hi Everyone!

So a Ben-centric episode and a whole lot of missing pieces! All in all not my favorite but I liked it all the same.



Through a series of flashbacks we learn the following: Ben stole baby Alex from Rousseau instead of carrying out his orders to eliminate both from Charles Whidmore. Ben confronts Charles telling him that he is the one who wants the baby dead, not the island so Ben keeps baby Alex. Ben has help from younger Ethan to accomplish his tasks and at this point he still answers to Charles as his leader. Somehow we see Ben take charge and have Charles escorted off the island after having broken the rules of leaving the island and having a child with someone who doesn't qualify. Off the island we see Ben try to execute Penny but he hesitates as young Charlie arrives and Desmond attacks.

Ben wakes up to see a very alive John Locke. After stealing Cesar's gun and executing him, Locke and Ben head off to the main island to find Smokey so Ben can atone for his sins. They return to Othersville to find Sun and Frank waiting for Locke. Ben activates Smokey but Locke decides to lead Ben to the temple to confront Smokey sooner rather than later. Ben is shown the error of his ways, executing Alex, by Smokey and Ben apologizes. Alex materializes in front of him and threatens him to obey Locke. Ben swears he will.

1. Ben vs. Smokey - well now, this was an interesting scene. We finally saw the confrontation of a human vs. Smokey, and it looks like sometimes you live, sometimes you don't. In Ben's case he lived, in Eko's case he did not. I know! Remember Eko! So Eko refused to apologize and admit his sins so he died, yet Ben apologized and knew his choice with Alex was wrong, thus Smokey allowed him to live another day. That being said - I thought it was supremely cheesy, I mean Ben's my favorite so don't get me wrong, great acting, just the whole large images, being surrounded by the cloud ... I don't know, it didn't do it for me. BUT it was pretty cool how it came out of the ground all creepy.

2. Ben vs. the Humes - So it was very much predicted that Ben was hunting down Penny - an eye for an eye right? But looks like evil little Benjamin has a heart and when he saw young Charlie he felt pangs in his heart from little Alex and couldn't go through it. I don't understand why, he certainly has no problem shooting other people point blank (ahem Cesar, Locke, etc.), I guess he just couldn't kill a mother in front of her child, looks like there is a line for Ben. And then we got to see a much beloved character who I've been missing ... Desmond! I'd like to see how he bounced back so fast after catching that bullet to the chest ...

3. Sun and Frank. Okay so Sun is still on the lookout for Jin but what the hell is Frank doing? I mean its nice how protective he seems of Sun but honestly, what is his purpose? And he creeps me out a little ... so I wouldn't be sad if he would just go away, forever. And apparently they were waiting for Locke but when he shows up Frank just decides to peace? Oh okay, so he's all "hey Sun, sure I'll protect you from nothing until the crazy guys with guns appear and now I'll leave you alone." Some protector he is!

4. Locke - so Ben tells us the aptly named episode title that "dead is dead" and so Locke, while he appears to be alive, is something not so alive. So we can only surmise that he is in fact a manifestation of the island. I'm reading some religious undertones in this idea - coupled with the fact that Egyptian ideals seem to be popping up here and there and maybe somehow Locke is being equated as an Egyptian ruler, almost a god? So this might be how he knows things all of a sudden, like where to find Smokey and the Temple. I've mentioned the reincarnation theme and somehow Locke is all tied up with Christian but they have yet to reveal it to us.

5. I am NOT liking the new losties at all. First of all - guy from October Road - I'm not buying the bad guy image you're trying to sell me. Secondly, good for Ben for getting rid of Cesar, he is waaaay too nosey. And i knew the moment Ben saw that gun that it would be his. But it looks like that group isn't so random after all, they've got a mission and it involves that crate they were trying to pry open. So are we looking at another attempt by Whidmore to get back to the island or are we talking an entire third party with another issue to resolve? Dharma? Who knows ...

6. So, we see yet another aged version of Charles Whidmore. He came galloping in on us to his camp. I half expected cheesy romance music to be playing ... I had no idea that was Charles he looked too ridiculous! But he wasn't too pleased to see that Ben hadn't carried out his task as ordered. But he seems like a softie and let Alex stay under Ben's care. So we learned that Charles somehow was banished because he left the island too much and fathered a child with an outsider. Who is this outsider? Will we know her? Is it Annie because I'm dying to know when she'll come back!

7. I just about died when we got to see Desmond and Penny's little one Charlie again, he is just too cute with the curly hair. I'm glad to see they're off living their life ... but I won't lie, I want Desmond back on the island, brotha. Maybe shirtless. Oh quick note - the boat was named "Our Mutual Friend" which I believe is the name of the book that Desmond said would be his last one he ever read ... just a side note.

8. So Ben has recruited young Ethan as his helper. Is there something weird with Ethan since he was born on the island? Did he want to change like Ben wanted to? Will we ever see what happened to change his mind and leave Dharma to go for the Others or will it be that Ben forced him? Either way, Ethan creeps me out at any age!

