Thursday, March 6, 2008

Episode Three - The Economist

Hello Friends!

Okay so many things to be happy about, it’s Friday, I have a 1pm dismissal today, and LOST was fantastic last night! So here it is, my ten point list. Feel free to comment on whatever you want!

1. First things first, Jack and Kate. Loved the scene where she said “now you know how it feels to be me” and Jack retorted with a “well should I wait twenty minutes and go anyway?” They love each other, end of story. I was so sad at the end of the episode when Jack thought Kate chose to stay, I can’t wait to until he finds out she’s being held prisoner there. It really breaks my heart. Haha.

2. Hurley – I can’t believe he set Sayid up like that? And how did Sayid, assassin/knower of everything, fall for it? He usually sees those things coming from a mile away! Hurley was a very convincing liar, I was surprised when team Locke showed up. Also Hurley gets the prize for best line of the night when he meets Miles and says, “Oh great, the boat brought us another Sawyer.” haha

3. Kate – I loved that she called out to Sayid right away when Sawyer showed up, it shows her loyalty to Jack. She’s clearly still pissed about Sawyer choosing team Locke and I think the steamy scenes we saw from the previews will be Kate trying to manipulate Sawyer so she can escape and get back to Jack, either that or it’s my wishful thinking.

4. Losties vs. Boaties. The end scene with Ben I will get to but I want to start with this division. I think that somehow, like it was losties vs the others, the main focus for the end of the series will be losties vs boaties. Somehow six losties get off the island. And they had to do something big to get off, and they are now protectors of the people still on the island. They are now battling the boat people who are trying to find the people still on the island. Sayid is somehow manipulated into being on Ben’s team to kill the boaties so that he can protect the losties still on the island. That alludes to the secret that Jack didn’t want Hurley to tell. For some reason, all the losties are safer on the island, away from the boaties, and the oceanic six need to keep it quiet, and Sayid needs to assassinate all the people who are trying to find them. I hope that makes sense, I’m sure that’s what most of you were thinking anyways.

5. Ben – it was obvious but I couldn’t believe he was Sayid’s boss. We should have seen it coming when Sayid mentioned that the day he trusted Ben would be the day he sold his soul. So, basically we know they did something huge to get off the island. Ben clearly comes and goes form the island, hence the secret room with passports and money and suits, and he has been battling these boaties for a while now. I just can’t wait to see how he is blackmailing Sayid to assassinate people. Also, Ben is a doctor now?

6. Sayid’s Flash-forward – I knew he was playing that girl the whole time but I didn’t expect him to show feelings for her. That was an intense end scene but clearly he should have seen it coming. I was hoping he was going to follow her to her employer. Who is this elusive employer of hers? I think it’s got to be the guy who went to visit Hurley in the institution, and he is creepy as hell. When Sayid shot that man on the golf course, I was shocked. Not where I thought it was going. I’m not sure if that guy knew who Sayid was. He looked genuinely freaked out when Sayid said he was an Oceanic Six. I think somehow Sayid lured him out to the golf course and knew he was bad before the guy knew who Sayid was.

7. 31 minute island to boat delay – here is where the freaky island thing comes into play … there is a time lag on the island. I don’t even know how to speculate on that one. But Daniel seemed pretty worried about it. I’m liking Daniel’s character, of the four to come to the island he seems like the most human and could be genuine enough to crack and tell us the truth, unlike Miles who is freaky and a liar.

8. Jack was smoking hot again last night, and I’m still hating Juliet. She’s useless and I hope the boaties dispose of her since she is an original habitant. Also I was happy to see Desmondo again, god I love him, brotha.

9. Sayid and Desmond went off in the end to the boat. Will they find out who Ben’s spy is there? Will we even see them on the boat? I think that would be wishful thinking, maybe at the end of the season, it took us forever to see where the others lived, I don’t think the producers will give us the boaties so soon. We are in need of a central location though, these three episodes have all been scattered.

10. This was one of the best episodes we’ve seen. I’m pumped for next week though, to see how Kate gets out of jail. Maybe we will find out who the elusive “he” is that she was referring to in season 3 finale. Although I’m pretty sure its her old husband, but its clear she and jack have some romance in the future, why else would they have a secret meeting spot by the airport??

Okay well I know that was long, I hope it made some sense. TGIF!


originally emailed on February15, 2008

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