Friday, March 14, 2008

Episode Seven - Ji Yeon

Happy Friday friends! So we're officially past the halfway part of this shortened season, and it's flying by so let's get to it!

So this week brought us a Sun-Jin centric episode! Sun had growing concerns that the boaties weren't going to rescue them so she made an executive decision to trek to Locke's camp and stay on the island despite Juliet's warnings of certain death if she stayed. Her plan was foiled however when Juliet learned of it and tried to stop her by spilling her secret of infidelity to Jin. This brought on a flash forward of Sun giving birth to a healthy baby girl post island. We also see Jin rushing like a mad man to get to who we think is Sun but scratch that, it's actually a flashback to pre-island times and Jin is running an errand for Paik Automotives. We then learn that Jin has since died and Hurley comforts Sun with the new baby while they visit Jin's grave. Back on the boat, Desmond and Sayid are finally allowed to visit the captain who is very forthcoming with information about his crew and the reason they are there- Ben Linus. We also see an appearance from the janitor aka Michael who we are to assume is Ben's contact on the boat. Other happenings on the boat include one of the crew member's suicide over the side of the boat and no one really moving to help her. Also we see blood stains on the wall from a previous murder or suicide. All good stuff!

1. Tricky tricky lost. A flash forward AND a flashback! I admit, i was confused at first but clearly the flashback was of the old Jin, which he was referencing himself when him and Sun were talking in the tent. They had me with the whole Panda deal, i thought he was rushing to Sun's side. And i briefly thought he had since divorced her and re-married, but why would he still be working for Mr. Paik then?

2. Sad times we lost Jin, didn't see that one coming. I guess we will find out how he died in future episodes. So does this mean he is an Oceanic Six or no? I thought he was the final oceanic six but maybe he died before then, although that wouldn't explain why his body was buried wherever they are. Also, I'm pretty sure his tombstone read 2004, which is when the plane crashed, and it's currently Christmas time on the island so he either dies like tomorrow, or that freaky time thing is going on. Or they lied and said he died in the plane crash. I have to go back and look at the tombstone but if it said 9-22-04 then he is not an Oceanic 6!

3. Sun is just really pretty, great casting.

4. Juliet - god she still sucks, I mean I know she told Jin Sun's secret for Sun's protection but she just wants people to hate her. She is miserable!

5. Woah Michael on the boat! I was convinced that was too obvious and they would throw us someone else, I was hoping patchy! I wish they hadn't had his name in the credits so we would have been more surprised. Haha and he's a janitor! Serves him right for being such a jerk on the island! And where is his precious Walt that he needed so badly? And what exactly is he doing on the boat? He's obviously trying to keep it there by ruining the engines and communications room but for what purpose? You would think Ben wants them gone, UNLESS he wants them all to go crazy, run out of food, die, etc. But they do have a helicopter to get to the island so who knows. And don't you think Michael would try to destroy that?

6. So those boaties really want Ben huh? We also get a confirmation to a suspicion we all had that Charles Whidmore is behind the boat's mission. Also we learned that there actually was wreckage that was discovered as Oceanic 815 and that Ben was behind it. The captain had a point, how does he have the resources to pull off something like that? And he clearly isn't working with Charles Whidmore, so what kind of beef does Caleb, oh scratch that- OC reference, Charles Whidmore have with Ben?

7. So the boat seems like a really gross place to be. How the heck are mice there? Speaking from recent experience with mice, i would be jumping off that boat and swimming for shore. And the captain is trying to blame it on cabin fever? i don't think so! I can't even speculate about what's happening. But what i do like is the hottness of the captain! yowsas!

8. Oh and last week I forgot to speculate that in the video that Ben showed to Locke, of Mr Whidmore holding someone captive, it looks like Patchy! Haha I'm grasping at strings here to have him come back. Also another thing I wanted to mention was Myles, is he still chewing on that grenade?

9. They threw us a fun little hint in that Nikki's TV show Expose was playing in Sun's room when she went in to labor!

10. I would really like a Jack-centric episode soon, i miss his hottness! Also I loved that Kate still wanted to tell Jack that Sun was leaving. She loves him, he loves her. end of story! :)

okay, well until next week!


Unknown said...

Obvioulsy I have to post a comment here :)

How the heck did anyone see the date on the tombstone? I could have sworn it was in Korean. But I read it another site as well, so I do believe it reads as you suggest.

So the Oceanic 6 are saying that Jin died in the crash... how could Sun have conceived on the island? Doesn't anyone do the math on the pregnancy?? And my own personal opinion is that Jin is still alive and kicking on the island. Obvioulsy there will be an emotional goodbye between Sun and Jin, where Jin insists that Sun leave because it isn't safe for her to stay on the island while she is pregnant - and the Sun says she won't leave w/o Jin, but eventually she does....

Anyway, this isn't my blog so I'm going to shuttup, haha. But Jin is definitely alive!

Love the blog B, and happy birthday again! Lost gave you a great episode for your 24th bday, haha...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sarah. Jin is totally alive on the island.

Someone I work with mentioned that in Korean (I can't swear to this, because I don't read Korean) that the markings said 9-22-04 which is when the plane crashed. And also that there was a marking that implied an empty grave.

So Jin is still on the island, but as part of the massive Oceanic 6 cover up - they're acting like he died in the crash.

Note - Sun said "I miss you so much", not "I miss you so much because you're DEAD!"


Anonymous said...

I agree with you girlies! Jin is alive on the island! I don't really have any proof I just think it would be really sad if they killed him off! But that just leaves one thing...who is the final of the oceanic six???

also hats off to my friend locash for knowing that it was michael on the ship, he was the first to alert me of that theory!

also, briggs, i know you thought the blood on the wall was cool, but i was seriously grossed out!! yuuuck.