9. I think an important scene was when Ben confronted Whidmore about the death of Alex as a baby. Ben mentioned that the island didn't want a baby to die, Whidmore wanted it dead. So if the island is all about destiny, and Ben challenges it by saying that it is just a baby and the island can't possibly want it dead, then what are we to think about destiny? It seems like everything that has happened was supposed to happen and if the island wanted baby Alex dead, then was it course correcting itself sixteen years later when Keamy killed Alex? Hello Final Destination much? This is definitely something I'm still really confused about so feel free to offer up an alternative explanation!

10. Next week we find out all about Miles! And if I was correct maybe he reunites with his father! Maybe we'll get some interesting insight into Locke since we don't know if he's alive, or dead, or a zombie!

Okay hope you enjoyed! Only four more episodes left this season so I'm sure they'll be full of answers and maybe a few more mysteries!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Episode 11 - Whatever Happened, Happened

Hi All, So not my favorite episode in a while but like many episodes this season it's confirming a lot of our theories. But I must say I do love how they're using Hurley as a proxy to answer some of the audiences questions - specifically the more confusing ones involving time travel.



Kate goes to see Cassidy and reveals the truth about the island, Aaron, and why she is there. Cassidy tells her that she took Aaron because she needed him to replace Sawyer. Over the three years they become friends and after Kate meets back up with the Oceanic 6, she almost loses Aaron in a grocery store. Her guilt over taking Aaron from his family causes her to return Aaron to Claire's mother and join the rest of the Oceanic Six as they return to the island so she can find Claire.

ISLAND Juliet tries to save a young Benjamin Linus but turns to Jack for help. When Jack refuses to save his life, Kate takes charge and decides to bring him to Richard Alpert. Sawyer joins her by letting her know he is doing it for Juliet and they take Ben into the jungle. They hand him off to Richard Alpert who says he will never be the same, his innocence will be lost and he won't remember what happened. Present Ben wakes up to find Locke still alive.

How awesome am I with the shortness of my summaries! woohoo on to the top ten!

1. I'm really enjoying how the Oceanic Six is rapidly becoming the cause for all of their own misfortune in the future. Their actions in the past are the catalyst for what happens to them in the future. It's a real ironic situation that Jack's refusal to save Ben is ultimately what causes Kate and Sawyer to give him over to the others thus causing him to lose his innocence and become the evil Ben that we know and love. And while it may have seemed cold hearted - I think it was the right choice for Jack at the time. If Ben lives in the future and you can't change anything in the past, then what difference does it make it Jack saves him or not. After everything that Ben put them through, I would want to test Farraday's theory too. Too bad he didn't though because then Ben could have avoided his destiny of being the evil leader that he is, but then where would we be without such an amazing character!

2. My heart broke just a little more last night when Jack said what he did to Kate. While I think Jack isn't totally out of line when he said Kate never loved the old him, how can he forget Kate in season one and two? She was totally in love with him! But good for Jack not putting up with Kate's flip flopping emotions, one day is Sawyer and the next it Jack! I say bring back Nathan Fillion her actual husband!

3. Kate did a lot of growing up. She realized that she only took Aaron to keep herself occupied while she was away from the island. So she gave him back to Claire's family and owned up to her mistake. I think she was fooling herself and us by saying she was going back to the island to find Claire. Kate, as we have seen, is manipulative. I mean she did commit murder, rob banks, identity theft, and a whole bunch of other stuff - so its not far off to think that she was lying about her motivation of going back to the island. It was for Sawyer and we all know it. Points for Sawyer for growing up and declaring that he was helping her for Juliet's sake, as much as I hate to say it. There was a time when I would rather Sawyer and Kate be together but since I'm still on for Jack and Kate I'll take it.

4. The Claire look-a-like trying to steal Aaron - anyone else think she's an other? Didn't they want Claire so they could have Aaron? Why would they give up so easily? She could be working for Ben so he could take him back to the island ... just a thought.

5. Time Travel - so they used Miles and Hurley to address the ever growing concerns of us mere confused fans. Basically it looks like they're sticking to their guns - Farraday's theory will prove correct in that Miles is standing by the old whatever happened, will happen. Since the future already happened to them, they are in the past thus anything they do is what has already happened. So Jack choosing to not save Ben happened and it is what caused Ben to become evil.

6. I think it would have been a lot cooler if Ben
did remember Sayid in the future but alas Richard Alpert explains to us by saying that he won't remember with whatever he's about to do ... serve him to smokey? Who knows but we do know that whatever Richard Alpert does with Ben it will steal his innocence. I'm sorry, that's kind of a lame explanation for why Ben is the way he is. Couldn't they just left it at Ben hated his father and the way his life has developed so he chose his own destiny by joining up with the others and killing all of Dharma? Why does something have to make him evil, can't he just be evil because he chooses to be?

7. So Ben finally woke up to find Locke, gasp, ALIVE! Clearly we knew the confrontation would come sooner or later but I fully think that Ben's look of surprise was not so genuine. It's not like Ben hasn't tried to kill Locke before so I'm sure he knows that he's like a super-ghost or something and expected him to come back. I'm sticking by my whole re-incarnation theory with Locke and Christian Shephard and I think that Locke will want to proceed peacefully with Ben. What he wants with him, I have no idea, but whatever it is it will benefit the island.

8. Kate was looking much much better this episode! No more of that hideous braid! But I can't decide if I still like her as much now that I saw how much she hurt my man Jack. He seems so beaten down ... he did everything for her and it got him no where. I'm super interested to see what Jack's purpose becomes and I'm hoping he redeems himself. I just feel like LOST spent so much time and effort in building up Jack's character and now in this season we hardly see any of him. So they have to redeem him, and I swear this is not clouded by my obvious love for him.

9. Who will die next? Well they've announced that a major character will die this season and rather soon. I've been speculating that it will be Sawyer since his story line is dwindling but they have recently picked it up by making him in charge of the camp's security. But we learned what he said to Kate, which was super lame by the way, and now I'm not sure where they can go from there. But if not, maybe Ben will see his untimely end soon?

10. Richard Alpert, who is my fave, came back to take responsibility for young Ben. We briefly heard him mention to his others that he wasn't going to share this information with Ellie and Charles who appear to be his leader. So looks like we will find out how Charles and Ellie leave the island, which I'm sure has to do with Ben getting them banished from the island, and how Richard Alpert takes over as leader of the others. I'm excited to see this little coup and the "incident" played out! Perhaps that's Jack's purpose ... somehow making sure the incident happens!

Okay so that's all folks! I'm back to my normal schedule and I'm so sorry last week's came late. And if you don't cheer for VILLANOVA this weekend in the final four consider yourself blacklisted!
xoxo Bridget

Monday, March 30, 2009

Episode 10 - He's Our You

So Sorry for the late entry! Quick shout out to Villanova being in the final four! Woohoo! Okay down to business ...

So this episode dealt with the issues and questions concerning Sayid. He is being held prisoner in the Dharma cell and we learn through a series of flashbacks how Ben no longer needed his help in executing Whidmore's guys. We learn that Sayid is intrinsically a killer and he returns to the island against his own will after having been captured by a bounty hunter hired by one of his victim's family. When Sawyer does all that he can to help Sayid escape without implicating him, he is brought to Oldham where he receives a truth serum and begins predicting the future. The group decides that Sayid will be executed until young Ben Linus helps Sayid escape with the promise of joining the hostiles. En route to hostile territory Sayid decides to change fate and shoots young Ben in the chest.

1. Okay so the obvious main point of the episode was to see a character try and alter the future with a major change. Sayid shot Ben. This goes against Farraday's theory that you cannot alter what has already happened in the present (2008). So clearly this episode put it to the test because Sayid shot young Ben. Too bad because he looked so sad and yet to hopeful when he found Sayid. So yes, it looks like a fatal wound to the chest but let's be honest here, it is Benjamin Linus we're dealing with, no matter how young and innocent he may look. So my prediction is that he is not dead and his recovery will be that of Locke's when Ben first shot him into the Dharma pit. Young Ben will know who and what Sayid really is, a killer, and that's why he will hunt down Nadia and find that the only way to motivate Sayid in the future is to give him reason for revenge.

2. Ilana - so it makes sense that she's a bounty hunter although honestly the only person who could have hired her to do so was Ben, since Sayid is waaaay to smart to leave any evidence behind. So Ben had him captured and put on the same plane to bring him back to the island. The question is - did Ben know that Sayid would shoot young Ben and thus still bring him to the island? Me thinks yes!

3. Umm Kate don't pretend you didn't know Juliet and Sawyer were a couple, it was so obvious from the get go! She won't let is go though, she's ruthless and she'll get Sawyer back ... I think we'll learn next week just what Sawyer whispered into her ear ... it should be tender. But I still love you Jack! Also It almost looked like Juliet and Kate were becoming, gasp, friends? Hell no - Juliet cannot have both hot men AND Kate as her friend. Let's be honest, Kate will employ some sneaky fugitive moves on her and try to steal back Sawyer. When will you learn Kate that Jack is your man!
civilization. So he's some sort of witch doctor with his truth serum of sorts. I was a little disappointed that this is what happened but the

4. Poor Sawyer, he tried everything to save his lovely life he has going on in Dharma but Sayid is going to ruin it all! Despite his better efforts, Sawyer had to bring Sayid to Oldham (shout out to Bud Dearborn from True Blood haha my other fave show!) who lives in a tent away from DharmaDharma Initiative is a peaceful bunch so I wans't really surprised. Just the way they built up this guy seemed kind of a let down. This was probably the best scene of the episode however because Sayid was creepy. Radzinksy was freaked out that he knew the future plans and in his panicked state decided the penalty for Sayid was death. Sawyer seeing no way out had to vote unanimous. To be fair he did try to help Sayid as much as he could.

5. So why does Oldham live in a tent away from Dharma? Is it a sweat lodge like Locke's? I'm thinking he's not so powerful, all he really stands for is an image of being a really scary guy ... like they tell the rest of the Dharma peeps that he's a last resort and once you see him maybe they ship you off back to the mainland, just to keep everyone else in line. But then again, LOST doesn't usually introduce new characters for nothing.

6. Sayid looked so sad when Ben told him he didn't need to kill anyone else. To be honest Sayid, did you think you were going to do that you're whole life? And I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not so sure there's enough Habitat for Humanity to take away the guilt for killing all of those people, most of which you can't be sure if they were actually bad! And really, all it took was a visit from Ben telling Sayid he was allowed to kill more people because they were watching Hurley?? Sayid really is a bad guy then ... but still cool as hell.

7. So the return of Roger Workman aka Ben's dad! We knew he would pop up and now we totally understand why Ben is trying to escape his people. What I wanna know is where is Ben's little girlfriend? I want to see her pop back up!

8. There were a couple of Easter Eggs - the McCutcheon's whiskey (for $120 a glass!) and a Geronimo Jackson/Alice in Wonderland poster up in the cafeteria. I haven't seen the numbers in a while though ...

9. I'm glad someone asked what the heck they all came back for. What is the purpose of the Oceanic 6 returning to the island? So far it's just been chaos. I guess Ben was right, they never should have left ... then there wouldn't be all this time traveling business.

10. So my next thoughts are these - Kate, Sawyer, Juliet, and Jack: somethings going down and I have a feeling its going to be Kate and Sawyer icing out Juliet and someone dying and I vote Sawyer. Although I hope I'm wrong. I also think young Ben is still alive and will exact his revenge on Sayid in the future ... perhaps pushing him to initiate the purge much earlier thus causing the death of Sawyer. Just some thoughts, who knows if they're right!

Okay see you all this week, and sorry again for the late post!



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Episode 9 - Namaste

Welcome back! After a two week hiatus LOST was back and I think they threw us a pretty good little episode. Now a friend of mine who shall remain nameless told me last week that my posts are less theory and more “Jack is so hot.” And yes that is true but only because of the recent nature of LOST. Mostly everything now is a confirmation of our suspicions but Stephen, oops I called you out, I will try my best to theorize today for you :) So I get kind of bored with the summary so I'm gonna make it super short!


Without a "Previously on LOST ..." we see the gang back on Ajira Airways waiting to get to the island. The plane enters some turbulence and Frank Lupidus tries to gain control of the plane when the flash occurs and throws the plane from stormy weather to clear and he safely lands the plane on the island. Lupidus, Ben, and Sun are the only losties who didn’t make the time jump and they trek off into the jungle following Ben. They decide to sail over to their island and Sun knocks Ben out and her and Frank venture over to Othersville. There Christian Shepherd appears and they follow him inside where he shows Sun a picture of the group working for Dharma back in 1977 and he tells them they have a long journey ahead.


Sawyer picks up the gang from one end of the island and decides to integrate them with a recent sub coming back from the mainland. He and Juliet together manipulate the list and they arrive just in time for Dharma orientation. Dr. Marvin Candle welcomes Jack while Phil interviews Kate and gets a little skeptical until Juliet comes to save the day. Meanwhile Jin is over at the information station looking for Sun and a plane crash when Radzinsky finds a hostile in their territory. It turns out to be Sayid and Jin must hold him captive. They call Sawyer who takes him into camp and puts him in a jail cell underground. Sayid admits to being a hostile and is visited in his cell by a young Benjamin Linus who brings him a sandwich. Back upstairs Jack goes for a late night visit to Sawyer’s house and he finds Juliet there. Jack asks to speak to Sawyer and Sawyer tells Jack he has the upper hand now and Jack has to follow his rules.

Okay hope that was short enough … on to my theories!

1. So the tables have turned! Sawyer is now the leader and Jack is the mere follower. I don’t think this will last very long since it is in Jack’s nature to control! At least he wasn’t crying. Now Sawyer did have a good point, he thinks about his decisions but to Jack’s defense … everyone looked to him to make decisions and they weren’t always easy so he did the best he could. Also you could see the hurt and confusion in Jack’s face when he learned that Sawyer had made him a workman … low blow Sawyer. Personally I think they’re setting up this whole “Season of Sawyer” to get the fans on his side only to kill him at the end of the season and get the most sympathy. There has been a lot of discussion online that a major major character will be killed off this season and I’m guessing Sawyer.

2. Blast from the past – lots of old Others popping up in this episode … baby Ethan (how funny was Juliet’s face when she learned this information … is there more to that side of the story?) and a young Benjamin Linus. We knew he had to pop up somewhere so it’s likely we’ll see his dad Roger working with Jack. Now the question is (pointed out by my bright friend Katelyn D.) is that does Ben know all of the losties and knew they were coming or is this going to be a “memory” that he will soon remember like Desmond did when Dan Farraday came to him when he was in the hatch and Desmond in the future suddenly remembered? I think that Dan’s whole “You can’t alter what’s already happened” theory is wrong … because the losties know that Ben kills the entire Dharma Initiative so surely they will try to prevent this? And does Ben go through with it now that they have arrived?

3. Kate – come on! The braid? Really? I swear if she keeps this up I might turn into a Juliet fan … hahaha neverrrrrrr!!!

4. Sun and Jin – So why didn’t Sun make the jump? The only thing I can think of is she left her baby back on the mainland but I don’t foresee them bringing the baby back to the island so I have no idea. I sort of think they are just prolonging the Sun and Jin reunion. But Sun is awesome … we knew that Ben never made it to the boat, it was just so cool that Sun knocks him out with an oar. In the words of Tyra Banks, she is fierce.

5. The return of Christian Shepard. So I think Christian and Locke are one in the same … both reincarnated and not exactly dead and not exactly alive. I think he’s there acting as Jacob to guide the island on its true path … and it looks like he wants Sun to find Jin but she has to fix some error in her ways first – hence the long journey ahead.

6. Radzinksy – so he is a blast from the past. Radzinksy, we learn, is the one who designed the Swan aka the Hatch. He must have been the first inhabitant and he must have recruited Desmond’s former hatch buddy Kalvin Inman … so if his story is true then Radzinsky must shoot himself in the head … looks like we’ll probably get that back story.

7. So I’m gonna totally nerd out but Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse (writers and producers) are letting the fans name the big season finale “game changer”. It has been “the donkey wheel”, “the snake in the mailbox”, “bagel”, etc. This is the big reveal at the end and now the fans can submit their names on the abc website. I haven’t thought of mine but rest assured I am definitely thinking about it, haha.

8. Sayid as a hostile – this episode was a big set up for that story … Sayid totally ruined Sawyer’s plans of integrating the Oceanic Six back into Dharma when Sayid was found and admitted to being a hostile. So I think next week Sayid is going to go all Iraqi on everyone and try to break out, thus exposing Sawyer’s secret. Because surely Dharma wouldn’t want to integrate a hostile. I hope we find out more about the Hostile/Dharma truce because I don’t really get it.

9. I so thought when they were going back to the information station that we would get to see Patchy! I miss him :( And since they blew up that station before ... did the set builders have to create another one? sucky.

10. I think this season will end with the “incident” and obviously it will involve the H-Bomb on the island. THAT will be pretty interesting to watch because clearly it doesn’t explode because then the island would be gone. But something terrible must happen so we’ll just have to wait and see!

Okay feel free to lay down your OWN theories! I’m looking at you Stephen!



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Episode 8 - LaFluer


Wow, interesting episode ... I think we all know the direction today's post is going, which is utter hatred towards you know who! :)


Locke has been flashed into the future and the remaining losties- Sawyer, Miles, and Juliet make their way back to camp. They find Daniel upset over losing Charlotte who's body didn't change with the flash (now we learn dead bodies don't go with the flash). They decide to return to their camp and wait for Locke to return with their friends. On the way they stumble upon a woman about to be executed. They kill the two men and save the woman. She insists they bury the bodies and brings the losties back to her camp, a place we've come to know as Othersville. She takes them through the sonic fence after Juliet warns her to turn it off. The losties can't handle the sonic fence and wake up in Othersville. Horace Goodspeed is the leader of Dharma and questions the losties about how they got to the island. Sawyer concocts a lie about being shipwrecked and owns up to killing the men who were holding Amy and her now dead husband Paul. When Richard Alpert appears Sawyer takes over the negotiations between Alpert and Goodspeed and confronts Alpert. Sawyer tells him he knows John and that they had a conversation about twenty years ago. Alpert agrees to back off if they give Paul's body to him and he leaves. Goodspeed decides the let Sawyer stay for two weeks and leave on the next submarine. Sawyer also convinces Juliet to stay two weeks to wait for the others and she agrees.

Sawyer is called by other Dharma members as the head of security to find out what's wrong with Horace Goodspeed. He's found lighting dynamite and blowing up trees. Sawyer talks him into coming back and he admits he was upset about Amy who is now his wife and pregnant with their child. Sawyer informs him that Amy has given birth to their son but conceals the fact that he asked Juliet to help deliver the child which has survived the birth. Sawyer, Miles, Juliet, and Jin are all Dharma workers and are mapping out the island to search for their missing losties. Sawyer is living with Juliet as a couple and one morning he gets a call from Jin who says he's found them. He leaves Juliet and joins Jin who has picked up Jack, Hurley, and Kate from the jungle. A tender reunion ensues.

So I tried to write a short summary but we all know how that usually works out ... on to the top ten.

1. Juliet is the worst. That's how I feel solely based on the fact that I love Kate and Jack so much. That being said I do think she is an interesting character and yes she sort of looked good in last night's episode but let's all be honest with ourselves, who really believes that Sawyer really likes her more than Kate, and that she is always the other woman because no one really likes her at all? Sawyer will always love Kate but Kate will always love Jack. End of story.

2. Okay there were just a few too many holes in this one for me. Why did no one ask Juliet how she knew about the sonic fence? Or just accept that Sawyer aka Jim LaFluer would be okay with talking to the hostiles? Or that the mechanic for three years can suddenly deliver babies? Or not have the equipment to be surveying the island to see that the losties were never shipwrecked? I give Dharma a little more credit than that! Ohhhhh and apparently all you need are earplugs to defeat the sonic fence - duh why didn't I think of that! Come on LOST!

3. Jack looks goooooooood in a suit.
4. The four toed statue. We saw the back of it as Sawyer and co. were walking back to the camp. It looked sort of Egyptian and the cross that Amy saved from her 1st husband Paul's neck also is an Egyptian symbol. I think that the statue gives us a glimpse into the island past and I know this from sixth grade history - Egyptians were big into the afterlife and a big theme with lost is reincarnation of the dead ... so do we think that the hostiles are from an ancient Egyptian civilization? Just a thought ...

5. There is a glimpse of young Charlotte on the island and Daniel tears up. I still can't tell if he romantically loved her or loved her in a fatherly way ... but there still is an odd connection between them.

6. Dharma. So we got to see inside a little more of the Dharma Initiative in full swing. This is post Whidmore I think since we have yet to see him and Horace Goodspeed is the leader. Now Goodspeed I think is mythologically important to the island since he appeared in John's dream as a time loop. He seemed to be building something over and over again - Jacob's cabin anyone? Was he suffering from the sickness? Was he brought back to life after Ben gassed him and the rest of Dharma?

7. Hostiles. My man Richard Alpert was back and Sawyer totally called out his love for eye liner (which i think was an homage to the fans since people have been posting about it like crazy, myself included!). He didn't ask enough questions to Sawyer in my opinion, he was only concerned about getting Paul's body in exchange for Dharma killing two of their hostiles. This deal sounds a little like the deal Whidmore and Ben have and Ben claims Whidmore broke the rules when he killed Alex. If I were Richard Alpert I would have wanted to know more like when is Locke coming back? What time period is Sawyer coming from? And why was he satisfied with only Paul's body? Are they going to reincarnate him? You can tell I'm big into this whole reincarnation idea.

8. So i thought Sawyer was great in this episode - the whole romancing Juliet thing seemed a little weird and I was a little angry that the Kate and Sawyer reunion was a little less exciting than I thought it was but man Sawyer has that hottness stare down! I can't wait to see how he explains his affair with Juliet to Kate and to see how fast he ditches Juliet for her muahahaha Juliet. And so clever to put the ex-con in charge of security ... i do love me some Sawyer.

9. So Juliet successfully delivered a baby on the island. Woohoo she finally finished what she came here to do - unless the event that makes it impossible for women to give birth on the island hasn't happened yet - maybe it happened during the Purge and Juliet just thinks she's really clever. Nonetheless her mission is complete - does that mean she can be killed off now? A girl can only dream :)

10. Why oh why can't Kate go back to looking like an attractive person - what was up with that hair style and gross t-shirt! And wow Jin speaks perfect English, it has been three years but its just funny to hear him speak English! This episode was fluff - yes we visited the whole four toed statue, and yes we saw how Dharma worked back in its prime but I want some good old, island mystery, other-terrorizing, lostie gun toting drama! AND I can't believe they are making us wait a whole two weeks for another episode! Its okay because I love you LOST and I trust you will make the wait worth while.

Until next week!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Episode 7 - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham

Hi All!

So sorry this blog post comes a day late but I'm a busy girl these days :) So I'll waste no time and get straight to it!


The episode begins with Cesar looking through a Dharma station and he finds a shotgun with a Dharma notebook. Ilana comes in to tell him they found a man in a suit standing in the water who no one remembers being on the plane. Cesar conceals the weapon he found and they go out to question the man who turns out to be John Locke. He doesn't keep his knowledge of the island a secret and that he was being transported to his funeral on the plane.

After turning the wheel, Locke is transported to Tunisia, the apparent exit from the island. He's suffered a broken leg and it is repaired by a local doctor. When he wakes, Whidmore is sitting there waiting for him. He tells John that Ben has duped him by convincing him to leave the island as he did to Whidmore years ago and points out that a war is coming and John needs to choose a side. Whidmore gives Locke a new identity and informs him that he will help John gather up the Oceanic Six to return to the island. With Whidmore's lackey Abbadon, John travels the world to convince the Oceanic Six to return. He fails on all attempts, even visiting Walt in New York. It isn't until he goes to visit Helen's grave that Abbadon is shot and Locke ends up in the hospital. He wakes to find Jack and he tries to convince Jack to come back by telling him his father said hello. Jack freaks out and cries a little too saying Locke is crazy. John then realizes he has failed and goes to hang himself as Richard Alpert said he would have to die, when Ben enters at the last minute. He convinces Locke that he has succeeded by placing doubt in Jack's mind and Locke tells Ben about Jin who is still alive on the island and that he knows about Eloise Hawkins. Ben then strangles Locke and sets it up to look like a suicide.

So I'm doing better at keeping my summary's short! On to the Top Ten!

1. So as the series seems to be winding down we seem too be getting less mystery and more confirmations. I can't complain because I am so awesome at guessing the plot but the episodes seem to be getting more and more predictable. I meant don't get me wrong, I love being right when I make some theories and it is nice to get the confirmation but I'm sorta missing the surprises. Nonetheless, this episode pretty much told us the journey Locke aka Jeremy Bentham had post island. He came back, tried to get the Oceanic Six back, failed (but succeeded), and died.

2. The return of Abbadon! Maybe since I also love Fringe and he plays and awesome character on that, but I loved Abbadon. I have this weird thing for loving the freaky, scary characters on LOST (i.e. Patchy, Ben, Richard Alpert) and I was sad to see him go. When he got shot I didn't expect it. I will say this about him though, his whole speech on everyone has a path and destiny doesn't truly make sense. Because if Locke's destiny was to end up on the island, why did he have to visit Locke at the ward and convince him to go on the walkabout? If it was his destiny wouldn't he have gone anyways even without Abbadon's convincing?

3. The age old question of who to believe ... Whidmore or Ben? I think its becoming clearer just how evil Ben is. He killed John once he got his information on Jin and Eloise and then got rid of his problem - Locke. Poor Ben, he keeps trying to kill John but for some reason he just won't die. And I'm with Jack on why the heck John is so damn special? I will give him that he is a great actor because you do feel for him but why the whole specialness? Was he truly immaculately conceived like his crazy mother said? haha doubt it.

4. Cesar and Ilan? Clearly they are important since they got names. LOST doesn't give out names arbitrarily. And apparently the plane crashed on the island but it still looks intact. Lupidus must be a great pilot. Ilan and Cesar seemed pretty calm for just being in an PLANE CRASH! And not at all freaked out about John coming back from the dead. Cesar has to be someone important with his reaction to the gun and Dharma notebook. Possibly a Whidmore worker?

5. The time jump. So some of the Oceanic Six made the jump and some didn't. Locke, Ben, Lupidus and the unknown woman in his boat didn't make it. I think the other woman was Sun and I think she didn't make the jump since she didn't have her daughter with her. So why can't this group return to the time of the other losties who are stuck in the Dharma 70's?

6. Sayid. So Locke went to visit him and he was helping the world. This was post Nadia's death and he seemed pretty okay with it. So what changed his mind to make him want to join Ben's side of the war? I thought the catalyst in changing Sayid's mind was that Nadia was killed. He seemed pretty content to have had nine months with Nadia.

7. Well Jack was hardly in the episode and of course he was crying. As much as I love him he really needs to man up and deal with his daddy issues.

8. The most interesting and powerful scene was obviously Locke's death scene. He realized his utter failure, much like that of when he couldn't open the hatch, and as a man of faith he tried to do the only thing he knew was supposed to happen, die. But Ben with excellent timing as always shows up to talk him out of it. Poor Locke, he doesn't know who to trust, Whidmore or Ben. If I were him I would trust Whidmore since Ben is always trying to kill him, and then he finally succeeds. This was a powerful scene, I would say worthy of that Emmy he won last year when Ben lost :(

9. One other surprise the episode had in store for us was the return of the elusive Walt. This was a bit of a letdown as it was just kind of a scene where Locke was like "Oh hey Walt, what's up. Yeah you're Dad is back near the island. Cool, have a nice life." Umm how about "Yeah your dad sucks and he killed innocent people for you and now you have to come back to the island because you can talk to animals or whatever freaky thing Walt does." And as Maureen pointed out to me, perhaps the only reason they do the time travel is to explain Walt's growth spurt? haha.

10. Future predictions - the Oceanic Six are returning to the island in the 70's. This would explain why Ilan and Cesar know they have disappeared, they made the time jump and will return to see the old losties. But will Sawyer and Juliet be shacked up together? Did Sun make the time jump and will be reunited with Jin? Will the losties becomes Dharma and fight Ben when he is a little kid before he can annihilate them all? Looks like we'll have to keep watching :)

Alright feel free to post because I did the best I could with theorizing!!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Episode 6 - 316


So interesting episode! Who would have thought they would send the losties back to the island so soon. Lots of mysteries and lots of questions, unfortunately not as many answers as I would have liked but did I really expect LOST to hand those over? No, so let's get to it!

Jack wakes up on the island and finds Hurley and Kate with him in a lagoon. Flashback to off the island and the crew is chatting it up with Eloise. She tells them that the room they are in is an off-island DHARMA station called The Lamp Post. This room is not meant to locate the island but to find where it will be in time and space. Desmond freaks out at Eloise claiming she cost him four years of his life and delivers Farraday's message. A lot of scientific stuff ensues and Eloise tells Jack they have 36 hours to board an Ajira Airways flight 316 headed to Guam. The exact time and coordinates will bring them back to the island. She then tells Jack privately that the flight must replicate that of Oceanic 815 so he must get something of his fathers and put it with Locke's casket. Jack then goes to his grandfather to get his father's shoes. Jack returns home to find Kate in his house. She's crying on his bed and she asks Jack never to ask where and what she did with Aaron. He agrees and they get it on. Ben calls Jack from a phone booth in the morning (he's covered in blood) and asks Jack to pick up Locke's coffin from the butcher shop. Jack obeys and while he picks it up he puts the shoes on Locke. He arrives at the airport to find the gang all there - including Hurley and Sayid. Sayid is accompanied by an air marshall and Hurley shows up with a guitar after having purchased every seat in first class. The Oceanic Six and Ben get on the flight and it takes off. Jack overhears Frank Lupidus on the intercom and asks the stewardess if he can speak with him. Frank comes out to talk to Jack and recognizes the rest of the Oceanic 6 and that he won't be making it to Guam. Jack reads the suicide note that Locke left and it said "I wish you had believed me". Immediately after reading a bright white flash occurres and Jack flashed back to waking up on the island and finding Kate and Hurley. Jin then appears from the woods in a Dharma suit and with a gun but recognizes the three at the last second.

Well well, very interesting so lets do this ...

1. Not a fan of this episode. It really made you suspend any sort of disbelief you had. If you don't like Science Fiction I suggest you get out now because it only looks weirder from here. LOST has left it's conventional form and is breaking all the rules we've come to know and love. I guess my biggest problem with it was how anti-climactic it was to get back to the island. After all that work of gathering up the crew all they had to do was get on a plane? I was thinking like catapulting themselves through a worm hole, or teleportation. But alas, they had to do the same thing as last time. Actually I was kind of bored with it.

2. So they had to replicate flight 815 as much as possible? Is that why Sayid was being taken as a fugitive a la Kate? And Hurley had Charlie's guitar? That whole story line doesn't make much sense to me yet, and will these other people (air marshall, flight attendants, etc.) be happy they have to be on the island or will they die in the process of getting there?

3. So why wasn't Aaron there and what did Kate do with him? She looked like crap so it must have been something emotional. Now here's a question - does Aaron not have to go back since he wasn't an original person on the island? I would think yes he would have to go back but apparently not. Maybe the reason Kate jumped Jack in her emotional state was to get pregnant off the island thus allowing the baby to survive on the island and recreating the Claire persona on the plane? Does that make sense? I still think Aaron should have been on the plane.

4. Best line of the episode of course goes to my man Ben - Jack: "What's going to happen to everyone else?" Ben: "Who cares?" muahahaha I love evil Ben who I think will end up being good like he claimed back in season 2. Buuuut what was he doing that delayed him from picking up the coffin - was he carrying out his promise to kill Penny since Whidmore killed Alex? Was he doing something to get Hurley and Sayid to the plane?

5. Ahhh Jin shows up at the end! So are we to assume that time travel has stopped on the island since Locke moved the wheel and that the losties have been working as Dharma crew for three years? Looks that way to me! Oh Jin looked so hopefull to see them back so he could see Sun ... but how will she explain that her baby is gone ... how could Sun have just left her? She had to have known that once she went back to the island she wouldn't be able to return ...

6. Why the hell did we have to watch that whole scene with Jack's Grandad? It seemed so awkward and out of place ... unless LOST has other plans for that character but come on, I can't have Jack having more daddy issues let alone grand daddy issues. Let it alone!

7. Okay so I don't want to come across as superficial when I say this but I will ... I like my television actors to be attractive. Now I think Jack was up to par this ep even though I like him with buzzed hair but Kate, Lupidus, Sayid? Come one, no one looked good ... I guess they need to get back to the island to get their tans and look pretty again! haha I'm bad but whatever, you know you all are thinking the same thing.

8. I expected a little more from Desmond. If he claims that Eloise stole four years of his life I think he would have been a little more pissed! Also he came super close to getting knocked out by that pendulum ... haha that would have been great if that's how they brought Desmondo back ... he got knocked out by the swinging pendulum and they carted him off. But I think free will had a lot to do with people getting on the plane, Ben could have forced people on if he really wanted to but it looks like people had to make the choice.

9. I gotta give this one to my bud Courtney, she called that Eloise = Ellie from a few episodes so maybe the surprise will be who is Farraday's father? Could it be Whidmore or someone like that? And how did Eloise get all of these equations? Did Farraday figure them out and then go back in time to set it all up? Farraday is the key here to this island but we haven't had enough proof to put together a solid theory on it yet.

10. Jack and Kate are in love. I know I already mentioned this one but when she gets back to the island all pregnant with Jack's love child Sawyer will be out of the picture! woohoo!

Okay hope you all have some thoughts to share because I was left a little confused with this episode! See you next week :)
